Sunday, July 5, 2009


Cumberland occupied me somewhat the last couple of days. We have been discussing what we have available in terms of resources. I have a number of resources that I would not particularly do lookups for anyone but would look to see if there is value in them buying it. But I also have the Protestation Returns for Eskdale Ward completed now (still needing proofreading though) and can do lookups on them for people. I also want to make a list of the 1604 Land data for Bewcastle and area as that should also be interesting to look at the Routledge family.

Still haven't gotten back to transcribing but soon I will do that. I am quite anxious to get back to Andover and Timberscombe. Both will be difficult that is for sure. What I need are the dark cold days of Canadian winter to inspire me. Having so much sun and blue sky from early morning to after nine in the evening is incredibly distracting plus it is very light to do transcriptions. I work in a slightly darkened area but winter is a better time. I always find that happening as the long day comes.

Tomorrow I shall continue with my genealogical work. Always finding something new and interesting. I happened upon a descendant of my great great Uncle Sidney Rawlings's wife sister. I learned a whole lot about her Sherwood family and have added that to Legacy.

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