Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pincombe and family, Visit to FHC

A two part post today as I am beginning the day by looking once again at my Pincombe family in Bishops Nympton and the families that married into the Pincombe family (I am sure that members of the other families see this exactly opposite :) ).

The Blackemoore family at Bishops Nympton and mine appears to have been there from the beginning of the Parish Registers was initially a puzzle for me. I had found the marriage of Johan Blackemore and John Pincombe and believed them to be the parents of William Pincombe who married Mary Vicary 17 Jun 1685 at Bishops Nympton and they were the parents of two children in as much as I am able to determine. John was baptized 12 Jul 1692 at Bishops Nympton and his sister Joan was buried 26 Mar 1726 but I do not have a baptism for her. Their mother was buried 5 Apr 1726 and all at Bishops Nympton.

Once I established that the chart that I had inherited from the earlier Pincombe researchers was incorrect - the marriage between Grace Manning and John Pincombe was a John Pincombe from a different line - then I was able to move backwards. I determined that the parents of my John Pincombe married to Mary Charley (Charlie) were indeed John Pincombe and Grace Manning since the John Pincombe that was a son of John Pincombe and Catherine Bryer was clearly someone else in the register.

I could then go back to the family of John Pincombe and Johane Blackemore and follow their children's lines which brought me to John Pincombe and Catherine Bryer through a different son. Then I had Johane Blackemore and which one was she. That proved to be quite straightforward that she was the daughter of Anthonie Blackemore (Anthonie was buried just three months before the wedding and the bride's mother is identified as Johane) and his father was Thomas Blackemore who appears on the Devon Visitation of 1620. This visitation lists the ARMS: Or, on a fess between three moors' heads side-faced, couped sable, three crescents argent and CREST: A moor's head erased sable, gorged or.

All these crests are very interesting and I think over time I will accumulate them just for "meat on the bones" of our ancestors. In this case I can trace directly back to the holder of this coat of arms (Thomas Blackemoore). Now that I have worked that through I will add it all to my Pincombe one name study Legacy tree which is slowly growing and will eventually be on my website.

I could photograph all the charts and put them up and may do that one day but for the moment I think they are confusing since I have found some of them inaccurate. They were put together by the earlier researchers using information gleaned first hand from informants. Although interesting, I feel more comfortable with the BMB, will and land information being used to reconstruct family lines. It is easy to mix lines!

My post will continue later with my observations from the Family History Centre as we will be off to there in another hour or so.

I spent the entire three hours on the Hutton Cranswick microfilm. I was able to find the marriage of John Sproxton and Anne Huser in 1659. I am not sure where this Sproxton line is going actually. I did some searching on the Internet last night (I only just learned about my Sproxton line last fall when we went to Salt Lake City and I could see the correct spelling - incorrectly spelled on the IGI) and there was a village called Sproxton in North Riding of Yorkshire which is in the Domesday Book as the King's Land. The Sproxton family seem to be quite old and they lived at Wakefield WRY in the 1500s. The next record to search is the Protestation Returns for Hutton Cranswick to see if the Sproxton family is there in 1641-42. The PRs only go back to the late 1650s. There are three Sproxton males baptizing children in the second quarter of the 1700s - Richard (my ancestor), Isaac and John. I need to keep reading the film to find all the Sproxton entries.

As well on the tape are the PRs for the villages of Skerne, Watton, Beswick, Christ Church - Bridlington Quay, and Burton-Agnes. All of these also interest me so I can see that I shall be quite busy with this tape until it has to go back 19 September 2009. I was unable to find baptisms for Grace Wiles, Margaret Garrit or Anne Husey who are my 6x, 7x and 8x great grandmothers respectively. I was feeling a bit impatient for Driffield PRs to come but I think that the wait will be quite advantageous to let me completely finish this microfilm first. The Bradfield PRs I will look at again before I send it back but there isn't anything in it that can help me to discover if this is my Nathanael Lambden.

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