Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sproxton - Hutton Cranswick

I expect that the Sproxton family will occupy me for a little while in my blog. I updated my legacy file with all the Sproxton entries in the IGI so that I can check them against the Hutton Cranswick film on Tuesday next. I printed off a map of the East Riding of Yorkshire which includes my pertinent parishes - Cherry Burton, Etton, Holme on the Wolds, Lund, Kilnwick on the Wolds, Hutton Cranswick, and Great Driffield. Interesting they all touch on corners or share borders. The Gray, Cobb, Hilton, Sproxton, Stephenson, Aly, Beilby, Harland, Todd, Wiles, Wilkinson, Garrit, Huser, and Cooper lines all live in one or other of these parishes. They form an interesting tree stretching back from Robert Gray Junior with parents Robert Gray Senior and Elizabeth Cobb (my emigrant ancestor who arrived in London Township by 1832). Looking at the other parishes on the Hutton Cranswick microfilm (Beswick, Watton, Skerne, Burton Agnes and Bridlington Quay) may be quite helpful to me with respect to marriages that I can not locate in the other parishes or baptisms - less so Burton Agnes and Bridlington Quay since they do not touch on the other parishes but I will give them a glance anyway :).

I am also starting to read through the three wills from the 1500s that I am going to transcribe. I am looking forward to reading them as they are on the Hinxman family. Although they are from an earlier time period than Eleanor Blake Hinxman they will none the less bring some light to bear on this family in Andover in the 16th century.

We were off for an 11 km bicycle ride early this morning just to start our day off. It was cool for an early August morning actually but our weather this summer has been very wet and cooler than usual. However, I will not complain - the gardens and lawns are beautiful this year.

I also did my short research note for the BIFHSGO journal which was due last week but we were away and then I forgot when I got back home. Thank goodness for email reminders. Today my first publication in an English genealogical journal was published (Cumbria Journal) and it is the Protestation Returns for Lanercost. I actually have transcribed every parish in the Eskdale Ward and will eventually get them proofread and can publish them if they want or simply give them to the Cumbria Record Office.

This evening we had everyone over for a barbeque and to plan the engagement party for our youngest and her husband to be. We have that all done and just need to put in our order. The dogs had a great time and enjoyed their steak.

My sister pointed out a possible error in the Carling tree. I had put this together about five years ago when I first started genealogy and had the material from another researcher. The tombstone says that Hannah Carling Beverley's parents were John and Ann not Thomas and Elizabeth as I had understood. I do find a patron entry for parents of Hannah Carling Beverley of John Carling and Ann Hodgson from Rowley (three parishes below Cherry Burton). I really have no idea on that. Thomas and Elizabeth married at Etton just 10 months before Hannah was born but her baptism isn't recorded at Etton so somewhat suspicious. I will put that one on the back burner for when we return to Salt Lake City. I have a lower interest these days in the Carling line as it is a collateral line to my own and I was researching it to see if I could learn more about the Gray family through it but actually I uncovered all the details directly at Salt Lake City and didn't need the assistance of a collateral line.

Tomorrow I shall work on the will transcriptions and finish preparing to go into the LDS on Tuesday. I want to have a list of all the Sproxton and collateral entries that I have not yet verified. I was very pleased to get back another two generations at Hutton Cranswick and would like to find the information for Grace Wiles, Margaret Garrit and Anne Huser and their parents/grandparents if possible. This microfilm has certainly provided a number of interesting pieces of information.

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