Friday, August 14, 2009

Sproxton - Watton and Skerne

I returned to the Family History Library yesterday to continue imaging the pertinent details for the Sproxton family at Hutton Cranswick up to 1800 and also to collect images of the Skerne and Watton Parish Registers. I took 394 images in total and will now start to look at these two parishes with respect to my family lines. This has proven to be an interesting search back in time as I have verified my line back to John Sproxton (the elder) married to Isobel and they had three known children: John Sproxton (the younger or junior) married to Ann Simpson 5 Jan 1659 at Hutton Cranswick and who was buried 8 Apr 1714 at Hutton Cranswick, Margarett married to Marmaduke Huwbanke12 May 1668 at Hutton Cranswick, and Francis who was buried 2 Sep 1657 at Hutton Cranswick (impossible to determine his age at that time).

Margaret Garrit (wife of Richard Sproxton (the elder)) was from Rotsea - from Genuki: "ROTSEA, in the parish of Hutton Cranswick, and wapentake of Harthill; 2¾ miles E. of Hutton Cranswick, 6 miles SE. of Driffield. Pop. 23."

I reviewed the entries for Sproxton in the parish registers for Hutton Cranswick and can firmly say that Richard Sproxton junior married Dorothy English and that Elizabeth and Dorothy baptized in 1717 and 1719 respectively are their first two children.

I copied the parish registers for Skerne and Watton to look further at on my computer where I can zoom in and the reading is a little easier. The early registers are in latin. I am hoping to find some of my lines - Garrit, English, Sproxton, Simpson - perhaps there. Time will tell.

We went for an 11 K bike ride this morning and then I was off shopping for the items needed for the engagement party for your youngest daughter. It will be very pleasant I am sure and then the preparations for the wedding in mid-December. A very busy time ahead for all of us. My eldest is off to Wisconsin to begin her assistant professorship there and we will miss her of course. But it is exciting to see her heading off into her academic career that she has worked so hard to achieve. The defense of her thesis being the final step (and its submission to the Faculty all accomplished) and now she can head into her interesting research and teaching portfolio.

Now I need to get back to my transcriptions and work on my lecture to update it although that will not be a rush. Closer to the beginning of September to produce my handouts from my already prepared slides and then do the updates right at the end before the lecture so that it is timely. I am looking forward to giving it as it is my last and I shan't have to do that again!

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