Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hemsley and Roland in Surrey

Continuing to check out the online catalogue for Surrey and looking at Hemsley and Roland whilst emailing back and forth with my cousin in England, the Roland/Rowland family gradually was teased out of the records. Elizabeth (my 4x great grandmother married to Henry Beard) we have concluded is the daughter of Matthew Hemsley and Mary Coal (married 14 Dec 1740 at St Mary, Newington, Southwark, Surrey) and born 16 Oct 1742 in Newington and baptized Nov 1742 at St Mary Newington. We know she married Henry Beard 31 Mar 1766 at St Mary Magdalen in Bermondsey, Surrey and was buried 22 Jul 1781 at St Mary Magdalen.

Elizabeth had three siblings: Mary  baptized 23 Aug 1741 at St Mary Newington and buried by 1750 (no record found yet), George baptized 20 Jul 1744 St Mary Newington and Mary baptized 14 Feb 1750 at St Mary Newington. We also have found that Mary (Coal) Hemsley was buried 27 Apr 1753 at St Mary Newington.

The parents of Matthew appear to be John Hemsley and Martha Roland who were married 6 Feb 1704 at St Mary Le Bow London with an interesting contract developed just after the marriage:

System ID     212/74/2/1/1
SHC Reference     212/74/2
Title     Lease, Release, and settlement made prior to marriage of John Hemsley and Martha Roland

1) John Hemsley of St Saviour's, Southwark, cheesemonger

2) Martha Roland of Morden, spinster, daughter of John Roland of Morden, gentleman, deceased

3) Thomas Cooke, citizen and baker of London

4) Peter Batt of Morden, yeoman.

Messuage or tenement, barn, stable, outhouses, buildings, garden and orchards, Wallis Mead of 5a, and the 2 Bushy Closes of 10a, in Morden, formerly occupied by Anne Greenewell, purchased by John Roland from Daniel Ballow of Camberwell, gentleman, fourth share in premises in Winsborough, Kent
Date     31 Jan 1705 -1 Feb 1705
Catalogue Level     Item

and another in 1723

System ID     212/74/2/1/2
SHC Reference     212/74/3
Title     Assignment of term of 2,000 years

1) John Jackson of Southwark, pewterer

2) John Hemsley, late of Camberwell, now of St Saviour's, Southwark, gentleman.

Wallis Mead and Bushy Closes of 15a in Morden
Date     22 Feb 1723
Catalogue Level     Item

 Then the following in 1745 (widow Hemsley is in the last line of the formal contract):

System ID     K85/2/1/1/49
SHC Reference     K85/2/51-52
Title     Lease and release to make a tenant to precipe and to lead the uses of a common recovery

1) Richard Garth of Mordon alias Morden, esq
2) Edward Dickinson of St Clement Danes, Middlesex, gent
3) Walter Hargrave of St Clement Danes, gent.

Property in Morden, Merton, Mitcham Malden and Carshalton comprising:

Manor of Mordon alias Morden, advowson of Mordon, capital messuage or mansion house in Mordon alias Morden, Horslees alias Horsemead (4a) and Swine Mead (3a), grouts Mead alias the Island (3a), Rushy Mead (3a), Wormwood Yard (1a), Land planted with oziers, Great Barrells (10a), Barn Close (5a), Little Barrells (5a), all in Mordon and Merton;

Graves Farm in Mordon and lands usually demised with it: Home Close (1½a), Longmead adjoining Hobalds mead (3a), 6a adjoining Hillyfields (8a), slip (1r) between freehold close and Twyrie Land, all in Mordon;

messuage in Mordon, a little close (3a), a pightle (3a), ground between Garmans and the churchyard, Great Churchfield (12a), Little Churchfield (11a), Upper Gallows field (14a), Lower Gallows field (12½a), Gallows mead (2½a), Lower Copps and little close (6a), 4½a by Lower Gallows field, Wood Close (6a), Longhill (16a), Garmans with 1a at its lower end and ½a exchanged with William Quarrington (8½a), Great Hobalds (14½a), Hobalds Mead (9½a), Gallows Grove (6a), Langhill wood (8½a), Vicars Bush alias Copps (3a), all in Mordon;

messuage in Lower Mordon, Winters (1a), 2a by Hobalds mead Bridge, Westhaws (3a), all in Lower Morden;

messuage with Lands: Barn Close (4a) Long Close (4a), Wikefield (7½a), Suthwells (5½a) the two slips (4a), Hillyfield (6½a), all in Mordon [Morden]; messuage, the twelve acres, Meedon [close] (16½a) Little Snakeshill (2a 3r), Great Snakehill (6a), Grubbs Close (7½a), Larklease (1½a), Long Cumberstroude (3½a), Gate Close (3a) the three Acres (3a 3r), the Pightles now called the lower five acres (5a 3r), Little Cumberstroude (3a), Lower Cumberstroude (6a), Bottom Comon mead (5a) all in Mordon;

Bushy Close (8½a), 2½a adjoining Longclose (2½a) all in Mordon; messuage, pightle adjoining (1a 3r), Newberry Close (4a 1r), Little Hobald (14a), all in Mordon; Martyrs between Bowhill and Coomberstroude Ruffett, Farm on the Common of Mordon;

messuage called Noonings and 58a belonging (field names given), in Morden: messuage, pightle (½a), Winters (2½a), Paper West haws (4½a), Lower West haws (3a), 2a lying east upon Cheam Common;

messuage and farmhouse in Mordon, 12a adjoining Mead Close (5a), 6a adjoining inclosed out of the Comon Mead, Short Hill (4a), Hawkes (5r), New Orchard (2a), Hawks Mead (2a), Rale mead (4a), Hungerhill (7a), Southfields (20a), Hungerhill (5a), 1½a adjoining Pilfords Bridge, Hungerhill Ruffett (3a), Coomberstroude Rufflett alias Wood Close (5a), 15a in the lower shott in Bowhill, 7a in the upper shott in Bowhill, 4a in the upper shott between Bowhill and Coomberstroude Ruffett, Franks Farm and 1 messuage, 2½a adjoining, 9½a in Southfield adjoining, New Close (3a 3r), Great Cobshaw (5½a), Sutton Ash (2½a), 6a inclosed out of Southfield [Common], 4a at Hungerhill, Bushy Close (5a) little Spotts (7a), Great Spotts (9a 3r), Sutton Ash (8a), Cobshaws (4a 1r), Riddons (2a 3r) all in Mordon;

24½a formerly Conigree field and Merton Church field, in Merton; messuage in Stoyle street in Mordon and 1a messuage, Old Orchard (2a), five acres (6½a), New Close (9½a), Stonebridge (4½a), Cobsham (1½a), all in Mordon;

messuage and shop and one other messuage, Great Waterdons (10a) and Newberrys (4a), all in Mordon; Messuage in Lower Mordon, Mackerrell [pightle] adjoining (1a), Freehold Close (4a), Highfield and land adjoining (7a), ½a adjoining to the Common Mead, all in Lower Morden;

messuage and 5a in Churchfield in Mordon; messuage, pightle (1a), Seven Acres, the three acres, Watertons (17a), Hookleys (16a), 5a lately woodland, Watertons (17a), 15a, great Hookleys (17½a), Withy Close (7a), the five acres, Wells his pightle (1½a), Great Merton (12a 3r), all in Merton;

2 small messuages in Great Redlands, Great Redlands and little Redlands (15a), Watertons by Watertons Green (6a), Mill Mead (7a 3r), Crabtree mead (5½a), Arnolds Mead (2½a), 3 slips (9a 4r), all in Merton and Mordon and Mitcham;

Mansion House in upper Mordon, 7a adjoining New Close (7a), Malthaws (8a), Hilly Close (8a), the Little Mead (1a), the four acres, Chaulwood Close (4a), Pond or Brick Close (4a), Longmead (4a), Stonebridge Close (4a), Six Acres Close, Pightle (2½a), Gildenhill (5a) Hobald 178a (field names given);

messuage and 16a in Mordon; ground occupied by Widow Hemsley in Mordon; ½a in Boxwells all other real property of R Garth in Mordon, Mitcham, Merton, Maldon [Malden] and Carshalton devised by will, 15 May 1697
Date     6-7 Jun 1745
Catalogue Level     Item

The Parish Registers of Morden provide a few interesting memorials:

On a white marble tablet in the recess of the second window :
40. Near this place lyeth interr'd the body of John Roland,
Gent., late of this parish who departed this life the 18th
day of October Anno Domini 1700, in the 58th year of his
age. Also the body of John Roland son of the said John
Roland and Elizabeth his wife who departed this life the
14th day of November Anno Domini 1691 in the 17th
year of his age. Likewise the body of Thomas Roland
son of the said John and Elizabeth Roland who dyed an
Infant. Also Rowland Hemsley who died July y
e 30th
aged 33.
Arms.—able, a pile wavy Argent.
Crest.—n eagle with a ball.

The coat of arms/crest mentioned above also appear in the Visitation of the Rowland family which is rather interesting as well. I pulled all the children out of the Morden register for the Roland family living there and includes Martha Roland who married John Hemsley.

John bc 1674 buried 21 Nov 1691 at Morden (17 years of age)
Rebekah baptized 29 Sep 1676 at Morden
Martha baptized 20 Dec 1677 at Morden
Hannah baptized 4 Apr 1679 at Morden buried 13 Apr 1704 at Morden
Thomas baptized 15 Oct 1680 at Morden buried 17 Oct 1680 at Morden
Jane baptized 23 Jul 1682 at Morden
I also downloaded the will of John Roland (father of Martha) and Martha was named as one of his executors along with Hannah in 1702. 
Since there was a Rowland Hemsley mentioned on their tablet was this a son of Martha married to John Hemsley? Rowland was 33 when he was buried 3 Aug 1746 (died 30 Jul 1746 age 33 years). He would have been born circa 1713. 

The children I have currently for Martha and John Hemsley (married 6 Feb 1704):

Martha baptized 28 Jun 1709 St Saviour Brixton
John Roland baptized 3 Apr 1711 St Saviour Brixton
Susanna baptized 17 Sep 1712 St Saviour Brixton

The Registers of St Saviour Brixton are held at the London Metropolitan Archives and that is a trip for another time. 

Although I find the connection from John Hemsley/Martha Roland to Matthew to Elizabeth Hemsley tentative it is quite fascinating to look at it and verifying the truth of this relationship will be a future item. I did purchase John Roland's will and will put the transcription up online in the near future. However, I think I will wait to buy the wills of Hannah Roland and Elizabeth Roland (mother) to a later date. If I am not related, I do not want to spend a lot of time researching individual lines without the linkage proven.

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