Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Will of Thomas Blake, Stowoade, South Newton - SWRO P2/2 Reg/100 B, probated 24 Mar 1549/50

Thomas is the husband of Alice who has left her will and it is transcribed in the blog:

This earlier will captures the family in its entirey as Alice only mentions her son William (his son John), Mariam and a general reference to her children's children. Her will dated 20 Oct 1566 is seventeen years later so she has lived a long time after her husband. This family is Thomas and Alice Blake with children William, Johane, John and Maryan. The question of who is Edmund Sowthery is perhaps obvious on a second read and that is Marian was perhaps married to (unknown) Sowthery. So Edmund Sowthery is her grandson. John Blake is a witness to this will of Thomas as he was to Alice Blake's will although Thomas makes William Boldye supervisor.

It is always nice to connect wills and certainly Thomas, William and John continue to be forenames for the Blake family found at South Newton. There are wills for William Blake that might help to continue the linkage.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 23 Oct 2012
Source:  Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P2/2Reg/100B
Name of testator: Thomas Blake
Place: Stowoade, South Newton, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:  13 Nov 1549, 24 Mar 1549 (old style)
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 16th century, middle English, legible
[top] Test[a]m[ent] Thome Blake de Stowvode in p[ar]ishe Southe Newton
[Margin] Blake B

1    In the name of god Amen the xiij th daye of Nove[m]bre the
2    yere of o[u]r lorde god M ccccc xlix I Thomas Blake of Stowvode in the
3    p[ar]ysshe of sowthe newton beying sycke yn bodye and hoole of mynde of good and
4    p[er]fyte memorye do make my testament and last will in man[ner] and forme
5    folowyng First I gyve and bequeathe my sowle to Almyghtie god my boodye
6    to be buryed in the churchyarde of Newton aforesaide It[em[ I gyve and
7    bequeathe to my parysshe churche of Newton one shepe It[e]m I gyve and bequeathe
8    to Will[ia]m my sonne one akar of wheate and one of Barley It[e]m to Robert
9    Johan[e] John and Maryan xx ti shepe It[e]m to Joh[a]n[e] and Maryan a Hayffer
10    It[e]m to ev[er]y one of my godchyldrene iiij d The resydew of my goods not geve[n]
11    nor bequeathed I gyve and bequeathe to Alys my wyfe whom I make my sole
12    executrix It[e]m I ordeyne and make Will[ia]m Boldye sup[er]visor and ov[er]seer of thys
13    my last will and testament Thes beyng witness John Blake Richard
14    Carpenter w[i]t[h] others

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