Monday, January 21, 2013

Will of Nathaniel Bever of Basingstoke, Esquire - The National Archives PROB 11/1110/41, probated 13 Nov 1783

Again another one of my lines is the Bever family of Goodworth Clatford and Upper Clatford Hampshire. I imaged this will just out of curiosity. This particular Bever family of Basingstoke consists of Nathaniel Bever married to Jenny Anne with children Jenny Anne baptized 1 Mar 1739, Henrietta Maria baptized 28 Apr 1741, Nathaniel baptized 22 Dec 1746 at Basingstoke and Molly baptized 12 Aug 1751 at Saint Martin in the Fields, Westminster, London. Nathaniel the son must have died as he is not mentioned in the will. His daughter Henrietta is 42 years of age when he writes this will which if you are reading the will is surprising due to his comments therein.

There is an entry in the IGI for a marriage of Nathaniel Beaver to Jenny Ann Dalton 9 May 1737 in Westminster, Middlesex. The spelling of Beaver is interesting because my family used Bever /Beaver interchangeably in the records (at least the priest recording events did).

For my own line I have Anthony Beaver/Bever married Susanna Johnson 20 Jul 1710 at Upper Clatford and they were both buried at Upper Clatford Anthony 11 Oct 1724 and Susanna 3 Apr 1736. They were not baptized at Upper Clatford. Their children: Dinah baptized Jun 1712 at Upper Clatford and buried there 7 May 1783 married to Clement Coleman who owned/managed an Inn at Goodworth Clatford although he too was buried 8 Feb 1753 at Upper Clatford. I have not yet found their marriage lines but I haven't transcribed Goodworth Clatford records yet (fiche ready and waiting :) ). Their other children were Susannah (buried 7 Mar 1764 at Upper Clatford) and Thomas baptized 12 May 1717 at Upper Clatford and buried there 1 Dec 1732. Susannah did not marry so the only descendants of this couple are my Coleman ancestors.

Nathaniel has left a seven page will so I wondered if he might mention any of his cousins/siblings. Hence my interest in transcribing this will. There is one other Bever will (from 1618) to transcribe as I move through the wills that my husband and I imaged at Kew in October 2010.

William Withers Pink Garret was baptized 12 Oct 1769 at Saint Maurice, Winchester and the son of William Garret. William Withers Pink Garrett married Maria (unknown) and they had two children baptized at Milton Lilbourne Wiltshire - William Bever 17 Jan 1807 and Eliza Ann baptized 23 Dec 1805 also at Milton Lilbourne Wiltshire with mother Maria.

Interesting will and the last probate gives admon to the three daughters because the two executors have died with the last one dying intestate so the court picks residuary legatees. Eventually the estate must have passed to William Bever Garret if he survived to the age of 21 years. However, nothing learned about my Bever family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1110/41
Testator: Nathaniel Bever, Esquire
Place: Basingstoke, Hampshire, England
Date of document:7 Jan 1783, probated 13 Nov 1783
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Nathaniel
[Margin]: Bever

1    I Nathaniel Bever of Basingstoke in the
2    County of Southampton Esquire do make ordain this my last
3    Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) First I
4    order and direct all and singular my just Debts Funeral and
5    Testamentary Expences to be fully satisfied and paid by my
6    Executors hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after
7    my decease and I do hereby ratify and confirm a certain Deed of
8    Settlement made on my intermarriage with Jenny Ann my late
9    deceased wife Also I Give and Bequeath the Sum of one hundred
10    pounds unto and to be equally divided between my Daughters
11    Jenny Ann, Henrietta Maria, and Molly and my Son in Law
    [Page 2]
12    John Thompson Esquire or such of them as shall be living at my
13    decease for the purpose of buying their mourning and or
14    for and concerning all and singular my Freehold Messuages or
15    Tenements Lands hereditaments and premises situate lying and
16    being in the Counties of Middlesex Kent and Southampton with
17    their and every of their appurtenances and all other my Real Estates
18    either in possession Reversion Remainder or Expecta[t]ion within the
19    Kingdom of Great Britain and also all the Residue of my Goods
20    Chattles Monies Securities for Monies and personal Estate of what
21    nature or kind soever and wheresoever that I shall be possessed of
22    at the time of my decease which shall remain after answering
23    satisfying and paying my said just debts Funeral and Testamentary
24    Expences and the Sum of One hundred pounds above mentioned I
25    Give devise and bequeath the same and every part and parcel
26    thereof unto my Nephews Thomas Bever of Doctors Commons in
27    the said County of Middlesex Doctor of Laws and Samuel Bever
28    of Mortimer in the County of Berks Esquire their heirs
29    Executors administrators and assigns Upon Trust that they the
30    said Thomas Bever and Samuel Bever or the Survivor of them
31    his heirs Executors administrators and assigns do and shall as
32    soon as conveniently may be after my decease by auction or
33    otherwise sole and dispose of all my said Real Estates and also all
34    such parts of the said Residue of my Goods Chattels personal Estate
35    and Effects as shall not at my Death consist of ready Money or
36    be laid out or invested in the public stocks or Funds or upon
37    Government or Real Securities at Interest for the Most Money
38    and best price and prices that can or may be reasonably had
39    or gotten for the same and also collect receive and get in all such
40    Debts and Sumes of Money due and owing to me at my Death or
41    such Real Securities or otherwise (except a certain Bond debt
42    hereinafter mentioned) which shall not then be laid out or invested
43    in such Stocks Funds or Government Securities as aforesaid and
44    Do and shall lay out and invest the Monies which shall arise by
45    such Sale or Sales and Disposition and also the Monies which
46    shall be so collected received and gotten in as aforesaid and likewise
47    my ready Money at my death in one or more of the Public
48    Stocks Funds or Government Securities at Interest and do and shall
49    from and immediately after my decease stand and be possessed of and
50    interested in all such Stocks Funds and Government Securities
52    wherein or upon which any part or parts of my personal Estate
53    shall be invested or placed at the time of my decease And also of
54    all such stocks Funds Government Securities wherein or upon
55    which all of any part of parts of the Monies aforesaid shall be
56    after my death laid out or invested and the Dividends Interest or
57    produce of all and every such stocks Funds and Government
58    Securities as aforesaid Upon the Trusts and for the Intents and
59    `purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisoes
60    Limitations and Declarations hereinafter mentioned expressed and
61    contained of and concerning the same or any part of parts thereof
62    (that is to say) Upon trust that they the said Thomas Bever and
63    Samuel Bever and the survivor of them his Executors
64    administrators or assigns so and shall pay one third part of the
    [Page 3]
65    Dividends Interest or produce of the Stocks Funds or Government
66    Securities aforesaid as often as the same shall become due and be
67    received unto each of my said daughters Jenny Ann (the wife of the
68    said John Thompson) Henrietta Maria Bever and Molly Bever for
69    and during the term of their respective natural lives to and for their
70    respective use and Disposal without the controul or intermeddling or
71    being subject to the Debts of Engagements of any husband either of them
72    now hath or may hereafter intermarry with and the Receipts of my said
73    daughters respectively shall only be effectual and sufficient discharge
74    and Discharges for their said respective parts or shares of the said
75    Dividends Interest or produce or so much or such part of parts thereof
76    as shall be therein respectively acknowledged and expressed to be
77    received and from and immediately after the decease of my said
78    daughter Jenny Ann Then as to one third part of the said
79    Dividends Interest or produce of the Stocks Funds or Government
80    Securities aforesaid Upon trust to pay the same unto my kinsman
81    William Withers Pincke Garret (son of my Nephew William Garret
82    late of Worting in the said County of Southampton Esquire deceased)
83    and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life and from
84    and immediately after his decease Then as to the said third part
85    of the said dividends Interest or produce upon Trust to pay and
86    apply the same to and for the use and Benefit of the heir Male of
87    the Body of the said William Wither Pincke Garrett lawfully begotten
88    until he shall attain the age of twenty one years and when and
89    as soon as such heir Male shall have attained that age Then
90    as to one third part of the said Stocks Funds and Government
91    Securities Upon trust to transfer and assign the same to each heir
92    Male of the Body of the said William Withers Pincke Garret to and
93    for his sole and only use Benefit and Disposal and from
94    and immediately after the decease of her my said daughter
95    Henrietta Maria Then as to one other third part of the said
96    Dividend Interest or produce of the Stocks Funds and Government
97    Securities aforesaid Upon Trust to pay and apply the same to and
98    for the use and Benefit of the heir Male of the Body of her my
99    said Daughter Henrietta Maria lawfully begotten by any husband
100    (except as herein after men[t]ioned) she may intermarry by and with
101    the consent and approbation in writing of my said Trustees or
102    the Survivor of them his Executors or administrators under their
103    or his hands and seals or hand and seal until such heir Male
104    shall attain the age of twenty one years and when and so soon
105    as he shall have attained that age Then as to one other third part of the
106    said Stocks Funds and Government Securities Upon Trust to Transfer
107    and assign the same to such heir Male of the Body of my said
108    daughter Henrietta Maria to and for his Sole and only use
109    Benefit and Disposal And from and immediately after the decease
110    of her my said Daughter Molly Then as to the remaining third
111    part of the said Dividends Interest or produce of the Stocks Funds
112    and Government Securities aforesaid Upon Trust to pay and
113    apply the same to and for the use and Benefit of the heir Male of
114    the Body of her my said Daughter Molly lawfully begotten by any
115    husband she may intermarry (by and with such the like consent
116    and approbation in writing of my said Trustees as hereinbefore
    [Page 4]
117    men[t]ioned until such heir Male shall attain the age of twenty-
118    one years And when and so soon as he shall attain that age
119    Then as to the remaining third part of the said Stocks Funds
120    and Government Securities Upon Trust to transfer and assign the
121    same to such heir Male of the Body of my said Daughter
122    Molly to and for his Sole and only use Benefit and Disposal But
123    in case either of my said Daughters Henrietta Maria and Molly
124    should happen to die without leaving such heir Male as
125    aforesaid or leaving such he should happen to die under the
126    said age of twenty one years Then as to the third part of the
127    said Dividends Interest and produce and the third part of the
128    said Stocks Funds and Government Securities so respectively
129    limitted to such my Daughter and her heir Male dyeing as aforesaid
130    upon Trust to pay and apply transfer and assign the same respectively
131    unto the survivor of them my said Daughters and such her heir
132    Male in the same manner and to and for the same uses Intents
133    and purposes in every respect as is and are hereasbefore mentioned and expressed
134    with respect to of for or concerning one other third part thereof
135    respectively herein before expressly limited to such surviving
136    Daughter and such her heir Male as aforesaid And in case the
137    said William Wither Pincke Garrett should happen to die in the
138    life time of my said Daughter Jenny Ann or surviving her should
139    happen to die without leaving such heir Male as aforesaid or
140    leaving such he should happen to die under the said age of
141    twenty one years Then as to the third part of the said Dividends
142    Interest and Produce and the third part of the said Stocks Funds
143    and Government Securities as respectively limitted to my said
144    Daughter Jenny Ann the said William Withers Pincke Garrett
145    and such his heir Male as aforesaid Upon Trust to pay and
146    apply transfer and assign the same respectively unto my said
147    Daughters Henrietta Maria and Molly and their respective
148    heirs Male in the same manner and to and for the same uses
149    Intents and purposes in every respect as is and are hereasbefore
150    particularly mentioned and expressed with respect to of for or
151    concerning the other two third parts thereof respectively hereinbefore
152    expressly limitted to them my said Daughters Henrietta Maria and
153    Molly and their respective heirs Male as aforesaid But in case
154    both my said Daughters Henrietta Maria and Molly should
155    happen to die without leaving such heir Male as aforesaid or
    both or either leaving such they or he should happen to die under
156    the said age of twenty one years Then as to the two third parts
157    of the said Dividends Interest and produce and the two third parts
158    of the said Stocks Funds and Government Securities hereinbefore
159    limitted to them and the Survivor of them and their heirs Male
160    respectively and the Survivor of such heirs Male as aforesaid
161    Upon Trust to pay and apply Transfer and Assign the same
162    respectively unto the said William Wither Pincke Garrett and
163    such his heir Male in the same manner and to and for the
164    same uses Intents and Purposes in every respect as is and are
165    hereinbefore particularly mentioned and expressed with respect to
166    of for or concerning the other third part thereof respectively
167    hereinbefore expressly limitted to him the said William Wither
    [Page 5]
168    Pincke Garret and his said heir Male after the Decease of my
169    said daughter Jenny Ann as aforesaid But in case my said
170    Daughters Henrietta Maria and Molly and the said William
171    Wither Pincke Garrett should all happen to die without either of
172    them leaving such heir Male as aforesaid or all any or either
173    of them leaving such they or him should happen to die under
174    the said age of twenty one years Then as to all the said Stocks
175    Funds and Government Securities hereinbefore mentioned upon
176    Trust to transfer and assign the same to such person or persons
177    of the surname of Bever who shall at the time of such
178    contingency happening be possessed of and intitled to the Estate
179    at Mortimer aforesaid now the property and in the possession
180    of my said Nephew Samuel Bever which has for many
181    Generations been the property and in the possession of the Bever
182    Family to and for the sole and only proper use Benefit and Disposal
183    of such person or persons of the Surname of Bever as possessed
184    of the said Estate at the time aforesaid provided always
185    nevertheless and I do hereby declare it to be my express will
186    desire order and direction that if my said Daughter Henrietta
187    Maria Bever shall at any time during my life or after my
188    decease intermarry with Edward Rempson now or late a
189    Lieutenant or of some other Rank in the Staffordshire Regiment
190    of Militia Then and from thenceforth she my said Daughter
191    shall forfeit all Interest and Benefit under this my Will and shall
192    not be intitled to receive any share whatsoever of the Dividends
193    Interest or produce of the said Stocks Funds or Government
194    Securities so to be paid to her during life as above mentioned
195    neither shall her heir Male if he is the Issue of such Marriage
196    (notwithstanding my said Trustees should signify their consent
197    and approbation of the same in manner herein before
198    mentioned) be intitled to receive any Benefit or Interest
199    whatsoever under this my Will but such share or shares of the
200    said Dividends Interest or Produce and also the Share or Shares
201    of the said Stocks Funds and Government Securities so respectively
202    limitted to her and her said heir Male as aforesaid shall from
203    such her intermarriage with the said Edward Rempson be paid
204    and applied transferred and assigned by my said Trustees in the
205    same manner and to the same uses Intents Trusts and Purposes
206    as if my said Daughter Henrietta Maria had been then dead
207    and it is also my express Will Desire order and Direction that my
208    said Trustees or either of them do not call in or in any wise compel
209    the payment of the Sum of five hundred and fifty pounds or any
210    Interest for the same due and owing to me by my Son in Law the
211    said John Thompson in and by his certain Bond or Obligation
212    bearing date on or about the eighteenth day of May one thousand
213    seven hundred and seventy three at any time during the life of the
214    said John Thompson but only stand possess thereof Upon Trust
215    immediately after his Decease to claim due for recover and receive
216    the Principal and Interest Monies which shall then be due and
217    owing on the said Bond or Obligation of his heirs Executors or
218    Administrators and pay the same to my said Daughter Jenny Ann
219    if she shall him survive But in case the said John Thompson
    [Page 6]
220    shall survive the said Jenny Ann his wife Then I do hereby order
221    and direct my said Trustees to deliver up the said Bond or Obligation
222    to the said John Thompson to be cancelled and destroyed without
223    demanding or receiving the principal or Interest Monies which
224    may be then due thereon or any part thereof And it is likewise my
225    express will desire order and direction that Mr John Davies of
226    Basingstoke aforesaid Draper be employed to sell and dispose of
227    my Freehold Messuage or Tenement and premises in Basingstoke
228    aforesaid and such of my Goods Chattels and Effects as are hereinbefore
229    directed to be sold which at the time of my decease shall happen
230    to be in that Town And I do hereby nominate constitute and
231    appoint them my said Nephews Thomas Bever and Samuel
232    Bever Executors of this my Will and I do hereby declare and
233    direct that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Trustees
234    and Executors above named or either of any of them from time
235    to time to deduct retain and reimburse themselves respectively
236    by and out of all or any the Trust Monies aforesaid all such Costs
237    Damages and Expences which they or either of them shall bear
238    pay sustain exposed or be put into in or about or relating to the
239    Execution of this my Will or the Trusts herein contained and that
240    they or either of them shall not be charged or chargeable but
241    only each of them for his own respective Receipts payments
242    acts and Wilful Defaults and not otherwise and shall not be
243    charged or chargeable
244    with or accountable for
245    any Sum or Sums of Money other than such as shall actually
246    come to his or their own hands respectively by virtue of this my
247    Will their joining in any Receipt or Receipts for the Sake of
248    conformity notwithstanding or with any loss or damage which
249    may happen in investing or placing out all or any of the Monies
250    aforesaid in or upon the said Stocks Funds or Government
251    Securities as above directed or depositing the same in any Bank
252    or Bankers hands or elsewhere for safe Custody nor with any
253    loss or damage which m ay happen by reason of the Execution of
254    this my Will or any of the Trusts aforesaid without his respective
255    wilful Default or Neglect and I revoke all wills heretofore by me
256    made and declare this duly to be my last Will and Testament In Witness
257    whereof I the said Nathaniel Bever have to this my last Will
258    and Testament contained in eight Sheets of paper set my hand
259    and affixed my Seal (that is to say) to the first seven Sheets thereof
260    set my hand and to this eighth and last Sheet my hand and Seal
261    this seventh day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand
262    seven hundred and eighty three Nathl Bever [seal] Signed Sealed
263    published and declared by the said Nathaniel Bever the Testator
264    as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who
265    have subscribed our Names as witnesses in his presence and in
266    the presence of each other at his request and desire Jno
267    Rogers Mt Caston attornies Basingstoke James Allright
268    Currier Basingstoke
    [Page 7]
269    This Will was proved at London the thirteenth
270    day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
271    hundred and eighty three before the worshipful William Scott
272    Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Peter Calvert
273    also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
274    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the
275    oath of Thomas Bever Doctor of Laws the Nephew of the
276    deceased and one of the Executors named in the said Will to whom
277    Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels
278    and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to
279    administer with power reserved of make the like Grant to
280    Samuel Bever Esquire (another of the Nephews of the said
281    deceased and the other Executor when he shall apply for the
282    same
283    Proved at London on the 23rd day of March 1792 before the
284    worshipful John Nicholl Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the
285    Oath of Samuel Bever Esquire the Nephew of the said testator
286    and the other Executor named in the said will when he shall apply for the same
287    On the 18th day of December 1807 Admon with the Will annexed of the Goods Chattels
288    and Credits of Nathaniel Bever formerly of Saint Martins Lane in the County of Middlesex
289    but late of Basingstoke in the County of Southampton Esquire deceased last remaindered by
290    Thomas Bever Doctor of Laws and Samuel Bever Esquire the Nephews and Executors
291    named in the said Will that the said Samuel Bever Survived the said Thomas Bever and died
292    Intestate And Jenny Anne Thompson Wife of John Thompson, Henrietta Maria Bever and
293    Molly Bever Spinsters the Daughters said else frustrary Residuary Legatees For Life
294    (so named in the said will dying without)

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