Sunday, February 10, 2013

Will of Richard Buller Esquire of Shillingham - The National Archives PROB 11/38/36

The next three wills are the set of Richard-1, Richard-2 and Richard-3. This first will was written by Richard Buller in the month of November he says and in the year One thousand five hundred and fifty five. This Richard is the father of Francis-1 married to Thomasine Williams and Francis and Thomasine lived at Pelynt, Cornwall.

Richard-1 was married to Margaret Trethersse the daughter and coheir of Thomas Trethersse (and she was the widow of Edward Courtney of Landrake, and one of the coheirs of Edward Courtney last Earl of Devon). They had three children Francis-1, Peter and Mary the wife of Thomas Wise of Sidenham, Knight. Peter died without heirs so I know that this line at this point in Cornwall is not my line. I am still most interested in the Somerset line but wanted to be sure to eliminate all lines in Cornwall and Devon.

He links back to the Somerset family with his reference to his Uncle Thomas Buller. His sister Maria is married to Thomas Abington. His mother was Elizabeth Horsey hance the reference to the Horsey family I expect. His death is recorded on the Visitation as 9 Dec 1556 with the Inquisition postmortem being 2 and 3 Philip and Mary (1557/1558)

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/38/36
Testator: Richard Buller
Place:, Cornwall, England
Date of document:  Nov 1555, probated 12 May 1557
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament]
 [Margin]: Richardi Buller

1    In dei nomine Amen in the moneth of Novemb[e]r in the yere of o[u]r Lorde god A
2    Thousande fyve hundreth fiftie and fyve / I Rychard Buller of the Countie of Cornwall Esquier
3    being of hole mynde and parfitte memorye do ordeyn and make my testament contayning my
4    Last will in maner and forme folowing First I bequeth my soule unto Almyghtie god / and to all
5    the holy company of heaven / and my bodye to be buried in Christen buriall / and I do here declare
6    this my last will and Testament in maner and forme folowing / And of this my testament and last
7    will. I do constitute ordeyne and make my wief Margaret Buller my full and hole Executrx
8    And I do ordeyne and make my very frends S[i]r John Horsey and S[i]r William Goodolphen knights
9    Renald Mone John Buller John Trelawney John Reskymer Peter Corteney George
10    Keckeweche and Thomas Malet Esquyers my overseers for the p[er]formance of this my last will and
11    Testament / Also I give and bequethe unto my sonne Franncis Buller and to his heires and assignes
12    all those Lease which at the making hereof I do enjoie or have / the whiche leases I do will that
13    my said wief shall receave and enjoie the profitts thereof to the use and behove of my said sonne untill
14    he come to the age of xx th yeres / And if it happen that my said wief shuld dye before the said Franncis
15    come to the said age of xx yeres Then I do appoynte the fore named Sir John Horsey Sir William
16    Goodolphen knights Renald Mone John Buller John Trelawney John Reskymer Peter Corteney
17    George Keckewich and Thomas Mallet Esquiers to recyve the Rents Isues and profitts of the said
18    Leases to the use and behove of the said Franncis untill he come to the said age of xx yeres / And if it
19    happen the said Franncis to dye withoute yssue of his bodye lawfully begotten then my will is
20    the said Leases shall remayne unto Mary my dawghter and to her heires and assignes / And if it
21    happen the said Mary to dye without yssue of hir body lawfully begotten then my will is that
22    three of the said Leases that is to saye Spours Torton Stonemeade and Anthony shall remayne
23    unto my sonne in Lawe Edward Corteney and to his assignes / And the lease of Talent to remayne
25    to my cosyn John Buller and to his assignes being nowe the seconde sonne of my nephew John
26    Buller Esquier / And also I bequeathe unto Marye my dawghter twentie pounds in old gold and
    [Page 2]
27    my best silver cuppe and my best silver salte and a dosen of my beste sylver spoones / And also I geve one
28    hundreth poundes of Lawful money of England towards the marying of the said Mary to be levied upon
29    the manors of Shillingham and Trelsan lyenge and being with in the countie of Cornewall and woodl-
30    and Roles in the countie of Devon / And also I do give unto my sonne in lawe Edward Corteney ten pounds
31    to be levyed upon my moveable goodes / And also I do give to every one of my servants his half yeres wage
32    Also I give my bracelet of gold being uppon my arme unto Mary my dawghter / Also I bequeth
33    unto my sister Albington half a dosen of silver spones and a ringe being in her kepinge / And also I give
34    and bequethe my best gown and my best set of velvet unto Edward Corteney / Also I give and bequethe
35    unto my uncle Thomas Buller my clothe gown furred with martens / And also I give to each godsonne
36    and goddaughter of myn vi s viij d / And also I do give to fowre of the next p[ar]isshes to my howse xiij s iiij d
37    equally to be devyded unto the poore people by the honest persons of the said p[ar]isshes / And all myn
38    other moveable and unmoveable goodes Before not bequeathed this my present testament p[er]formyd
39    fulfilled I give freely unto Margaret my wief to dispose them so as my children thereby may be
40    the better preferryed / And for the p[er]formance and good execution of this my last will and testament
41    I do give to every of my said overseers xl s / Also I give a Ringe with a Arras unto my sonne in
42    Lawe Peter Corteney / And my mynde is that my chayne of golde shal[l ]be disposed by my said wief
43    Also I give give my capp with Agletts unto my sonne Franncis / And my velvet hate with the broche
44    unto Edward Corteney Thies p[er]sons folowing bering witnes Raynald Monne henry chyverton
45    Thomas Malet and John Talcarne

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