Sunday, March 17, 2013

Will of Richard Buller the elder, Long Compton, Warwickshire - The National Archives PROB 11/83/388, probated 6 May 1594

This is the will of Richard-2 Buller.

Long Compton is quite near to the Oxfordshire border on the south east side and Sutton which was the place mentioned for a John Buller in the earlier will is closeby in Gloucestershire. What is the origin of this Buller family in Warwickshire/Oxfordshire/Gloucestershire? They are there by the early 1500s since the will of the first Richard was probated in 1527 and he had accumulated both property and sheep by this time. Is this a singleton family? Are these Buller families related to the Somerset Buller families and this would be about the time of John Buller marring Thomasine Orchard and their children John Buller married to Alice Sidnam, Robert Buller and John Buller. There isn't a Richard Buller on the Visitation in this earlier time period.

But moving forward from this thought how long had this Buller family been at Long Compton? The Buller family is not mentioned in the writeup on Long Compton in British History online.

There are a few records on the LDS site:

Richard Buller son of Richard Buller baptized 10 Apr 1668 at Long Compton
Richard Buller son of Richard and Margaret Buller baptized 19 Feb 1687 at Long Compton
Richard Buller son of Richard Buller baptized 18 Jan 1628 at Long Compton
Richard Buller son of Richard and Sarah Buller baptized 9 Jul 1713 at Long Compton

This will is probated 1594 and curiosity does tend to make me wonder if any of these children have as father Richard the testator - he mentions daughter Elizabeth and son Richard as well as one other daughter not named and possibly a second one - the surname of the first being Joyner and perhaps the second being Argent. Interesting that there was a Joyner in the will of the earlier Richard at Long Compton. Who is Alexander Buller? There is an Alexander Buller in the Somerset family although he died in 1526. The brother of the testator is William Buller with daughters Anne and Mary.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/83/388
Testator: Richard Buller the elder
Place: Long Compton, Warwickshire
Date of document:  20 Sep 1593, probated 6 May 1594
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Richi[ard] Buller

1    In the name of God Amen the Eighthe and
2    twentith daye of September in the fyye and thirtith yere of the Raigne of oure soveraigne
3    Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England etc I Richard Buller the elder of Longe
4    Compton in the Countie of Warwicke beyng in good and perfect memory (thankes be gyven
5    to god) do make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme
6    folowing First and before all other thinges I commend my soule to Almightie god
    [Page 2]
7    my maker and Redemer and my bodye to be buryed in theChurche or Churchyard of longe compton
8    at the discretion of my neighboures and freinds Item I give to the poore of longe compton sixe
9    poundes of lawfull money which Thomas Dey of Cherrington doth owe unto me All the rest
10    that he oweth me I geve yt to the sayed Thomas Deye my Will ys that sixe poundes shal[l ]be
11    set forthe by Feoffers whome the towne shall thinke well ofe to the use and benefitt of the
12    poore and the same use and profittes to be distributed unto them yerelie every yere during the
13    end of the world Item I give to the maynteyning of the Bells three shilling fower pence
14    Item I give and bequeathe to William Buller, my brother sixe poundes sixe shilling eighte
15    pence and two quarters of meslynge corne Item to his twoe daughters Anne and Mary
16    Fiftie shillinges a yeere unto his sonne Thomas fyve shillinges to be payed within one yere
17    next after my decease Item I give to Alexander Buller meate drincke and lodging for fower
18    yeres next after my decease (yf my Executor live so longe) Item I geve to John Joyner my
19    sonne in lawe sixe poundes sixe shillinges eighte pence to be payed within one yere next after
20    my decease unto his twoe daughters Anne and Jone fortie shillinges a peece to be delivered
21    within three yeres next after my decease: then to be sett forthe to theire benefitt and ad-
22    vantage untill they be one and twentie yeres of age or be marryed: yf either of them dye before
23    theise yeres be expired or be marryed the other sister to have her parte and portion Item I
24    give to Roger Bishoppe one Angell of tenne shillinges To heser Bishoppe one Angell of
25    tenne shillinges to be payed within one yere next after my decease Item I geve to John
26    Wynchin fortie shillinges yf he iscape this sicknes to be payed within one yere next after
27    my decease Item I geve to every godchilde I have twelve pence a peece Item I geve to
28    my daughter Elizabethe one hundred markes of lawfull money and one score of shepe
30    to be payed at her daye of marriage the one halfe and the other halfe within one yere
31    next after Item I geve to Anne Argent Elizabeth Argent fortie shillinges apeece to be
32    delivered them within three yeres next after my decease then to be set forthe to theire use
33    and advanntage untill they be one and twentie yeres of age or be marryed yf either of
34    them dye before theise yeres be expired or be marryed the other sister to have her  parte
35    and portion Item I geve to Anne Belcher yf she escape this sicknes fortie shillinges
36    to be payed within twoe yeres next after my decease Item all the rest of my goodes catells
37    chattells and all other ymplements within my house and without or els where I geve
38    and bequeathe to Richard Buller my sonne whome I make my whole Executor to
39    recyve my debtes and to paye my debtes And John Bishoppe of greate wolford
40    in the countie of warwicke gent and Alexander Buller and Anthony Russell of
41    Salford my overseers of this my last will and testament the Witnesses of this my
42    last will William Hacklin Edward Walker John Joyner

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