Thursday, March 7, 2013

Will of William Buller, Lambeth, Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/1615/21, probated 5 Apr 1819

William Buller is the testator and he and his wife are about to go to the Island of Tobago in the West Indies. The Naval Chronicles (The Naval Chronicle, For 1815: Containing a General and Biographical History of The Royal Navy of the United Kingdom; with a variety of original papers on nautical subjects. Under the Guidance of Several Literary and Professional Men. Vol. XXXIV. (from July to December). London, Printed and published by and for Joyce Gold, 103, Shoe Lane) has an entry in Volume 34 (1815) listing the marriage of William Buller, Esquire, nephew of Admiral Sir Edward Buller Baronet, KCB to Euphemia, daughter of the late Henry Kent, Esquire, RN and niece of Vice-admiral John Hunter and this is under list of marriages (no place of marriage given but will check it out on Find My Past). A rather lucky find that lets me connect this William Buller back to Sir Edward Buller (his uncle). According to the visitation Sir Edward Buller of Trenant Park, an Admiral in the Navy, created a Baronet 3 Oct 1808 married Gertrude Van Cortlandt. Their only daughter was Anna Maria who married James Drummond Elphinstone and he assume the surname of Buller. Sir Edward had two brothers both of whom are listed as not having any heirs and this William does appear to be a nephew to Sir Edward by the will below and the item in The Naval Chronicles. The two brothers were John Buller MP for West LOOE who married Augusta Nixon and John died without heirs in 1807. The second brother was Henry Buller and he died in the East Indies also unmarried. He would be the likely brother with a son William and I do have a couple of wills with forename Henry who were in the Indies. Especially given that William and his wife went to the West Indies this may prove to be a rather interesting line to try and follow. There isn't a will for a Euphemia Buller unfortunately but will try to discover items searching on Google. The will was probated and the executors were Ford Brown and Brooking Soady with the Brown being interesting given the second name of Euphemia of Brown. As well William mentions his brother Captain Henry George Buller in the 88th Regiment of Foot.

William has not gone to West Indies in the navy. I am assuming that he has died in 1819 without issue. His will was the first Buller will which I transcribed. Since this is the 1800s though it does not apply to my Buller line which traces back to Christopher Buller born circa 1763.

A subscriber list of British Fiction, 1800-1829 lists the following: Vice Admiral John Hunter, Mrs. Henry Kent, Vice Admiral Sir Edward Buller, William Buller, Esquire, Mrs. Buller (directly under) and further down Ford Brown, esquire and Mrs. Brown. A rather interesting find on Google.

Perhaps these next wills labeled "Out of England" will help to determine more about William Buller's father.

Henry Buller Esquire, Bengal, appears to be the father of William Buller and Henry George Buller as they are mentioned in his will and that will be the next will to be transcribed. Sir Edward Buller does mention that Henry George Buller is the son of his brother Henry.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1615/21
Testator: William Buller
Place: Lambeth, Surrey, England
Date of document:  22 Mar 1817, probated 5 Apr 1819
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Buller
[Margin]: /5 fo/
[Top]: 4 Chester place Lambeth in the County of Surrey 22 nd March 1817

1    Being about to take my departure for the Island of Tobago in the west
2    Indies and viewing the uncertainty of life I do hereby in the event of my death bequeath
3    unto Ford Brown purser in his Majesty's Navy and Brooking Soady Esq[uir]e of the Audit
4    Office Somerset Place House whom I do hereby appoint Executors of this my last Will and Testament
5    of the whole of my property whether Real personal or otherways to lett and convey the
6    same into Money then to buy also and invest the same in the British Funds to the best
7    advantage in trust for the ends and purposes following that is to say in the first place
8    to pay all my debts which may be due by me at the time of my death and then to pay
9    into the hands of Euphemia Brown Buller my wife the whole annual rent or the
10    Interest of such my property thus left in trust during the natural life and in the
11    event of her death having Issue then and in that event to pay such sum as may
12    be necessary towards the maintenance and education of such Child or Children during
13    their his or her minority and in trust to pay unto such Child or Children upon the
14    age
    [Page 2]
15    age of majority or upon their his or her attaining 21 years of age as follows that is to
16    say if only one child to pay unto the proper hands of such Child upon majority as
17    aforesaid the whole principal sum of money which shall arise from the sale of
18    Stock previously vested being the proceeds of my whole property left as aforesaid
19    and if more than one Child then and in that event such my whole property with
20    trust I do hereby direct and will shall be equally divided amongst them upon
21    their attaining the age of majority as aforesaid and In trust in the event of no Children
22    dying before attaining majority then to pay unto my Brother Captain Henry
23    George Buller of His Majestys 88 Reg[imen]t of Foot his heirs Exec[utor]s the which of my
24    property thus left in trust In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal on
25    the day above stated Wm Buller Hill Radford Witness/ George Drysdale Witness
26    Memorandum and in the event of myself and Wife dying in the
27    west Indes our Child or Children are to be sent to England by the first opportunity
28    and when of a proper age to be sent to school for instruction Wm Buller
29    Hill Radford Witness/ Geo Drysdale Witness
30    Proved at London with a Codicil 5th April 1819 before the Worshipful John
31    Danbery D[octo]r of Laws and Surr[ogat]e by the Oath of Ford Brown Esquire and Brooking Soady
32    Esq[uir]e the Executors whom admon was granted being first sworn duly to adm[iniste]r

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