Monday, December 2, 2013

Will of Henry Blake, Yeoman, Mere, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1724/331, probated 21 Apr 1827

Henry Blake is the testator. There is a marriage between Henry Jupe and Jemima Blake which was celebrated at Mere, Wiltshire 1820. There were a number of children baptized to this couple at Mere (Family Search C39680-9):

Jemima baptized 16 Jan 1823
Mary Taylor baptized 18 Jan 1825
Elizabeth Ann baptized 25 Jan 1826
Henry Blake baptized 27 Jun 1827
James baptized 29 Dec 1828
Jane baptized 2 May 1832
Giles baptized 30 Dec 1835
John baptized 30 Dec 1835

On the 1841 census at Causeway, Mere,

Henry Jupe, 40, Farmer, born in Wiltshire
Jemima Jupe, 35, , born in Wiltshire
Jemima Jupe, 17, , born in Wiltshire
Mary Jupe, 15, , born in Wiltshire
Elizabeth Jupe, 13, , born in Wiltshire
Henry Jupe, 12, , born in Wiltshire
John Jupe, 9, , born in Wiltshire
Giles Jupe, 6, , born in Wiltshire
Thomas Jupe, 9 months, , born in Wiltshire
Anne Blake, 75, independent, born in Wiltshire

Jemima Blake Jupe married 20 May 1850 at Mere Uriah Carter
Giles Jupe married 1858 at Mere Harriet Ann Moore and both of these marriages from Family Search. I did not find the Henry and Jemima Jupe family on the 1851 or 1861 census. I did not check all the individual children as I do not follow the daughters much past the marriage date and the children born to them. I could not find the mother Anne Blake on later census. There is a death for Ann Blake at Mere June quarter 1844. There is a death for a Jemima Jupp September quarter 1859 at Hartlepool, Durham. But I couldn't relate this to any census material.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 1 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1724/331
Testator: Henry Blake, Yeoman
Place: Mere, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 27 Feb 1824, probated 21 Apr 1827
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Henry
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 18

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry
2    Blake of Mere in the County of Wilts Yeoman being of sound and disposing mind
3    memory and understanding praised be to God for the same First I direct that all my
4    just debts funeral expences and the expence of proving this my will be first paid
5    and satisfied I give and bequeath unto my wife Ann Blake the sum of one hundred
6    pounds for her own use and benefit I give and devise unto my said wife my two
7    houses and appurtenances in Mere aforesaid now occupied by James Down and
8    Thomas Chalk To hold unto my said wife during her widowhood and from and
9    immediately after her decease or marriage which shall first happen I give and
10    devise the same houses and appurtenances unto my daughter Jemima the wife
11    of Mr Henry Jupe Junior for and during her life and to receive the rents and profits
12    thereof for her own sole use and benefit and from and immediately after her
13    decease I give and devise the same unto my granddaughter Jemima Jupe her
14    executors administrators and assigns for all the remainder of the estate to run or interest
15    which shall then be to come and unexpired therein I give and bequeath unto my
16    said wife all my household goods Furniture plate linen china and dairy utensils
17    for and during her widowhood all the rest residue and remainder of my estate
18    and Effects of what nature or kind soever after payment of my debts funeral expences
19    the expence of proving this my will and legacy of one hundred pounds to my said
20    wife I give and bequeath unto Mr John Phillips Mr John Curtis the Elder and
21    Mr John Curtis the younger all of Mere aforesaid To hold to them their executors
22    administrators and assigns upon this special trust and confidence that is to say that I
23    they my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them his executors or administrators
24    do and shall as soon as convenient after my decease sell and dispose thereof and call
25    in and receive all such debts sum or sums of money as shall be due or coming to me
26    at
    [Page 2]
27    at the time of my death and place the money arising by such sale or disposal
28    and the monies so to be called in and received upon Government or other good and
29    sufficient security in their own names and in such manner as they shall think
30    proper And also In trust that they do and shall receive the interest and dividends
31    thereof from time to time as the same shall become payable and pay the same
32    unto my said wife for her use during her widowhood and from and immediately
33    after her decease or marriage which shall first happen Then in trust to receive
34    the interest and dividends thereof from time to time as the same shall become
35    payable and pay the same unto my said daughter Jemima the Wife of the said
36    Henry Jupe to and for her own sole and separate use and benefit and my mind is
37    that the present or any future husband shall not intermeddle therewith neither
38    shall the same be subject or liable to his control debts or engagements and her
39    receipt alone shall be a good discharge for so much of the interest as shall be
40    therein expressed to have been received and from and after the decease of my said
41    daughter Jemima then upon trust that my said trustees or the survivors or
42    survivor of them his executors or administrators shall and do pay and apply my
43    said personal Estate so give and bequeathed to them In trust as aforesaid or any
44    part thereof or assign or transfer the stake and securities in which the same shall
45    be then invested to and amongst all and every the child and children of my said
46    daughter Jemima Jupe who shall be living at the death to be equally divided
47    between them if more than one share and share alike and if there shall be but
48    one such child then to such only child to be paid at his her or their age or ages of
49    twenty one years and if any such child or children shall depart this life under the
50    age of twenty one years then the share of him her or them so dying shall go
51    and be paid to the survivors or survivor of them at such time or times as his or her
52    original share shall become payable and as to for and concerning my said household
53    Goods Furniture plate linen china and diary utensils given as aforesaid to my
54    wife for her widowhood I give and bequeath the same from and after the
55    decease or marriage of my said wife which shall first happen unto the said John
56    Phillips John Curtis the Elder and John Curtis the younger their executors
57    administrators and assigns Upon trust as soon as convenient after my said wifes
58    death or marriage which shall first happen to sell and dispose thereof and to
59    place the monies arising by such sale upon Government or other good security
60    and the interest arising therefrom the pay to my said daughter Jemima Jupe for her
61    benefit and not to be subject or liable to the debts control or engagements of her
62    present or any future husband and from and immediately after her decease Then
63    upon trust that my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them his executors
64    administrators or assigns do and shall assign and transfer the stocks and securities
65    in which the same shall be then invested unto and amongst all and every the child
66    or children of my said daughter Jemima Jupe which shall be living at her death
67    to be equally divided between them if more than one share and share alike and
68    if there shall be but one such child then to such only child to be paid at his her
69    or their age or ages of twenty one years and if any such child or children shall
70    depart this life under the age of twenty one years then the share of him her or
71    them so dying to go and be paid to the survivors or survivor of them at such
72    time or times as his or her original share shall become payable and it is my will
73    that my said trustees or either of them their or either of their executors admors
74    or assigns shall  not be liable to answer or make good any loss of losses that shall
75    or may happen in placing out any of the net monies unless the same shall
76    happen by or through their or either of their wilful neglect or default nor with
77    any sum of sums of money other than such as shall actually come to their or
78    his hands respectively by virtue of this my will not shall either of them be
79    answerable or accountable for the acts deeds receipts of disbursements of the other
80    of them but each for his own separate acts deeds receipts and disbursements And I
81    direct that my said trustees shall and may pay and reimburse themselves and
82    himself out of the aforesaid personal estate and effects or the interest and
83    dividends arising from the same all reasonable and necessary costs charges and
84    expences
    [Page 3]
85    expences that they or either of them shall or may be put unto or sustain in or
86    about the execution of this my will or the trust hereby in them reposed And lastly
87    I nominate and appoint my said Wife Executrix of this my last Will and Testament
88    and I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other will and wills by me at
89    any time heretofore made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament In
90    Witness whereof I have at the bottom of the two first sheets of this my will (the
91    whereof is contained in three sheets of paper) subscribed my name and to this
92    third and last sheet set my hand and seal this twenty seventh day of February
93    in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four The mark
94    and seal of X Henry Blake the Testator Signed sealed declared and published
95    by the above named Henry Blake as and for his last Will and Testament in the
96    presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names
97    as witnesses thereto Jere[mia]h Seymour Sol[icito]r Edw[ar]d Seymour Cha[rle]s Baker Jun[io]r
98    Proved at London 21st April 1827 before the Judge by the Oath of Ann Blake
99    Mere the Relict the sole Executrix to whom Admon was granted being first
100    sworn by Commission duly to administer

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