Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Will of John Blake the elder, Penton Mewsey, Hampshire - Family Search Film 186725, Catalogue E-890, Number 70, probated 14 Sep 1593

This will of John Blake, Penton Mewsey was acquired from Family Search using their Photoduplication form and it is Film 186725, catalogue designation E-860, year of event 14 Sep 1593 (proven) and number on film is 70 or from Hampshire Record Office 1593B-07.

John in his will mentions his wife Johanne, his daughters Margery, Dorothy and Jone and his son John. Which line is this one? Is he a brother to Thomas who leaves his will in 1597 at Penton Mewsey? Charlou Dolan has both of his brothers named John the Elder and John the Younger dead before 1588. Is he the John son of Thomas who left his will in 1541? One of the witnesses to the will is Thomas Blake. Could it be that one of the John (son of Robert) has not died before 1593? There are a lot more wills to transcribe and the answer may lie in one of them.

I believe this son John to be the John Blake who left his will in 1620 at Penton Mewsey and I will publish that particular will tomorrow.  

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 Feb 2014
Source: Family Search, 186725, E-860, 70
Place: Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 28 Apr 1588, probated 14 Sep 1593
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[wrapper] 1593 Joh[ann]es Blake sen[ior] de peniton mewsie

1    In the name of god Amen The year of o[u]r lord god 1588
2    the xxviij th daye of Aprill I John blake the elder of
3    penyngton mewsei in the Countie of South[ampton] husbandman do
4    make thys my last wyll and testament in man[n]er and forme
5    folowying Fyrst I bequeath my soule unto Almyghty god my
6    creator and redemere And my body to be buryed in the Churchyard
7    of Penyngton aforesaid It[e]m I bequeath to my doughter margry
8    blake vj li xiij s iiij d to be payd W[i]t[h]in one yere after my
9    dycease It[e]m I bequeath to dorathy my doughter vj li xiij s iiij d
10    to be payd w[i]th in ij yeres after my dycease It[e]m I bequeth
11    to Joan my doughter vj li xiij s iiij d to be payd when she shall
12    come to the age off xxi yeres or be maryed And I wyll
13    that my wyff hir mother shal have the custodye off hyr And
14    hyr portion in the meane tyme The resydw off all my
15    goodes my detts payd and funeral dy[s]charged I gyve and
16    bequeth to Johann my wyffe And John Blake my sonne
17    equally to be divided whome I make myne execut[or]s off
18    thys my last wyll and testament And I make M[r]
19    myles kernes p[ar]son of penyngto[n] aforesayd and John
20    Lanchester off the same supervisors off thys my last wyll
21    and testament to se the same duly to be executed And I gyve
22    to eyther off them for thyr paynes in that behalffe to be
23    taken v s apece those beying witnesses
24    Myles kernes wryter hereff
25    John lanchester
26    Thomas Blake
27    Item I gyve to the poor people off Penynton asforsayd xij d
28    Probatum fuit testamen[tum] suprascript[um] in hu[ius]mo[d]i _____ p _____
29    Willimum Say vicarij gen[er]ale etc decimo quarto die
30    Septe[m]br 1593 Commissaqu[e] fuit Admi[strati]o bonor[um]
31    etc Johanne R[e]lic[t]e et Johann filio nominate testamentum executoris
32    suprascript[um] de bene etc iurat _______ ______ commisa
33    filmo iure administrarique
    [Page 2]
34    A true Inventorie of the Goodes and cattell of John Blake
35    the elder of Penington Mewsey in the Countiey of South[ampton
36    there deceased the xxviij day of July 1593
37    taken and prised by John Fay and John Lancaster inhabi
38    tants within the said penyngton the xxviij day of
39    August in the yeare of our lord abovenamed
40    Inprimis his Apparell    vj s       
41    It[e]m his bedding and bedsteddles    iij l       
43    It[e]m treene vessel worth    xxx s       
44    It[e]m three coffers worth    v s       
45    A table board w[i]th other board and one cubbard    xx s       
46    It[e]m brazen vessel    xl s       
47    It[e]m a dossen of pewter    x s       
48    It[e]m plowe and cart w[i]th Appur[tenances]    l x       
49    It[e]m corne of all sortes worth    xx l       
50    It[e]m five old sackes    v s       
51    It[e]m wood    xiij s iiiijd       
52    It[e]m goose ducke and hennes    vj s       
53    It[e]m hoggues and pigges    l s       
54    It[e]m ij horse w[i]th their harnesses    iiij l       
55    It[e]m three kyne w[ith] three yonge bullock    vj l   
56    It[e]m xij sheepe    lij s   
57    Summa totals    xlviij l iij d   
58    John Fay
John Lancaster    prysers of these goodes   

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