Sunday, July 20, 2014

Will of Edward Blake, Broadweaver, Cowley, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 10 Sep 1648

Edward Blake Broadweaver of Cowley Gloucestershire is the testator. He names his brother Richard also of Cowley and his wife Margaret. He also names his sons in birth order Edward, Maurise, George,  William and daughter Margaret.

He owns two looms and his shop goods and wills these to his two eldest sons and his other heifers to George his third son and money to his youngest son William. Margaret receives money and some household goods.

I did not find this will until my second search, I had only the probate at hand. This will does lead into the administration of the estate of his son Edward which is a comfortable match to help with this family at Cowley. There isn’t a will for his brother Richard that I have located.

Maurice Blake is an unusual name and I did a search in FamilySearch and found five christenings in Coaley with Maurice as the father and Martha as the mother namely John 22 Jun 1661, Cornelius 25 Apr 1663/died 21 Jul 1664, Mary 5 May 1664, Martha Feb 1665 and Bathsheba 16 Oct 1670. "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 Jul 2014), Morris Blake in entry for John Blake, 22 Jun 1661; citing COALEY,GLOUCESTER,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 425379.

In an earlier time period there was an Elizabeth Blake baptized 27 Dec 1609 at Coaley daughter of Mawrice Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 May 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Edward Blake
Place: Cowley, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 3 Jul 1648, probated 10 Sep 1648
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Top]: T[esta]m[ent] Edward Blake

1    In the name of God Amen The third day of July in the yere of
2    our Lord God 1648 I Edward Blake of Cowley in the County
3    of Gloucester Broadweaver bein weake in body but of perfect and
4    sound memory doe make my last will and testament in manner and
5    forme following viz: I comit my soule into the hands of almighty
6    God my maker trusting to be saved through the merits of Jesus
7    Christ my Savior and redeemer and my body to the earth and for
8    the disposal of my worldly goods
9    Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Edward my eldest sonne the
10    Broadeloome that he nowe worketh in and all the working tooles
11    belonging to the same It[e]m I give unto my said son my least heifer
12    on this condition that he pay for the summering of her and her folles
13    It[e]m I give and bequeath unto Maurise my second son the other
14    Broadeloome that I have in my working shoppe and all the
15    working tooles belonging to the same also my will is that he shall
16    accept of this in leiwe of the money that I doe owe him
17    It[e]m I give and bequeath unto my son George the best of my yereling
18    heifers also my will is that he shall accept of this in leiwe of the
19    money that I doe owe him
20    It[e]m I give and bequeath unto my son William the Summe of five
21    pounds to be paid in six months after my decease Also my will is
22    that my brother Richard Blake and my cowsin John Kingscoate
23    of Sapworth shall have the disposall of this money for the only
24    use of my sonne William untill he shall accomplish the age of
25    one and twenty yeres
26    It[e]m I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret the Summe of
27    six pounds to be paid in six months after my decease also my will
28    is that my brother Richard and my cowsin John Kingscoate aforesaid
29    shall have the disposall of this money for the only use of my daughter
30    and for not other use or intent untill shee shall happen to marry
31    or accomplish the age of one and twenty yeres also I give and bequeath
32    onto my said daughter my best bed and bedsteede and furniture
33    belonging to the same
34    All the rest of my goods as well moveable as unmoveable I give and
35    bequeath unto Margaret my wife whom I make the sole executrix
36    of this my last will and testament Also I make and ordaine my
37    welbeloved freinds my brother Richard Blake of Cowley and John
38    Kingscoate of Sapworth the overseers of this my last will and
39    testament to see every thing done and performed according to the
40    true intent and meaning hereof In wittnes whereof I have
41    hereunto put my hand and seale
42    Edward X Blake
43    his mark
44    Signed and declared in presence of
45    Richard X Blake John Fwood
46       his mark
47    Probatum fuit humoi testament apud Gloucr nono die
48    Septembris anno d[omi]ni 1648 _______ Edward Williams

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