Monday, February 9, 2015

Sarah Moggridge (1731 - 1807)

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 6

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, unknown, Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, Durnford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterel, Bartlett, Alderman, Ann (unknown), Sherwood, unknown, Habberfield, Collings, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Canham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, Woodcock, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

Purely accidental that I have chosen another 4x great grandmother but Sarah Moggridge rather intrigued me.The surname was a new one for me although I had seen it in Devon near Bishops Nympton. The discovery of my Somerset ancestors was a real surprise. Etched in stone on the memorial stone of John Pincombe and Elizabeth Rew (my emigrant ancestors from Devon) were the words "Native of Devon." A good deal of lost time was spent initially looking for an Elizabeth Rew/Rue (the spelling of her name appeared to be in doubt on this side of the Atlantic). But eventually I learned about PCC wills and quickly found a will for a John Rew probated in 1848 where he mentioned his daughter Elizabeth Pincombe. In his will he asked to be taken back from Sheepwash where he was living with his son Thomas and family to Selworthy to be buried as close as possible to his wife. That was my first clue that Elizabeth Rew was from Somerset. Serendipitously I surmised that perhaps the reason that I found John Pincombe and his sons John and William on the 1841 census at Molland Devon by themselves (wife and Elizabeth, an infant, missing) was because Thomas and his sister Elizabeth Pincombe had gone to Selworthy to bring John to live with Thomas. I indeed did find them on the census at Upper Hopcott Farm, Wootton Courtney with the aunt of Elizabeth Ann (Siderfin) Nurcombe, an uncle Robert Siderfin, Elizabeth's brother Thomas and a number of children belonging to all of these families.

Further research brought me back to Selworthy as the place of birth for Elizabeth Rew as the daughter of John Rew and Elizabeth Siderfin (married 30 Jan 1792 at Selworthy). John Rew was the son of John Rew and Sarah Moggridge (married 25 Jun 1761 at Selworthy). I have the fiche for this parish register and it reads:

The Banns of Marriage between John Rue and Sarah Moggridge were duly published in this Church Sunday the 31st of May for the 7th of June and for the 14th of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty one by me Nath: Brice Curate

John Rue and Sarah Moggridge were married with Banns the 25th of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Sixty one Nath: Brice Curate.

This marriage was solemnized between us John Rew Sarah Rew in the presence of Betty Brice and William Hide.

Searching through the Selworthy Parish Registers I did find a Sarah Moggridge baptized 28 Dec 1731 daughter of Symon and Mary Mogridge. I found a burial for Sarah at Selworthy 31 May 1807 which read Sarah Rew widow 74 years which gives her a birth year of 1732. Moggridge is not a common name in the Selworthy Parish Records and I found just the two baptisms in this register  one for older sister Mary and Sarah. Simon Mogridge married Mary Phelp 9 Feb 1724 at Selworthy (and this is the only Moggridge marriage in this time period) and both are buried at Selworthy Simon 9 Nov 1766 and Mary Mogridge 11 Jul 1762.

Sarah and John baptized six children at Selworthy:

Mary 26 Jul 1762
Sarah 7 Feb 1764 (married William Bricknole 19 Sep 1778 at Selworthy)
John Rew 27 Feb 1766 (married Elizabeth Siderfin 30 Jan 1792 at Selworthy)
William Rew  13 Dec 1767
Betty 26 Dec 1769 (married John Kent 8 Jun 1805 at Selworthy)
Thomas 5 Apr 1772 (married Ann Horn 25 Oct 1803 at Selworthy)

Although Simon Mogridge married at Selworthy he does not appear in the baptisms at Selworthy. I found just one Symon Mogridge baptized in the latter part of the 1600s and that was at Culbone and I do not have the parish registers for Culbone so have not yet been able to verify that entry. It is from Marth Southwood's excellent transcriptions for west Somerset parishes:

Symon Mogridge son of David and Emot Mogridge baptized 28 Mar 1686. Two other sons Henry and John were baptized 2 Oct 1684 and 27 Dec 1692 and that is the extent of the baptisms for this couple at Culbone.

I do have the Porlock parish registers and did find Moggridge/Mogridge family members there. A number of entries are there for this family and another researcher looking at Mogridge/Moggridge has a blog discussing the Moggridge family.

He corrected me on one of my Moggridge lines and I have changed that item and thank you to him for the information.

I have not yet found the marriage of David and Emot.

Ancestry of Sarah Moggridge (beginning with myself):

1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
3. John Routledge PINCOMBE (b 10 Sep 1872)- Lobo Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
4. William Robert PINCOMBE (b 11 Jun 1837)- Molland Devon England
5. Elizabeth (Betsey) REW (b 20 Dec 1801) - Selworthy Somerset England
6. John REW (b 27 Feb 1766) - Selworthy Somerset England
7. Sarah MOGGRIDGE (b 28 Dec 1731) - Selworthy Somerset England
8. Symon MOGRIDGE (b 28 Mar 1686) - Culbone Somerset England
9. David Mogridge ?

I reread the microfiche and do not feel any further ahead with the earlier ancestry of this family. Philip mentions Wootton Courtney in his blog and I also have the fiche for this parish.

Wootton Courtney Baptisms:

John Moggeridge son of Philip baptized 5 Sep 1630
Isott Moggeridge daughter of Philip baptized 28 Oct 1632
Robert Mogeradge son of Philip baptized 28 Mar 1635
Philip Mogridge son of Philip and Joan baptized 13 Feb 1636
Robert Mogridge son of Philip and Joan baptized 19 Aug 1638
Margaret Moggeridge daughter of Philip and Joan baptized 10 Jun 1640

Elizabeth Moggeridge daughter of David and Elizabeth baptized 25 Jul 1702
Robert Moggeridge son of David and Elizabeth baptized 1 Sep 1705
David Moggeridge son of David and Elizabeth baptized 14 Sep 1709
Joan Moggeridge daughter of David and Elizabeth baptized 23  May 1714
Henry Mogridge son of David and Elizabeth baptized 7 Feb 1718

William Moggridge son of John and Joan baptized 2 May 1743
Alice Moggridge daughter of Joan and Joan 21 Jan 1744
Robert Moggridge son of John and Joan 4 Feb 1746
Betty Moggridge daughter of John and Joan 4 May 1749

James Moggridge son of Henry and Joan 28 Jan 1764
Robert Moggeridge son of Henry and Joan 21 Nov 1766
Betty Moggeridge daughter of Henry and Joan 12 Mar 1769
Henry Moggridge son of Henry and Joan 28 Feb 1771
William Moggridge son of Henryu and Joan baptized 27 Feb 1774

Joan Moggridge daughter of William and Ann baptized Feb 1770
Ann Moggeridge daughter of William and Ann baptized 8 Nov 1772
Thomas and John Moggridge sons of William and Ann baptized 8 Jan 1774

Wootton Courtney Marriages

2 Nov 1695 Timothy Rew and Grace Moggeridge (parents of my John Rew so a second line)
25 Oct 1742 John Moggridge and Joan Allen
30 Apr 1757 Christopher Vicary and Elizabeth Mogridge
27 Apr 1769 William Moggridge and Ann Parish
22 Nov 1769 William Baker and Betty Moggridge
14 Apr 1777 William Moggridge and Sarah Roberts
15 Nov 1779 Henry Mogridge and Elizabeth Richards
12 Mar 1789 William Mogridge and Joan Brooks
16 May 1801 Thomas Hole and Joan Mogeridge

Burials at Wootton Courtney
2 May 1636 Robert Moggridge
27 Feb 1636 Philip Moggridge son of Philip
2 Aug 1638 Robert Moggeridge
15 Feb 1653 Philip Mogridge
22 Dec 1654 Joan Mogridge
11 Aug 1723 Robert Moggridge son of David
7 Nov 1732 David Moggeridge
10 Mar 1749 Joan Moggridge
15 Dec 1754 Elizabeth Moggridge
30 Apr 1760 John Moggridge
27 Feb 1763 Betty Moggeridge
23 Jan 1774 Ann Moggridge
23 Jan 1774 Thomas Moggridge
23 Jan 1774 John Moggridge
2 May 1774 James Moggridge
4 Jul 1774 Joan Moggridge
18 Dec 1774 William Moggridge
3 Nov 1776 Henry Moggridge
6 May 1787 Betty Moggridge
16 Jun 1801 Henry Moggridge
8 Feb 1806 Sarah Moggridge
22 Feb 1817 William Moggridge 73 years
26 Jan 1819 Elizabeth Moggridge 87 years 

I am left thinking that Grace Moggeridge is perhaps a descendant of Philip and Joan Moggeridge (perhaps a grand daughter since she married in 1695 and they had children between 1630 and 1640. She was perhaps born circa 1665 to 1675. She would need to be a daughter of John as he was the only son who survived.

Simon, the father of Sarah Moggridge, was possibly the Simon baptized in 1686 at Culbone. Culbone is seven miles from Wootton Courtenay and 3 miles from Porlock. I do have the parish registers for Porlock and the transcription for the early records but I really need to read them for myself to see all the Moggridge/Moggeridge entries.

It is rather interesting that the Rew family is found at Sheepwash and my Pincombe family at Molland in the 1800s and the Moggridge family lived at Molland in the 1700s. One wonders at the coincidence of that actually.

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