Monday, February 27, 2017

Will of John Blake - The National Archives PROB 11/1380, probated

John Blake, the testator, does not give any clues to his identity except he was in London when he left for Jamaica.

The next set of wills is actually for members of the King family in the areas around Andover, Hampshire. My 4x great grandmother was Joanna King daughter of Thomas King and Mary Carter and she was baptized at Upper Clatford where her father was a farmer. Locating the parents of Thomas King has proven to be somewhat difficult and so I collected these wills to see if I could find any clues. Thomas himself left a will but does not indicate any other members of his family then his son in law Joseph Blake. There are sixteen King wills.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 25 Feb 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1380
Name of testator: John Blake
Place: Jamaica
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 19 Oct 1801, probated 16 Sep 1802

[In margin] John Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I John Blake do make this my last Will and
3    Testament That as I conceive it to be needful
4    provided that Almighty God may in his goodness
5    be disposed to call me to his Blessed Mansion
6    during my intended Voyage out and home on board
7    the Ship Willerby Captain Phillip Lovett bound from
8    the River Thames to Kingston in the Island of
9    Jamaica It is my Will and desire that all Monies
10    Goods and Wearing Apparel that may be due or
11    belonging to mee I give and bequeath to Mr John Roberts
12    of the Weavers Arms the corner of Aldermanbury
13    London Wall in the City of London Victuer and
14    that the said John Roberts whom I do depute my
15    sole Executor shall have full power to claim and
16    demand all and every Sums of Monies Goods and
17    Wearing Apparel of whatever description or being
18    in the possession of any person or persons
19    whatsoever and wheresoever that I the said John
20    Blake doth Sign and Seal this my last Will
21    and Testament this nineteenth day of October
22    and in the year of our Lord One thousand eight
23    hundred and one say in the City of London
24    I sign this my Will and affix my Seal thereto
25    John Blake We the undersigned are Witnesses
26    of the due signing and sealing of the above by
27    the Testator John Blake in the presence of
28    Us and of each other of us John Cowper Thwaits
29    John Barrow
30    This Will was proved at London the
31    sixteenth day of September in the Year of Our
32    Lord one thousand Eight hundred and two before
33    the Worshipful John Sewell Doctor of Laws and
34    Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir William
35    Wynne Knight also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper
36    or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of
37    Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of
38    John Roberts the sole Executor named in the
39    said Will to whom Administration was granted
40    of all and singular the Goods Chattels and
41    Credits of the deceased having been first sworn
42    duly to administer

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