Sunday, March 12, 2017

Will of Roger King, Yeoman, Alton, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/727, probated 15 Nov 1645

Roger King, the testator, is widowed and names his children Christopher, MaryWake,  William, Alice Crosse (wife of William Crosse), and Mary Wake. He lives at Alton, Hampshire.

Alton is about 27 miles from Upper Clatford. Unlikely to be related to my King family at Upper Clatford.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/727
Name of testator: Roger King, Yeoman
Place: Alton, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 22 Mar 1640, probated 15 Nov 1645
[In margin] Tm: Roger King

1    In the Name of God Amen I
2    Roger King of Alton in the County of South[ampto]n yeoman being in good health
3    and perfect memorie I thanke almightie god and determined hereby to make
4    my last will and testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my soule into
5    the hands of Allmightie god the Creator of me and all mankind and unto the
6    hand of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer by whose death and passion I hope
q    for salvation and to be raysed from death to life at the last day I Bequeath my
8    Bodye to the earth whereof it was framed And as touching my temporall estate
9    First I give to the Church of Alton five shillings And to the poore of the
10    same parish five shillings I give and bequeath to my sonne Roger King xij l and to
11    every one of his children x s Item I give and bequeath to my sonne William King
12    and to my daughter Alice the wife of Richard Crosse the rent of my house
13    the which John Palmer now dwelleth in in Alton to be equally devided dureing
14    their n[atu]rall lyves and after their decease I give and bequeath the same house
15    and garden with all other appurtances therein to belonging unto my sonne Xper
16    King and his heirs forever Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Richard King
17    xlj l and to everie one of his children ten shillings Item I give and bequeath
18    unto my sonne Christopher King my house in Alton with the garden and all other
19    appurtances thereunto belonging which is now in the occupation of Stephen James
20    the dyer I give it to my sonne Christopher King and his heyres forever Item I
21    give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Wake xij l and to her children x s Item
22    I give and bequeath unto my sonne William King and my daughter Alice Crosse
23    to every one of them children x s My will and meaning is to every and of
24    my grandchildren which are now borne afore the making hereof And yf it
25    please god I should be married I give and bequeath unto my wife all
26    the goods the which shee bringeth unto me of her owne It[em] I give and
27    bequeath unto her xij s Item my will and meaning is that shee shall have
28    her yearly rente also Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Christfer
29    King and his heyres for ever all that my house in Alton where I and my
30    daughter Mary Wake now doe dwell in with the Gateroome and Garden and
31    all other appurtenances thereto belonging Item I give and bequeath likewise unto
32    my sonne Christopher King All my free land which I bought with my Barne
33    which is all in the tenure and occupation of the Nicholsons of Alton I give and
34    bequeath it to my sonne Christopher King and his heyres forever Item I doe
35    make my sonne Christopher my sole and whole executor of this my last will and
36    Testament and all my estate goods and chattles whatsoever not geven nor
37    bequeathed I give and bequeath it to my executor And I desire my frends
38    Edmond King and George King his sonne both in the parrish of Alton to see
39    this my will performed And for their paynes I give them two shillings and
40    six pence a peec In witness whereof I sette my hand and seale the two and
41    twentieth day of March annoq domini 1640 Sealed and delivered in the
42    presence of us the mark of Edmond Cleere the marke of William Grinsell
43    Probatum fuit Testamentum supra:
44    scriptum apud London coram dilecto subdido nostro Roberti Mason legume doctore Surrogato
45    dilecti subiti viri Nathanielle Brent milite legum etiam doctoris Cui prerogativae
46    Cantuariensis magistro sive Custodis legitime constituto Quinto die Mensis Novembris
47    Anno domini Millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo Quinto juramento Christyperi King fili dei
48    defuncti et executoris in huiusmodi testamento nominati cui comissa fuit administrando omnium et
49    singulorum bonorum iurium et creditorum dictae defuncti de bene et fidelter administrando
50    eadem Ad Scanta dei Evangelia Jurat

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