Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter
 Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017
Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.   Will of John Pincombe of South Molton
3.   Autosomal DNA Study
4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 4)

1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing the Great Torrington chart which will fit in with the Beaford-Roborough-Great Torrington which was published in the Pincombe Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 2. The information for this chart appears to have been provided from Pincombe descendants still living in this general area around Great Torrington/Barnstaple in the mid 1900s. The first person in this chart, Steven Pencombe said to be born circa 1596 and married to Edith Blagden 10 Nov 1621 at St Giles in the Wood, is unknown to me in regards to his parents. The marriage of Steeven Pencombe and Edith Blagdon is entered into the Parish Registers of St Giles in the Woods 10th of November 1621 (St Giles in the Woods is 3.2 miles from Great Torrington presently by road and about 2 miles direct) . I am not able to verify any of the baptisms in this first generation. The marriage of Mathew Pinkcombe to Constance Goodwine 17 Apr 1649 was recorded in the Parish Registers at Dolton, Devon. Dolton is 7.4 miles from Great Torrington.  No parents were listed in this registration. As mentioned earlier I share these charts with readers because they do exist. They should be used as an idea only and it is very necessary to verify the information presented.

References to “continued on Chart _” refer to the other charts yet to be published. This is Chart 3 which was revised by the original researchers January 1996. I have not yet done any work on this chart other than what I have listed above.

The link for the original chart (image below):

These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

2.   Will of Gertrude Pyncombe of Welsbeare, Poughill, Devon
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK #643
Place: Welsbeare, Poughill, Devon, England
Dated: 20 Jan 1730 and probated 5 Mar 1731

Margin: T[esta]m[ent] Gertrude Pyncomb

1       In the Name of God Amen
2       I Gertrude Pyncombe of Welsbeare in the County of Devon
3       Spinster being of sound and perfect mind and memory and re
4       calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertain hour
5       thereof do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament
6       revoking all former Wills by me made in manner and form
7       following first and principally I give and commend my soul
8       unto Almighty God my Creator trusting and assuredly believing
9       that through the merits Mediation of Jesus Christ my
10     Saviour and Redeemer I shall receive remission and
11     forgiveness of all my sins and inherit Everlasting bliss and
12     my body to Christian burial to be decently interred in the
13     parish Church of Poughill by my Father and Mother and
14     as touching my Goods and Estate which it hath pleased
15     almighty God to give unto me I give and dispose of the
16     same in manner following I give and bequeath unto my
17     Cousin Thomas Carew of Crocombe Esq[ui]r[e] fifty pounds of
18     lawfull money of Great Britain and to him and to his
19     wife and daughter each a mourning Ring of twenty shillings
21     value beside the making Item I do hereby give devise
22     and bequeath unto my Cousin John Carew late of Oxford
23     now of the Middle Temple London Esq[ui]r[e] his heirs and
24     assigns forever all that my right of in and to the
25     presentation of Rings with al[ia]s Ashrereigney in the said
26     County of Devon but in case Mr. Roger Tuckfield of Red-
27     Lyon Street shall have any son a Clergyman at the time
28     that the said parsonage or living may happen to be void
29     I do then will and desire and my order is that he the
30     said Mr. Tuckfeilds son shall be preferred thereto before
31     any other and I give unto my said Cousin John Carew
32     twenty pounds of lawfull British money and to him his
33     wife and to their son each a mouring Ring of twenty shill[ings]
34     value besides the makeing Item I give unto my God-daugh[te]r
35     Elizabeth Carew thirty pounds of lawfull British money
36     and my Indian Cabinet together with one China Jarr two
37     Beakers two Bottles and two waggons of China to go along
38     with it Item I give unto my Cousin Mr. Prouse a mourning
39     Ring of twenty shillings value besides the makeing and
40     to my Cousin Mrs Mary Prowse his wife ten pounds of
41     Lawfull British money and the Tea Table
42     in the Dineing Room with the China upon it and also the
43     use of my diamond buckle for her life and then to her
44     eldest daughter after her decease and I give unto my
45     Cousin Prowses Children forty pounds of lawfull British
46     money to be equally divided amongst them by their unckle
47     John Carew Item I give unto his brother my Cousin George
48     Carew and to his sisters to whom I have not already
49     bequeathed any thing five broad peices of Gold to every
50     and each of them respectively Item I give unto George
51     Carew of Lincolns Inn Esquire Ten pounds of lawfull
52     British money Item I give unto my God-daughter Catherine
53     Crouch thirty pounds of lawfull British money Item I
54     give unto my Cousin Alice Banke twenty pounds of like
55     lawfull money and all my cloathes and to her daughters
56     five pounds of like lawfull money to each of them Item I give
57     unto my Cousin Penelope Sawbridge widow a Ring of twenty
58     shillings value besides the making Item I give unto my Cousin
59     Thomas Carew of London ten Guineas to buy him mourning
60     Item I give unto my Cousin John Carew and to his brother
61     Heatley and to their sister Margery Carew to each a Ring
62     of twenty shillings value besides the making Item I give
63     unto my Cousin Peter Ellers a Ring of twenty shillings value
64     besides the making and to his son George and daughter
65     Anne five broad peices of Gold to each of them and to
66     his said daughter Anne my Locket with an Emerald set
67     with diamonds Item I give unto my God daughter Margaret
68     formerly called Roger Ten Guineas Item I give unto
69     my God-son Mr. Richard Duke of Exeter ten Guineas Item
70     I give unto Mrs Tindal a Locket Ring with my hair and
71     to her sistere Mrs. Brierlye and to their two Neices a
72     Ring of Twenty shillings value besides the making to each
73     of them Item I give unto Mrs Susanna Eade Ten Guineas
74     Item I give unto Mr John Hesket and his wife to each
75     of them ten Guineas and a Ring of twenty shillings value
76     besides the making Item I give unto Mrs Catherine Shapcote
77     a ring of twenty shillings value besides the makeing
78     Item I give unto Mrs. Shapcote widow of the late Doctor
79     Shapcot Thirty Guineas and to her and her two daught[e]r[s]
80     each a Ring of twenty shillings value besides the makeing
81     Item I give unto the Reverend Mr. John Creyke one thousand
82     pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be disposed
83     of by him in such manner as I have directed the said
84     Mr. Creyk without being called to any account by any
85     person touching the disposition or distribution thereof
86     which said one thousand pounds shall be paid within one
87     year after my death out of the first profits that shall be
88     raised out of my real and personal Estate after the
89     defraying of my funeral Charges Item I give to the Rev[erend]
90     Doctor Pelling of St Anne Westminster a Ring of twenty
91     shillings value besides the making and a Scarfe hatband
92     and Gloves and also twenty pounds to be by him distributed
93     to such poor persons of the said parish as he shall think
94     fit Item I give unto the above said Mr. Roger Tuckfield
95     four hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain
96     and one hundred pounds more for mourning and to him and
97     his wife and Mother a Ring of twenty shillings value
98     besides the making each and to the said Mrs. Tuckfields
99     children I give five broad peices each Item I give and
100   bequeath unto the abovesaid the Reverend Mr John Creyk
101   seven hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain
102   and also fifty pounds to buy him mourning and a Ring of twenty
103   shillings value besides the making for his great Care and
104   attendance upon me Item I give unto Mrs Amy Whingate
105   a ring of twenty shillings value besides the making and to
106   her son Thomas Whyngate one annuity or yearly sume of
107   Ten pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid
108   Until he shall arrive at the full age of four and twenty
109   years and then to cease Item I give unto my servant
110   Grace Barns if she be in my service at the time of my
111   death one years wages over and above what may be
112   due unto her and also one annuity or yearly Rent Charge
113   of twenty pounds per annum payable unto her during her
114   natural life and also twenty pounds to buy mourning and
115   forty pounds more lawfull money for her Charges in
116   her return from my funeral Item I give unto my Servant
117   Sarah Statson if she be in my service at the time of
118   my death one years wages and mourning over and
119   above what may be due unto her and also twenty pounds
120   more lawfull money provided she takes care of her
121   Mother Item I give unto my servant Martha Buller
122   if she be in my service at the time of my death one
123   years wages over and above what may be due unto
124   her and ten pounds to buy her mourning Item I give
125   unto my servant Thompson Fryer if he be in my service
126   at the time of my death one years wages
127   over and above what
128   may be due unto him and mourning Item I give unto
129   Jane Statson of the City of Exeter widow twenty pounds
130   per annum payable unto her during her natural life
131   Item I give unto Mr Bragg of Chelsea twenty pounds
132   per annum payable unto him during her natural life and
133   in Case he dyee within the usual quarterly days of paym[en]t
134   herein after mentioned it must be paid home to the
135   next quarterly day of payment after his death to pay
136   towards his funeral Item I give and bequeath unto
137   my friend Mrs Mary Ashton two hundred pounds
138   lawfull money Item I give unto Mrs. Elizabeth Goddard
139   ten pounds and to Mrs. Margaret James five pounds
140   Item I give unto the widow Peale five pounds Item I give
141   unto my Steward John Reed thirty pounds to buy mourning
142   and I recommend it that he shall be continued Steward
143   to my Estate so long as he behaves himself agreeably
144   to his trust Item I give unto the above said Mr Roger
145   Tuckfield the pictures of my brother and sister Tuckfield
146   and of my two Neices and to the abovesaid my Cousin
147   John Carew late of Oxford the picture of my Grandfather
148   Sir John Southcote Item I give unto the Reverend
149   Mr. Abraham Frank of Burrington Clerk twenty Guineas
150   ten Guineas part thereof to buy a Cloth Gown Cassock
151   and Beaver hat to perform at the funeral office Item I give
152   to the poor of the parish of Poughill twenty pounds
153   to be distributed to them at my funeral by such
154   persons as my Executors shall appoint Item I give
155   to the parson of Poughill five pounds provided he
156   suffer the person appointed by me to perform the funeral
157   office otherwise only his fees Item I give unto the Rever[dn]d
158   Mr. Henry Vincent of Bath twenty pounds per ann[um]
159   during his natural life Item I give unto the above s[ai]d
160   Mr. John Creyk one annuity of ten pounds to be paid
161   during the natural lives of three persons that I have
162   nominated to him and during the Life of the longest
163   Live of them and to be disposed of by him as I have
164   directed him without being called to an account
165   by any person touching the distribution thereof
166   and in case the said John Creyk apprehends that
167   he shall dye before the said three persons then I do hereby
168   give him a power to appoint whom he pleases to execute
169   this Trust for the advantage of the said three persons or of
170   such of them as shall be then living which said annuity
171   shall be paid in London Item I give unto the Lord Viscount
172   Hatton the Lady Dowager Viscountess Hatton the Hon[oura]ble
173   Mr. Charles Hatton Mrs Elizabeth Mrs Penelope and Mrs
174   Anne Hatton to the Reverend Mr. Chichester Wrey Mr. Jones
175   of Lincolns Inn Jun Fields his wife and son Mr. Hardesty Mrs
176   Mary Lamplugh Mr Thomas Edward and William Lamplugh
177   Mr Waterhouse Mrs Waterhouse Mrs Carpenter Sir Thomas
178   Le Strange Baronet the Reverend Mr Henry Gaudy the
179   Reverend Mr. Henry Hall Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Mary Hall
180   Mr William Pennicot his wife and son Mr Uffington my
181   cousin Andrew Quick Esq[ui]r[e] and his daughters Mrs Hall Mrs
182   Gold Mrs Penelope and Mrs Dorothy Quick Mrs Doughty Mr
183   Robert Stone and his wife Mrs. Dorothy Howard Mrs
184   Mercy Mr Stone of New Inn and his Mother to
185   each of them a Ring of twenty shillings value besides
186   the making Item I recommend it to the abovesaid Mr John
187   Creyk that he will take Care that my body be not
188   removed out of my now dwelling house within two
189   whole weeks after my death and I do hereby will and
190   declare that all the annuitys before by me given shall
191   be free of all Taxes and Charges and be paid by quarterly
192   payments yearly during the terms for which they are
193   given the first payment to be upon the first of the
194   most usual feasts or days of payment which shall
195   happen next after my death to wit the festival of the Birth
196   of our Lord God the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary
197   the Nativity of St John the Baptist and the Feast of St Michael
198   the Archangel and my Will is that the Chappel and Garden
199   thereto belonging lying and being in Ridlecombe in the parish
200   of Ashreigny in the County of Devon shall not be leased or
201   set out at an yearly rent or put to any prophane use but kept
202   in repair and I do hereby constitute and ordain the said Roger
203   Tuckfield and the said John Creyk to be the sole Executors
204   of this my Will giveing them full power to receive all the
205   debts that shall be owing unto me at the time of death and
206   also to dispose of such part of my Estates within the Countys of
207   Devon and Somerset as shall be necessary for the discharge of
208   my debts and pecuniary Legacys and I hereby allow for my
209   funeral Expences three hundred pounds or more but not exceeding
210   four hundred pounds and my Will is that my said
211   Executors shall not be accountable to any person or persons
212   whatsoever touching the Execution of their Trust but after they
213   have discharged their Trust herein my Will is that my said
214   Executors shall deliver up the residue of my Estate unto my
215   Cousin Thomas Carew of Crocombe in the County of Somerset
216   Esq[ui]r[e] John Bampfield Esq[ui]r[e] brother of the late Sir Copplestone
217   Warwick Bamfield Baronet and the Rev[eren]d Mr. Chichester
218   Wrey and their heirs in Trust for the performance of such
219   Charitys as my said Executors shall declare to them were most
220   agreeable to me and my will is that my said Executors shall
221   receive out of my Estate all the Expences which they shall be
222   at in the Execution of this my Will In Witness whereof I have
223   to this my last Will and Testament containing seven sheets of
224   paper and no more set my hand and seal this twentyeth day of
225   January Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and thirty
226   Gertrude Pyncombe [signed] sealed and published and declared to be the
227   last will and Testament of the within named Gertrude Pyncombe
228   in the presence of Will[ia]m Pennicott Mary Doughty Lydia Nettleton
229   Be it Known that whereas I Gertrude Pyncombe of
230   Welsbere in the County of Devon Spinster have made my last
231   Will and Testament in writing bearing date the twentyeth day of this
232   instant January and thereby did constitute and appoint Roger
233   Tuckfield and John Creyk Executors of my said Will giveing them
234   full power to dispose of such part of my Estate within the
235   Countys of Devon and Somerset as shall be necessary for the
236   discharge of my debts and Legacys and funeral Expences and
237   did therein direct that after they have discharged their Trusts
238   that my Executors shall deliver the residue of my Estate to my
239   Cousin Thomas Carew John Bampfield and Chichester Wrey and
240   their heirs upon Trust for the performance of such Charitys as
241   my Executors shall declare to them were most agreeable to me
242   as by my said last Will may appear and whereas some doubts
243   may arise touching the said devise to my Executors in regard I
244   have not vested the freehold and Inheritance of my said Estate
245   in them in order to enable them to pay my debts and perform
246   my will to the end therefore my said Executors may be inabled
247   to paying debts and Legacys and funeral
248   Expences and perform my Will I do hereby give and devise to the
249   said Roger Tuckfield and John Creyk their heirs and assigns all
250   my Manors Lands Tenements and hereditaments in the
251   Countys of Devon and Somerset and all other my real Estate what
252   soever upon Trust by sale thereof or a competent part thereof
253   to pay and discharge my debts Legacys and funeral Expences
254   which my personal Estate not therein Specifically devised shall
255   not extend to pay and after payment thereof and performance
256   of their Trust I direct my Executors to Convey what shall remain
257   unsold to the said Thomas Carew John Bamfield and Chichester
258   Wrey and their heirs for performance of such Charitys as my
259   said Executors shall declare to them and which I have imparted
260   to my Executors Item I bequeath unto my Tenant Hugh Thomas
261   Ten Guineas and to Mrs Fronridge [sp] five pounds lawfull money and
262   to Mr. John Hele and his wife a Ring of Twenty shilling value
263   besides the making to each of them and in all other things I
264   hereby ratify and confirm my said last will and Testament I declare this Codicil to be part of my last Will and Testament and
265   direct the same to be performed witnes my hand and seal this
266   twenty first day of January one thousand seven hundred and thirty
267   Gertrude Pyncombe [signed] signed sealed published and declared by the
268   Testatrix the word (heires) being first interlined in the presence
269   of us who in her presence have subscribed our names as
270   witnesses hereto Will[ia]m Pennicott Mary Doughty Lydia Nettleton
271   Edward Faucett
272   Probatum fuit huijusmodi Testamentum apud London
273   cum Codicillo annexe coram venerabili viro Gulielimo Bramston
274   Legum doctore Surrogate venerabilis et Egregij viri Johannis
275   Bettesworth Legum doctoris Curia Prerogative Cantuariensis
276   Magistri Custodio sue Commissarij legitime Constituti Quinto die
277   Mensis Martij anno domini Millesimo septuagesimo tricesimo
278   Juramentis Rogeri Tuckfield arms. et Johannis Creyk Clerici
279   Executorum in dicto Testamento nominat quibus commissa fuit
280   administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et Creditorium
281   dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad sancta
282   Dei Evangelia Jurat

Gertrude Pyncombe in her will names her cousin Thomas Carew of Crocombe, Esquire, his brother, also her cousin, George Carew and that they are the sons of John Carew and her goddaughter Elizabeth Carew. Other children of John Carew include John Carew, Margery Carew and Heatley (named as a brother). She names her cousins Mr Pouse and Mrs Mary Prowse. Other cousins named: Alice Banke, Penelope Sawbridge (widow), Peter Ellers and his children George and Anne. The Tuckfield family is mentioned but Gertrude does not refer to them as her relatives. However, the Visitation of Devon in 1620 does mention that John Pincomb of South Molton, Barrister of the Middle Temple, was living in 1620 but died before 1657. He had married Mary, daughter of Sir John Carew of Crowcombe, and that they had had one son Richard and three daughters (Elizabeth, Gertrude and Mary). Mary had married John Tuckfield 4 Jul 1657 at Crediton. 

A copy of The Visitation of the County of Devon (with additions to the original Visitation of Devon produced in 1620) is attached below:

Neither Elizabeth nor Gertrude married and the only known heirs ever listed to this estate were the Tuckfield family. Richard Pincombe left a will dated 19 Nov 1656 and the three sisters of the testator were granted administration 10 Apr 1658. 

Tuckfield Family:

Elizabeth Tuckfield was baptized 14 Jun 1663 at Shobrooke, Devon daughter of John and Mary Tuckfield. She could be the Elizabeth Tuckfield who married Luke Heale 20 Feb 1693 at Crediton.

John Tuckfield was baptized 16 Apr 1665 at Shobrooke, Devon son of John and Mary Tuckfield. 

Mary Tuckfield was baptized Jul 1677 at Cadeleigh, Devon daughter of John and Mary Tuckfield. 

I have not at this time attempted to follow down any of these lines but not mentioning the Tuckfield as her near relatives leaves me with the thought that there were no descendants by the time of the writing of this will.

3.   Autosomal DNA Study
No change has occurred in the Pincombe DNA study at FT DNA since the last Newsletter. It is not possible to discuss the autosomal DNA results that I do have and still protect the privacy of the individuals who are in the Study. The entire Pincombe DNA study at FT DNA includes 19 members of whom 12 have taken the Family Finder Test. I am still not yet ready to discuss the yDNA Pincombe-Pinkham family study.

4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 4)
These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file.

   #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details
900    Lock    William    son    Lock    Roger         Alyce    1578    Mar    15   
901    Tapp    Mychaell    son    Tapp    John         Chrysten    1578    Mar    25   
902    Locke     Jeffrye    son    Locke    William        Alyce    1579    Mar    29    of Lee
903    Kyngdon        Emmott    base daughter            Kyngdon    Johane    1579    Mar    29   
904    Locke    William    son    Locke     Mighell        Johane    1579    May    10   
905    Braye     Thomas    son    Braye    Nycholas         Parnell    1579    May    10   
906    Lange    ______    son    Lange    Thomas            1579    May    21   
907    Heywode    Roger    son    Heywode    John        Thomsen    1579    Jun    28   
908    Davye George        son    Davey      John        Elizabeth    1579    July    1   
909    Balmante    Helen    daughter    Balmante    Myghell        Elizabeth    1579    July    8   
910    Shapton    Johane    daughter    Shapton    John        Elizabeth    1579    Aug    16   
911    Lapham    Anne    daughter    Lapham    Symon        Elizabeth    1579    Aug    19   
912    Dru    John    son    Dru    John        Marye    1579    Sep    6   
913    Locke    Chrysten    daughter    Locke    Phillip        Richord    1579    Sep    9   
914    Vyccarie    Alexander    son    Vyccarie    thomas        Johane    1579    Sep    18   
915    Squire    James    son    Squire    John        Alyce    1579    Sep    20   
916    Slader    Suzan    daughter    Slader    William        Willmott    1579    Oct    4   
917    Kerby    Sylvestar    base son            Kerby    Emme    1579    Oct    7   
918    Tooker    Wylmott    daughter    Tooker    John        Florence    1579    Nov    8   
919    Shapland    Marye    daughter    Shapland    Christopher   Grace    1579    Nov    25   
920    Shapland    Grace    daughter    Shapland    William        Johane    1579    Nov    30   
921    Shattick    Fayth    daughter    Shattick    Richard        Johane    1579    Jan    3   
922    Lange    Abraham    son    Lange    John        Johane    1579    Jan    10   
923    Atkyns    Jane    daughter    Atkyns    William        Emmott    1579    Jan    17   
924    Clatwerthie    Elizabeth    daughter    Clatwerthie    George        Emmott    1579    Jan    27   
925    Frase    Johane    daughter    Frase    Rychard        Dwynes    1579    Feb    8   
926    Cole    Creature    daughter    Cole    Bornard            1579    Feb    9   
927    Dru    Robarte    son    Dru    John        Elizabeth    1579    Feb    27   
928    Vyccarie    Charells    son    Vyccarie    John        Elizabeth    1579    Feb    27   
929    Laye    John    son    Laye    John        Johane    1579    Mar    6   
930    Burges    John    son    Burges    John        Elizabeth    1579    Mar    20   
931    Squire    William    son    Squire    Robarte        Johane    1579    Mar    25   
932    Squire    John    son    Squire    Robarte        Johane    1579    Mar    25   
933    Shattick    Robarte    son    Shattick    Thomas        Syblie    1580    Mar    30   
934    Thorne    Elizabeth    daughter    Thorne    John        Johane    1580    Mar    31   
935    Kyngdon    Johane    daughter    Kyngdon    Thomas      Elizabeth    1580    Apr    2   
936    Abbott    John    son    Abbott    Thomas        Marye    1580    Apr    10   
937    Thorne    William    son    Thorne    John        Willmott    1580    Apr    17   
938    Charde    Charells    son    Charde    Charells        Alyce    1580    Apr    17   
939    Hobb    Agnes    daughter    Hobb    William        Johane    1580    Apr    24   
940    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Elizabeth    1580    Apr    25   
941    Locke    Alyce    daughter    Locke    Jeffrye        Chrysten    1580    Apr    27   
942    Tapp    Emmott    daughter    Tapp    John        Alyce    1580    May    1   
943    Deethe    Anstyce    daughter    Deethe    John        Elizabeth    1580    May    8   
944    Viccarie    Elizabeth    daughter    Viccarie    Walter        Mawt    1580    May    8   
945    Chamberlyne    Arthur    son    Chamberlyne    Gawen        Ladie Robart Margarett    1580    May    10    Esquire, borne the 10th of May
946    Vyccarie    Thomas    son    Vyccarie    Nycholas        Johane    1580    May    18   
947    Lapham    Catheraygne    daughter    Lapham    William     Marye    1580    Jun    17   
948    Pasmore    Elizabeth    daughter    Pasmore    Mighell      Johane    1580    July    13   
949    Rondell    Margarett    base daughter            Rondell    Thomsin    1580    July    13   
950    Abbott    Johane    daughter    Abbott    John        Marye    1580    Apr    27   
951    Stocke    Robarte    son    Stocke    Robarte        Thomsen    1580    Aug    10   
952    Striblinge    Johane    daughter    Striblinge    Richard    Elizabeth    1580    Aug    12   
953    Mathew    Syblie    daughter    Mathew    John        Syth    1580    Sep    10   
954    Locke    George    son    Locke    Anthonye        Marye    1580    Sep    10   
955    Mathew    Elizabeth    daughter    Mathew    John        Alice    1580    Sep    21   
956    Mathew    Johane    daughter    Mathew    John        Alice    1580    Sep    21   
957    Jope    John    son    Jope    Ambrose        Alice    1580    Sep    26   
958    Lapham    Thomas    son    Lapham    Clemente        Avice    1580    Sep    26   
959    Upcott    Rychard    son    Upcott    William        Ann    1580    Oct    5   
960    Thorne    William    son    Thorne    John        Gunnett    1580    Oct    15   
961    Hensleye    Johane    daughter    Hensleye    Thomas        Johane    1580    Nov    5   
962    Widlake Johane daughter Widlake alias Braylie  William   Florence 1580    Nov    13   
963    Parker    Elizabeth    daughter    Parker    Lewes        Em    1580    Dec    9   
964    Shapland    John    son    Shapland    William        Thomsen    1580    Dec    15   
965    Shapland    Elizabeth    daughter    Shapland    William Thomsen    1580    Dec    15   
966    Vyccarie    Charells    son    Vyccarie    John        Agnes    1580    Dec    21   
967    Locke    Charells    son    Locke    Roger        Alice    1580    Dec    21   
968    Shapland    Syblie    daughter    Shapland    John        Agnes    1580    Dec    21   
969    Cole    Olliver    son    Cole    John        Marye    1580    Jan    11   
970    Tooker    Wenefrid    base daughter            Tooker    Elizabeth    1580    Jan    25   
971    Viccarie    Christopher    son    Viccarie    John        Agnes    1580    Jan    25   
972    Lock    Richard    son    Lock    Mighell        Johane    1580    Feb    23   
973    Squire    Grace    daughter    Squire    Richard        Marye    1580    Feb    25   
974    Chrispin    William    son    Chrispin    Robarte        Syblie    1581    Apr    12   
975    Trowte    John    son    Trowte    Rychard        Johane    1581    May    12   
976    Locke    George    son    Locke    Jeffrye            1581    Jun    28   
977    Bray    Marye    daughter    Bray    William        Johane    1581    Sep    21   
978    Radleighe    Anne    daughter    Radleigh    Richard        Johane    1581    Oct    11   
979    Slader    Richard    son    Slader    Harrye        Emm    1581    Oct    15   
980    Shapland    Richard    son    Shapland    Christopher        Grace    1581    Nov    17   
981    Davye    Harrye    son    Davye    John        Elizabeth    1581    Dec    23   
982    Shapland    Jacket    daughter    Shapland    William        Tamsin    1581    Feb    6   
983    Tooker    Agnes    daughter    Tooker    John        Florence    1581    Feb    7   
984    Tooker    Johane    daughter    Tooker    John        Florence    1581    Feb    7   
985    Bass    Jeffrye    daughter    Bass    George        Dorothie    1581    Feb    28   
986    Tapp    Tapp    son    Tapp    John            1581    Mar    6    John Tapp junior
987    Lock    John    son    Lock    Phillip        Richord    1581    Mar    10   
988    Greynewaie    William    son    Greynewaie    William        Johane    1582    Apr    9   
989    Parker    Sara    daughter    Parker    Lewes        Emm    1582    Apr    14   
990    Locke    Marye    daughter    Lock    Richard            1582    Apr    25   
991    Jope    Gyles    son    Jope    Ambrose        Alyce    1582    May    4   
992    Tapp    Fayth    daughter    Tapp    John        Alyce    1582    May    6   
993    Squire    Syblie    daughter    Squire    John        Johane    1582    May    6   
994    Striblinge    Robarte    son    Striblinge    Richard        Elizabeth    1582    May    9   
995    Gould    Robarte    son    Gould    John        Johane    1582    Jun    1   
996    Vellacott    Chrystin    daughter    Vellacott    John        Elizabeth    1582    Jun    1   
997    Moll    Charells    son    Moll    Anthonye        Agnes    1582    Jun    7   
998    Abbott    Gyles    son    Abbott    Thomas        Marye    1582    Aug    1   
999    Lange    Christopher    son    Lange    John        Johane    1582    Aug    6   
1000    Lapham    Phillip    son    Lapham    Symon        Elizabeth    1582    Sep    15   
1001    Viccarie    Wilmott    daughter Viccarie  John  Emmott    1582    Sep    15    of Upcott
1002    Locke    John    son    Locke    Anthonye        Marye    1582    Sep    30   
1003    Slader    Thomas    son    Slader    Thomas        Agnes    1582    Oct    14   
1004    Braylie    Elizabeth    daughter    Braylie    William        Florence    1582    Oct    20   
1005    Hobb    Love    daughter    Hobb    Bartholomewe    Alyce    1582    Nov    15   
1006    Hobb    Willmott    daughter    Hobb    Bartholomewe    Alyce    1582    Nov    15   
1007    Burd    William    son    Burd    John        Margerye    1582    Nov    26   
1008    Hynder    William    son    Hynder    William            1582    Nov    30   
1009    Gould    Robarte    son    Gould    John        Johane    1582    Nov    30   
1010    Squire    Anne    daughter    Squire    Richard        Marye    1582    Dec    2   
1011    Squire    John    son    Squire    John        Alyce    1582    Dec    26   
1012    Warde    Grace    daughter    Warde    William        Emott    1582    Jan    13   
1013    Lapham    Charells    son    Lapham    Clemente            1582    Jan    26   
1014    Moll    Johane    daughter    Moll    Henrye        Beaten    1582    Feb    6   
1015    Atkins    John    son    Atkins    William        Emott    1582    Feb    18   
1016    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    Phillip        Johane    1582    Feb    23   
1017    Shapland    John    son    Shapland    William        Tomsin    1582    Feb    28   
1018    Clatwerthie    Thomas    son    Clatwerthie    George        Emott    1582    Mar    3   
1019    Kyngdon    Phillip    son    Kyngdon    Thomas        Elizabeth    1582    Mar    12   
1020    Nott    Johane    daughter    Nott    William        Johane    1582    Mar    12   
1021    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Wilmott    1583    Apr    7   
1022    Locke    Grace    daughter    Locke    Myghell        Johane    1583    Apr    8   
1023    Shapland    Johane    daughter    Shapland    William     Johane    1583    Apr    14   
1024    Vyccarie    Agnes    daughter    Vyccarie    George        Avice    1583    Apr    24   
1025    Greynewaie  Florance daughter Greynewaie Olliver   Elizabeth    1583    May    12   
1026    Squire    Anne    daughter    Squire    John        Dorothie    1583    May    18   
1027    Slader    Robarte    son    Slader    Henrye        Emott    1583    Jun    2   
1028    Heard    Elizabeth    daughter    Heard    John        Isett    1583    Jun    17   
1029    Bray    Johane    daughter    Bray    Nycholas        Parnell    1583    Jun    25   
1030    Lock    Marye    daughter    Lock    John        Syblie    1583    July    12   
1031    Greynewaie    John    son    Greynewaie    William        Johane    1583    July    12   
1032    Slader    John    son    Slader    William        Wylmott    1583    July    14   
1033    Parker    Francis    son    Parker    Lewes        Em    1583    July    19   
1034    Slader    Johane    daughter    Slader    Mighell        Ellin    1583    Aug    21   
1035    Rashlye    Johane    daughter    Rashlye    Thomas        Ales    1583    Aug    28   
1036    Zeale    John    son    Zeale    John        Grace    1583    Sep    15   
1037    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Johane    1583    Sep    21   
1038    Zeale    Gregorye    son    Zeale    John        Wilmott    1583    Sep    29   
1039    Burges    Suzan    daughter    Burges    William        Christine    1583    Sep    29   
1040    Wall    Grace    daughter    Wall    William        Syblie    1583    Oct    2   
1041    Charde    Michaell    son    Charde    Charells        Alyce    1583    Oct    8   
1042    Shapland    Phillip    son    Shapland    Christopher        Grace    1583    Nov    3   
1043    Bass    Anthonye    son    Bass    George        Dorothy    1583    Nov    10   
1044    Hobb    Richard    son    Hobb    William        Johane    1583    Dec    3   
1045    Burges    Phillip    son    Burges    John        Elizabeth    1583    Dec    15   
1046    Cole    Gregorye    son    Cole    John        Marye    1583    Dec    20   
1047    Nott    Luce    daughter    Nott    Thomas        Suzan    1583    Jan    19   
1048    Abbott    Marye    daughter    Abbott    John        Marye    1583    Jan    29   
1049    Squire    Richard    son    Squire    Robarte        Johane    1583    Feb    3   
1050    Bird    Marye    daughter    Bird    John        Margerye    1583    Feb    21   
1051    Vyccarie    Helen    daughter    Vyccarie    Thomas        Johane    1583    Feb    21   
1052    Thorne    Syblie    daughter    Thorne    John        Johane    1583    Feb    25   
1053    Ley    William    son    Ley    John        Johane    1583    Mar    2   
1054    Striblinge    Johane    daughter    Striblinge    Richard  Elizabeth    1583    Mar    12   
1055    Tapp    Anne    daughter    Tapp    John        Alyce    1584    Apr    5   
1056    Locke    Urith    daughter    Locke    Jeffrye        Christine    1584    Apr    15   
1057    Whitlock    Richard    base son            Whitlock    Honor    1584    Apr    17   
1058    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Johane    1584    Apr    22    junior
1059    Warde    John    son    Warde    William        Em    1584    Apr    30   
1060    Cothaye    Alyce    daughter    Cothaye    Gregorye        Johane    1584    May    10   
1061    Shapland    John    son    Shapland    John        Agnes    1584    May    12   
1062    Shapland    Olliver    son    Shapland    John        Agnes    1584    May    12   
1063    Noone    John    base son            Noone    Elizabeth    1584    May    12   
1064    Thorne    Marye    daughter    Thorne    John        Johane    1584    Jun    12   
1065    Burges    Johane    daughter    Burges    William            1584    Jun    22   
1066    Burrow    Marmeduke    son    Burrow    John        Johane    1584    Jun    30   
1067    Squire    Suzan    daughter    Squire    Richard        Marye    1584    Aug    9   
1068    Slader    Johane    daughter    Slader    John        Agnes    1584    Aug    23   
1069    Moll    John    son    Moll    Harrye        Beaten    1584    Sep    7   
1070    Kyngdon    Samuell    son    Kyngdon    John        Wilmott    1584    Sep    8   
1071    Locke    Emot    daughter    Locke    William        Alyce    1584    Sep    27   
1072    Slader    Johane    daughter    Slader    William        Syblie    1584    Sep    27   
1073    Dru    Johane    base daughter            Dru    Elizabeth    1584    Oct    3   
1074    Shapland    George    son    Shapland    William        Tamsin    1584    Oct    17   
1075    Jope    Johane    daughter    Jope    Ambrose        Alyce    1584    Nov    13   
1076    Lock    Johane    daughter    Lock    Anthonye        Marye    1584    Nov    13   
1077    Staveley Catheraygne daughter Staveley Bartholomewe Johane  1584    Dec    12   
1078    Sheirwood    Elizabeth    daughter    Sheirwood    John        Ann    1584    Dec    13   
1079    Gould    Christian    daughter    Gould    John        Johane    1584    Dec    25   
1080    Tooker    Marye    daughter    Tooker    John        Christine    1584    Dec    26   
1081    Zaile    Christen    daughter    Zaile    John        Wilmott    1584    Dec    31   
1082    Rashleye    Suzan    daughter    Rashleye    Thomas        Alice    1584    Jan    17   
1083    Tooker    Robarte    son    Tooker    John        florance    1584    Jan    31   
1084    Clatwerthie    John    son    Clatwerthie    William        Johane    1584    Jan    31   
1085    Thorne    Elizabeth    daughter    Thorne    Phillip        Johane    1584    Feb    2   
1086    Nott    Richard    son    Nott    John        Margarett    1584    Feb    15   
1087    Slee    Grace    daughter    Slee    John        Johane    1584    Mar    1   
1088    Blackwill    George    base son            Blackwill    Elizabeth    1584    Mar    3   
1089    Radley    John    son    Radley    Rychard        Johane    1584    Mar    5   
1090    Elsworthie    William    son    Elsworthie    Thomas        Johane    1584    Mar    12   
1091    Chrispin    Marye    daughter    Chrispin    Robarte        Syblie    1584    Mar    16   
1092    Lang    Jaket    daughter    Lang    John        Johane    1585    Apr    2   
1093    Gutton    Agnes    daughter    Gutton    Mathew        Christine    1585    Apr    10   
1094    Viccarie    Richard    son    Viccarie    Nycholas        Johane    1585    Apr    16   
1095    Tapp    John    base son            Tapp    Em    1585    May    1   
1096    Wall    William    son    Wall    William        Syblie    1585    May    16   
1097    Vyccarie    Suzan    daughter    Vyccarie    George        Ann    1585    May    26   
1098    Atkyns    Thomas    son    Atkyns    William        Emott    1585    May    28   
1099    Tapp    Grace    daughter    Tapp    John        Christen    1585    Jun    13   
1100    Clatwerthie    Rose    daughter    Clatwerthie    John        Emott    1585    July    11   
1101    Basse    Elias    son    Basse    George        Dorothye    1585    Sep    28   
1102    Kerbye    Richard    son    Kerbye    John        Elizabeth    1585    Sep    29   
1103    Shapland    John    son    Shapland    William        Johane    1585    Oct    10   
1104    Kedwill    Beaten    base daughter            Kedwill    Johane    1585    Oct    10   
1105    Zaile    Johane    daughter    Zaile    John        Grace    1585    Oct    28   
1106    Abbott    Agnes    daughter    Abbott    Thomas        Marye    1585    Oct    28   
1107    Tapp    William    son    Tapp    Thomas        Alyce    1585    Nov    14   
1108    Stribling Elizabeth daughter  Striblinge    Richard        Elizabeth    1585    Nov    17   
1109    Frase    Agnes    daughter    Frase    Mathew        Johane    1585    Nov    21   
1110    Slader    Marye    daughter    Slader    Henrye        Em    1585    Nov    22   
1111    Shattick    Englishe    son    Shattick    Thomas        Johane    1585    Nov    24   
1112    Lapham    William    son    Lapham    Clemente        Avyce    1585    Dec    5   
1113    Thorne    Emot    daughter    Thorne    John        Wylmott    1585    Dec    12   
1114    Nott    William    son    Nott    William        Johane    1585    Dec    21   
1115    Hoper    Marye    daughter    Hoper    John        Ellyn    1585    Dec    30   
1116    Vyccarie    Suzan    daughter    Vyccarie    William        Fayth    1585    Jan    6   
1117    Nott    Richard    son    Nott    Thomas        Suzan    1585    Jan    16   
1118    Gould    Elizabeth    daughter    Gould    William        Johane    1585    Jan    16   
1119    Shapland    Margrett    daughter    Shapland    William     Tamsin    1585    Jan    16   
1120    Lapham    Robarte    son    Lapham    Symon        Elizabeth    1585    Feb    7   
1121    Lang    Helen    daughter    Lang    Gregorye        Johane    1585    Feb    14   
1122    Burd    Nell    daughter    Burd    John        Margerye    1585    Feb    14   
1123    Ley    Rychard    son    Ley    Mathew        Syblye    1585    Feb    28   
1124    Thorne    Johane    daughter    Thorne    John        Johane    1586    Apr    4   
1125    Nott    Thomas    son    Nott    Robarte        Marye    1586    Apr    10   
1126    Bray    Suzan    daughter    Bray    John        Agnes    1586    May    1   
1127    Squire    John    son    Squire    John        Dorothy    1586    May    8   
1128    Treble    John    son    Treble    George        Agnes    1586    May    24   
1129    Shapland    Anthonye    son    Shapland    Christopher    Grace    1586    Jun    12   
1130    Viccarie    Bartholomewe    son    Viccarie    George      Ann    1586    July    17   
1131    Wall    Thomas    son    Wall    William        Syblie    1586    Aug    7   
1132    Greynewaie Johane daughter Greynewaie Olliver     Elizabeth    1586    Aug    13   
1133    Slader    Christian    daughter    Slader    Thomas        Agnes    1586    Aug    31   
1134    Taylor    Robarte    son    Taylor    Raymente        Urithe    1586    Sep    11   
1135    Cothaye Catheraygne daughter Cothaye Gregorye    Johane    1586    Oct    5   
1136    Moll    John    son    Moll    Henrye        Grace    1586    Oct    5   
1137    Blake    William    son    Blake    Richard        Margarett    1586    Oct    12   
1138    Striblinge    Jespar    base son            Stribling    Elizabeth    1586    Feb    28   
1139    Bass    Christopher    son    Bass    George        Dorothye    1586    Mar    5   
1140    Chapell    Suzan    daughter    Chapell    Robarte        Ann    1586    Mar    10   
1141    Davye    John    son    Davye    John        Elizabeth    1586    Mar    18   
1142    Thorne    Thomas    son    Thorne    Phillip            1587    Apr    10   
1143    Vyccarie    George    son    Vyccarie    Walter        Mawt    1587    Apr    20   
1144    Hensleye    John    base son            Hensleye    Dorothye    1587    May    20   
1145    Tooker    Nell    daughter    Tooker    John        Christian    1587    July    26   
1146    Lock    Jane    daughter    Lock    Anthonye        Marye    1587    July    28   
1147    Shapland  Syblie daughter Shapland    Christopher     Grace    1587    Aug    23   
1148    Gould    Suzan    daughter    Gould    John        Johane    1587    Sep    25   
1149    Zaile    Wilmott    daughter    Zaile    John        Wylmott    1587    Sep    25   
1150    Burges    Marye    daughter    Burges    William        Chrystian    1587    Sep    27   
1151    Moll    Agnes    daughter    Moll    Henrye        Beaten    1587    Oct    6   
1152    Vyccarie    John    son    Vyccarie    John        Emmott    1587    Oct    22    of Upcott
1153    Squire    Johane    daughter    Squire    John        Johane    1587    Oct    22   
1154    Smyth    Ales    daughter    Smyth    William            1587    Oct    20   
1155    Shattick    Gregorye    son    Shattick    Edward        Beaten    1587    Oct    27   
1156    Viccarie    John    son    Viccarie    William        Fayth    1587    Nov    7   
1157    Hutchins    John    son    Hutchins    William        Jane    1587    Dec    10   
1158    Nott    Richard    son    Nott    Thomas        Suzan    1587    Jan    1   
1159    Bennett    Marye    daughter    Bennett    John        Wilmott    1587    Jan    28   
1160    Shattick    Thomas    son    Shattick    Thomas        Johane    1587    Feb    5   
1161    Squire    Judith    daughter    Squire    Richard        Marye    1587    March    10   
1162    Frase    Suzan    daughter    Frase    Mathew        Johane    1588    Apr    21   
1163    Bray    Anne    daughter    Bray    John        Agnes    1588    Apr    21   
1164    Bryght    Grace    daughter    Bryght    William        Marye    1588    Apr    28   
1165    Reede    Nell    daughter    Reede    Andrew        Johane    1588    May    1   
1166    Taylor    Agnes    daughter    Taylor    Raymente        Uryth    1588    May    28   
1167    Cole    William    son    Cole    John        Marye    1588    Jun    10   
1168    Locke        daughter    Locke    William        Ales    1588    July    25   
1169    Thorne    Marye    daughter    Thorne    Thomas        Gyllian    1588    Aug    10   
1170    Burd    Johane    daughter    Burd    John        Margerye    1588    Aug    14   
1171    Proughter    Luce    daughter    Proughter    John        Tamzin    1588    Aug    18   
1172    Kyngsland    John    son    Kyngsland    William        Charitye    1588    July    31   
1173    Thorne    Grace    daughter    Thorne    John        Wilmott    1588    Aug    24   
1174    Basse    John    son    Basse    George        Dorothy    1588    Aug    24   
1175    Viccarie    John    son    Viccarie    Richard        Ales    1588    Sep    18   
1176    Hancok    Ellin    daughter    Hancok    John        Dewnes    1588    Oct    2   
1177    Kedwill    John    base son    Charde    Sylvestar  Kedwill yblie    1588    Oct    18   
1178    Wall    John    son    Wall    William        Syblie    1588    Nov    1   
1179    Slee    Eme    daughter    Slee    John        Johane    1588    Dec    5   
1180    Shapland    Abraham    son    Shapland    William        Tamsin    1588    Jan    10   
1181    Thorne    Agnes    daughter    Thorne    John        Johane    1588    Jan    22   
1182    Tapp    John    son    Tapp    John        Christian    1588    Feb    2   
1183    Viccarie    Elizabeth    daughter    Viccarie    George            1588    Feb    12   
1184    Squie    Christopher    son    Squire    John        Dorothie    1588    Feb    15   
1185    Ley    Johane    daughter    Ley    Mathew        Syblie    1588    Feb    15   
1186    Stote    John    son    Stote    John        Johane    1588    Feb    25   
1187    Vellacott    William    son    Vellacott    John            1588    Feb    28   
1188    Zaile    Michaell    son    Zaile    John        Grace    1588    Mar    2   
1189    Burges    Catheraygne    daughter    Burges    English    Johane    1589    Jan    21   
1190    Blake    Dorothie    daughter    Blake    John        Johane    1589    Feb    2   
1191    Nott    William    son    Nott    Thomas        Suzan    1589    Mar    1   
1192    Gould    William    son    Gould    John        Johane    1589    Feb    27   
1193    Gould    Richard    son    Gould    John        Johane    1589    Feb    27   
1194    Bennett    Fayth    daughter    Bennett    John        Wilmott    1589    Mar    13   
1195    Rayshley    Giles    son    Rayshley    Thomas        Ales    1589    Mar    21   
1196    Amerye    Johane    daughter    Amerye    John        Emett    1590    Mar    29   
1197    Vyccarie    Marye    daughter    Vyccarie    Richard        Ales    1590    Apr    1   
1198    Shurland    John    son    Shurland    Thomas        Marye    1590    Apr    5   
1199    Shattick    John    son    Shattick    Thomas        Johane    1590    May    3   

Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st of December 2017) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 20th of November and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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