Monday, September 3, 2018

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2018

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter

Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.   Will of Temperance Pincombe
3.   Autosomal DNA Study
4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 9)

1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing the chart for Roborough – High Bickington in this issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter.

The link for the original chart (image below):

This is not a set of Pincombe/Pinkham families that is familiar to me. Any information on any of these lines is most welcome and if you wish to write up an article on the family at Roborough-High Bickington it would be interesting to understand more about this line of the family.

Find My Past has a record for a John Pinkombe Senior (90 years of age) buried 11 Jan 1640 at Roborough. There are mentions of burials for Jasper Pincombe (1652) and John Pinkcombe (1596) but I was unable to verify the children of the John Pincombe mentioned in the upper left corner.

The record of the marriage for John Pinkombe and Mary Moors 30 Jan 1614 at Roborough is listed in Boyd’s Marriage Index.  The original image is online at Find My Past with the name of John’s wife given as Marye Moore in the parish register. The five children listed on the chart just below John and Mary do have records mentioned on Find My Past at Roborough as well with the death of the first John recorded as Jan 1615/16 and his baptism 3 Dec 1615. A second John was baptized 17 Nov 1616. Elizabeth was baptized 7 May 1626 daughter of John and Marie Pinkombe. Anthony was baptized 3 Apr 1629 son of John and Mary Pinkombe. A John Pincombe was buried 1 Dec 1647 at Roborough and his will was probated 1647 with place mentioned as Roborough.

More work is needed on this chart to verify the entries and add new information.

The acknowledgements for this chart are found in the upper left hand corner mentioning the name of one individual who has provided information to the original researchers.

These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

2.   Will of Temperance Pincombe
Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will held at Kew
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Dated: 7 Mar 1636 and probated 15 Jun 1637
1       In the name of God Amen the Seaventh day of March
2       in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand sixe hundrede thirtie sixe I Temperance
3       Pincombe of South Molton in the Countie of Devon widdow being sick of body but of perfect
4       remembrance thanks be to Almighty God doe make this my last will and Testament in
5       manner ande forme following that is to saie First I bequeath my soule to Almighty God my
6       maker and Redeemer trusting by the meritts and mercies of Jesus Christ to obteyne everlasting
7       bliss in the world to come And my body in hope of a glorious resurrection I comitt unto
8       Christian buriall in the Church of Southmolton aforesaid Item I give unto Mr. John Corin
9       Twentie shillings and I give towardes the repara[t]ion of the Church of Southmolton Tenne
10     shillings Item I give to the poore people of Southmolton foure poundes to be distributed
11     amongest them on the day of my buriall Item I give unto William Pincombe my sonne
12     and Bridgett Pincombe my daughter in lawe fortie poundes And unto Elizabeth Pincombe
13     Bridgett Pincombe and Temperance Pincombe my Grandchildren severallie twentie poundes and
14     one payre of sheets a peece to be paid unto them by my executor hereafter named and by him to be
15     employed for them till it shall please god that they be maryed or doe accomplishe the age of one and
16     twentie yeares And if either of them shall dye before that tyme then such her por[t]ion shall
17     remayne amongest the rest that shall survive Item I give unto Alice Pollard my kinswoman
18     Fourtie shillings unto Sara the daughter of Johane Hill Tenne shillings and one sheepe, unto
19     Samuell Tucker and his three daughters fortie shillings to be devided equally amongest them
20     unto Elizabeth the daughter of Mr John Coren Tenne shillings unto Susan Morrell Twentie
21     shillings unto her sonne John Morrell Tenne shillings unto Grace Rashley twentie shillings unto
22     Temperance Rashley Twentie shillings and one sheepe and unto Katherine Rashleigh Tenne shillings
23     Item I give unto Elizabeth Bidgood my servant Tenne shillings unto Baldwin Wilce Twentie
24     shillings unto Johane the wife of Humfrey Buckingham Twentie shillings unto Mary Hill
25     Twentie shillings unto Johane Thorne fortie shillings unto Christian Mogford my servant
26     Tenne shillings and unto Nicholas Hunt Tenne shillings The rest of all my goodes & chattells
27     not before given I give and bequeath unto William Pincombe my Grandchild And I make
28     him my whole and sole executor of this my last will and Testament And my intent is that
29     my said sonne William Pincombe shall have the whole managing of my estate for the good
30     of my executor And I desire Henry Worth Es[quir]e Mr. John Worth and Mr. Christopher
31     Rashley to see this my last will performed and to that end I make them my Overseers; In
32     witnes, whereof I have hereunto sett my hande and seale. Signed d[__]ie Temperance
33     Pincombe [signed] Signed and sealed in the presence of Christopher Rashleigh [signed] Bald[wi]n Wilce [signed]
34     Anne Badcock [signed]
35     Decimo quinto die Mensis Junij Anno domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo
36     tricesimo septimo ______ Commissio Will Pincombe senior patri legitime Willimi
37     Pincombe Junioris executoris in Testamentum die defuncte nominat Administrand bona jura
38     et Credita eiusdem defuncte iuxta tenorem et effectum testament hmoi duran minor etate
39     Willm Pincomb executoris ____ de bene et fideliter administrand eadem ad sancta dei
40     Evangelis coram Magistro Johanne Fisher Clerico vigore Commissionis in __parte als _____ jurat

Temperance Pincombe was the wife of William Pincombe and this line appears on the North Molton – South Molton Chart (Chart 1-2). This William is said to be the son of William Pyncombe and Margaret Gregorye who married 26 Nov 1564 at Nouth Molton. This William Pincombe (married to Margaret Gregorye) being born circa 1540 and living at North Molton. The father of this William Pincombe is said to be William Pyncombe married to _____ Snowe and they lived at East Buckland (and North Molton). One generation back William was said to be the son of Thomas Pincombe who lived at Filleigh and North Molton. Temperance was the daughter of Hugh Pollard and this line appears on the Visitation of Devon 1620 (copy included in this newsletter). 

The Thomas Pincombe mentioned is, I believe, married to Johane (unknown) who left her will in 1563 (he appears to have left a will in 1544 which was destroyed during the bombing of the Exeter Record Office (World War II) and this will was written up in Volume 1 Issue 1 of the newsletter). The Visitation does have one of the sons of Thomas named William and married to the daughter of ____ Snowe of Anstey, Devon. There are three sons listed for this couple on the Visitation: William, John and Richard. William was married to Temperance Pollard and the exact transcription of the Visitation follows for the portion dealing with the testator and her husband:

William Pyncombe of Southmolton and of East Buckland in Devon, and Coroner of the same Countie 14 or 15 years together, aet 54, 1620. Will 28 June, pro 17 Dec 1625 P.C.C. (Clarke 138)

Temperance da. Of Hugh Pollard, 1 son of Robert Pollard, Esq, brother to Sr. Hugh Pollard, Kt., both sonnes to Sr Lewis Pollard, Kt., the Judge. Extrix of her husband’s will. Will; 7 Mar 1636-37, pro. 15 June 1637. P.C.C. (Goare 94)

Richard the brother of Temperance Pincombe’s husband is my ancestor. 

William, if he was 54 in 1620, would have been born circa 1566. His grandmother, Johane Pencombe, in her will of 1563 does not mention that her son William is married but does mention that her sons Richard and John are married and that they have children. The birth of this William son of Johane’s son William after her death fits in with the will.

3.   Autosomal DNA Study
I continue to have new matches with autosomal DNA with my many Pincombe cousins. The autosomal matches are now taking me back to the late 1600s and I am working through a particular Pincombe line which is matched by one of my cousins to determine if the common ancestors for this particular match are John Pincombe and Johane Blackmore. Unfortunately it is not possible to share autosomal results online and still maintain privacy for the individuals in the various studies. 

I am still not yet ready to discuss the yDNA Pincombe-Pinkham family study.

4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 9)
These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file. The number at the beginning of each new line of information is from my Excel file so that I can sort and resort back into the original order.

      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details

1900 Hobbs        Elizabeth   daughter   Hobbs        Phillipe      Anne   1619        May          6                          
1901 Stote          Joahn        daughter   Stote John                             1619 Jun   9                                     
1902 Pasmoore Katheryne daughter   Pasmoore Henrye                          1619 Jun          13                       
1903 Balmante  Joahn        daughter   Balmante  Thomas                        1619 Jun          13                       
1904 Balmant     John son   Balmant     Charells                        1619 Jun   20                                 
1905 Thorne       Johane      daughter   Thorne       John          Elizabeth   1619 Jun          26              
1906 Vicarie       John son   Vicarie       John          Emott         1619 July  19                                                                                                              
1907 Elsworthie John son   Elsworthie William                Ellyne        1619 Sep   19                            
1908 Kingsland  Richard      son   Kingsland  Charells              Marye        1619 Sep          21              
1909 Gould         Agnis         daughter   Gould         John          Agnis         1619 Nov          7                
1910 Warde        Henrie        son   Warde        William                Anne 1619 Nov   30                            
1911 Burgis        Joahn        daughter   Burgis        Anthonye            Luce 1619 Dec          5                
1912 Blake         Siblye        daughter   Blake         John          Syblie        1619 Dec          10              
1913 Tucker       Maria         daughter   Tucker       William                Joahn          1619 Dec   19    
1914 Thorne       Thomas     son   Thorne       Thomas               Christian   1619 Jan          24              
1915 Widlake     Marye        daughter   Widlake     John          Barbara     1619 Jan          30              
1916 Hanford     Richard      son   Hanford     Richard               Elizabeth   1619 Jan          31              
1917 Hunte         William       son   Hunte         John          Marye        1619 Feb   2                            
1918 Nicholas    Thomas     son   Nicholas    William                Peternell   1619 Feb          9                
1919 Thorne       John son   Thorne       thomas                Alice 1619 Feb   20                                 
1920 Thorne       Janne        daughter   Thorne       Christopher                  Joahn          1619 Feb   23
1921 Nott  Katherine  daughter   Nott  William                Katherine  1619 Feb   27                                                                                                                  
1922 Tapp Francis      daughter   Tapp Michaell              Prissilla     1619 Feb   27                            
1923 Shapland   Johane      daughter   Shapland   Christopher                  Elizabeth          1619 Mar   12
1924 Thorne       William       son   Thorne       John          Emott         1619 Mar   19                            
1925 Sladder      Johan        daughter   Sladder      Michaell              Johan          1620 Mar   25    
1926 Smyth        Henrye       son   Smyth        Thomas               Tamosyne 1620 Mar          25    
1927 Hobbs        Susan        base daughter                       Hobbs        Luce 1620 Apr          1                
1928 Mole Henrye       son   Mole William                Ellyne        1620 Apr    19                                 
1929 Treble        Elizabeth   daughter   Treble        Thomas               Janne          1620 Apr    23    
1930 Thorne       Susan        daughter   Thorne       John          Johan        1620 Apr          23              
1931 Pedricke   Samuell     son   Pedricke   Richard               Willmott     1620 May          7                
1932 Locke        Thomas     son   Locke        Henrye                Johan        1620 May          21              
1933 Radlye       John son   Radlye       John          Jane 1620 May  25                                           
1934 Westerne  Tamosyne daughter   Westerne  Roger                  Katheryne          1620 Jun   16    
1935 Locke        Michaell    son   Locke        George                Elizabeth   1620 Jun          18              
1936 Whiller       Johan        daughter   Whiller       Richard               Johane          1620 July  2      
1937 Smyth        Emlyne      daughter   Smyth        Thomas                        1620 Aug          24              
1938 Reed Faith daughter   Reed Robert                 Marye        1620 Sep   3                                   
1939 Briante      Elias son   Briante      John          Ellyne        1620 Sep   17                                 
1940 Wats John son   Wats John          Wilmote     1620 Sep   20                                                    
1941 Burgis        Johan        daughter   Burgis        John          Johan        1620 Oct          1                
1942 Vicarye      Marye        daughter   Vicarye      John          Eme  1620 Oct   29                            
1943 Kingdon     Joahn        daughter   Kingdon     Phillipe                Wilmote          1620 Nov   6      
1944 Kingdon     Suze daughter   Kingdon     Phillipe                Wilmote     1620 Nov          6                
1945 Gibbs         Englishe    daughter   Gibbs         Henrye                Susan          1620 Nov   6      
1946 Balmand    Joahn        daughter   Balmand    John          Faith 1620 Nov   11                            
1947 Zeale         Joahn        daughter   Zeale         Michaell              Elizabeth          1620 Dec   10    
1948 Badge        Marye        daughter   Badge        John          Susan        1620 Dec          21              
1949 Hobbs        Fortune     daughter   Hobbs        Phillipe                Ane   1620 Jan          8                
1950 Burgis        Margaret   daughter   Burgis        Anthonye            Luce 1620 Jan          19              
1951 Moore        Marye        base daughter                       Moore        Elizabeth          1620 Jan   24    
1952 Huxstable Jane daughter   Huxstable John          Em    1620 Feb   2                                   
1953 Gould         George      son   Gould         Richard               Joahn        1620 Feb          11              
1954 Davye        George      son   Davye        Robert                 Peternell   1620 Feb          11              
1955 Chrispyn    Marye        daughter   Chrispyn    Thomas               Margerye          1620 Feb   13    
1956 Dee   William       son   Dee   John          Joahn        1620 Feb   21                                           
1957 Hobs Jeferye      son   Hobs Andrew               Joahn        1620 Feb   25                                 
1958 Lange        Michaell    son   Lange        Christopher                  Joahn          1620 Mar   14    
1959 Stocke       Grace         daughter   Stocke       Robert                 Agnis          1620 Mar   21    
1960 Vicarye      Agnis         daughter   Vicarye      Englishe              Urith 1620 Mar          24              
1961 Burgis        John son   Burgis        John          Marye        1621 Mar   25                                 
1962 Denins       Edmonde   son   Denins       Edmonde            Grace         1621 Apr          3                
1963 Coale         Samuell     son   Coale         John          Johan        1621 Apr    20                            
1964 Reed John son   Reed William                Christian   1621 Apr    22                                           
1965 Leigh         Roger         son   Leigh         Hugh          Jane 1621 May  10                                 
1966 Frase         William       son   Frase         Edward               Wilmote     1621 May          13              
1967 Greenewaye       Amie daughter   Greenewaye       William                          1621 May  21    
1968 Thorne       William       son   Thorne       William                Anne 1621 May  27                            
1969 Goold         Aymas       base son                       Goold         Marye        1621 Jun          1                
1970 Trotte        Englishe    son   Trotte        Robert                 Grace         1621          July  1                
1971 Elson         Johane      daughter   Elson         Richard               Anne 1621          July  1                
1972 Muxworthie        John base son                       Muxworthie        Marye          1621 July  6      
1973 Tape Charles      base son                       Tape Alice 1621 July  25                                           
1974 Shapland   Grace         daughter   Shapland   William                Johan          1621 Aug   1      
1975 Goold         Margarett  daughter   Goold         John          Agnis         1621 Aug          12              
1976 Mole Beaton       daughter   Mole Anthonye            Fayles        1621 Aug   30                            
1977 Gune Robert       son   Gune Thomas               Urith 1621 Sep   5                                             
1978 Chaunter   John son   Chaunter   Hugh          Luce 1621 Sep   16                                           
1979 Vicarie       Janne                  Vicarie       John          Elizabeth   1621 Oct   3                            
1980 Caucrombe         Elizabeth   daughter   Caucrombe         Roger         Marye          1621 Oct   10
1981 Clatworthe         Grace         daughter   Clatworthe         John          Elizabeth          1621 Dec   2
1982 Squire        George      base son                       Squire        Marye        1621 Dec          14              
1983 Kingsland  William       son   Kingsland  Charells              Marye        1621 Jan          1                
1984 Goold         William       son   Goold         Robert                 Kathereigne          1621 Jan   16    
1985 Radlye       Agnis         daughter   Radlye       Richard               Joahn          1621 Jan   30    
1986 Thorne       Charles      son   Thorne       John          Em    1621 Feb   5                                   
1987 Mills  Edward      son   Mills  Thomas               Johan        1621 Feb   10                                 
1988 Rooke        Johan        daughter   Rooke        Henry                  Johan          1621 Feb   13    
1989 Whiller       Susan                  Whiller       Richard               Johan        1621 Feb          15              
1990 Pasmoore John son   Pasmoore Henry                  Jaccett     1621 Mar   3                            
1991 King  Roger         son   Kine  George                Marye        1621 Mar   8                                   
1992 Kine  Margery     daughter   Kine  George                Marye        1621 Mar   8                            
1993 Clatworthie        Humfrye    son   Clatworthie        Thomas               Emlyn          1621 Mar   10
1994 Balmond    Katheryn   daughter   Balmond    Charles                         1621 Mar          20              
1995 Goold         Frances     son   Goold         John          Marye        1622 Mar   26                            
1996 Jacob        John son   Jacob        John          Johan        1622 Apr    7                                   
1997 Vicary        Margarett  base daughter                       Vicary        Alice 1622 Apr          7                
1998 Moorman   Johan        daughter   Moorman   Richard               Marye          1622 Apr    10    
1999 Hoopper    Simon        son   Hoopper    Robert                           1622 Apr    12                            
2000 Tapp Johan        daughter   Tapp Michaell              Prissilla     1622 Apr    22                            
2001 Sutton       Margarett  daughter   Sutton       Christopher                            1622 Apr    23    
2002 Abbott       Alice daughter   Abbott       Richard               Johan        1622 Apr          28              
2003 Hunt Richard      son   Hunt John          Marye        1622 May  5                                             
2004 Goold         William       son   Goold         Richard               Johan        1622 May          15              
2005 Vicarie       Emett         daughter   Vicarie       John          Emett         1622 Jun          19              
2006 Spencer    Marye        daughter   Spencer    Emanuell            Emett          1622 Aug   3      
2007 Locke        John son   Locke        George                Johan        1622 Aug   23                            
2008 Webber      Robert       son   Webber      Anthonye            Johan        1622 Aug          25              
2009 Widlake     James       son   Widlake     John          Barbara     1622 Aug   28                            
2010 Gaye Francis      son   Gaye Mathew               Tamosyne 1622 Aug   29                                 
2011 Patricke    Joseph      son   Patricke    Richard               Wilmot       1622 Oct          21              
2012 Smyth        Robert       son   Smyth        Thomas               Tamosyne 1622 Nov          5                
2013 Shapland   Edmond     son   Shapland   Christopher                  Marian          1622 Nov   6      
2014 Thorne       Johan        daughter   Thorne       Thomas               Christian          1622 Dec   7      
2015 Locke        Johan        daughter   Locke        John          Johan        1622 Dec          7                
2016 Burgis        John son   Burgis        Anthonye            Luce 1622 Dec   12                                 
2017 Praunce    Michaell    son   Praunce    John          Margerye   1622 Dec   16                            
2018 Reed William       son   Reed Robert                 Marye        1622 Jan   16                                 
2019 Vicarye      Johan        daughter   Vicarye      Englishe              Urith 1622 Jan          22              
2020 Takell        Francis      son   Takell        Arthour                Janne        1622 Feb          2                
2021 Zayle         Michaell    son   Zayle         Michaell              Elizabeth   1622 Feb          19              
2022 Kingdon     John son   Kingdon     Phillipe                Wilmott      1622 Feb   21                            
2023 Kingdon     Allis  daughter   Kingdon     Phillipe                Wilmott      1622 Feb          21              
2024 Gune Robert       son   Gune Thomas               Urith 1622 Feb   25                                           
2025 Balmand    John son   Balmand    John          Fayth         1622 Mar   2                                   
2026 Shapland   John son   Shapland   William                Johan        1622 Mar   5                            
2027 Huxstable Thomas     son   Huxstable John          Emott         1623 Mar   28                            
2028 Heathston John son   Heathston Walter                 Elline         1623 Apr    1                            
2029 Hobbs        Roger         son   Hobbs        Andrew               Johan        1623 Apr          3                
2030 Dee   Nicholas    son   Dee   John          Johan        1623 Apr    17                                           
2031 Doone        An     daughter   Doone        James                 Marye        1623 Apr          23              
2032 Radlye       Johan        daughter   Radlye       John          Jane 1623 May  1                            
2033 Stote John son   Stote John          Susan        1623 May  25                                                    
2034 Elsworthie Christopher        son   Elsworthie William                Ellinor          1623 Jun   1      
2035 Chrispine   Margarett  daughter   Chrispine   Thomas               Margerie          1623 Jun   20    
2036 Thorne       Johan        daughter   Thorne       Christopher                  Johan          1623 July  7
2037 Mole Susan        daughter   Mole Anthonye            Files 1623 Aug   7                                   
2038 Goold         Johan        daughter   Goold         Robert                 Katheryne          1623 Aug   7      
2039 Slader        Michaell    son   Slader        Michaell              Johan        1623 Sep          17              
2040 Slader        Peter son   Slader        Michaell              Johan        1623 Sep   17                            
2041 Locke        Elizabeth   daughter   Locke        Henrie                 Prudence          1623 Oct   19    
2042 Treble        Thomas     son   Treble        Thomas               Jane 1623 July  2                            
2043 Lange        Katherine  daughter   Lange        Christopher                  Johan          1623 Nov   23
2044 Dee   John son   Dee   John          Elisabeth   1623 Nov   30                                                    
2045 Reed John son   Reed William                Christian   1623 Dec   21                                           
2046 Locke        Rebecca    daughter   Locke        George                Johan          1623 Jan   1      
2047 Denis         Christopher        son   Denis         Edmonde            Grace          1623 Jan   18    
2048 Elson         John son   Elson         Richard               An     1623 Feb   4                                   
2049 Thorne       Johan        daughter   Thorne       William                An     1623 Feb          4                
2050 Goold         John son   Goold         John          Agnis         1623 Feb   15                                 
2051 Shatticke  Jonathan  son   Shatticke  John           Elizabeth   1623 Feb   25                            
2052 Muxworthie        John son   Muxworthie        William                Susan          1623 Mar   7      
2053 Francis      Thomas     son   Francis      William                Christian   1623 Mar          21              
2054 Abbott       Elizabeth   daughter   Abbott       Richard               Johan          1624 Apr    11    
2055 Thorne       John son   Thorne       William                 Tamosyne 1624 Apr    11                            
2056 Kingsland  William       son   Kingsland  Charles               Marye        1624 Apr          11              
2057 Locke        William       son   Locke        John          Johan        1624 Apr    25                            
2058 Nicholas    John son   Nicholas    William                Peternell   1624 Apr    26                            
2059 Nodle         Katherine  daughter   Nodle         Robert                 Katherine          1624 Apr    28    
2060 Thorne       John son   Thorne       Charles               Johan        1624 May  17                            
2061 Thorne       Luce daughter   Thorne       John          Em    1624 May  30                                 
2062 Burgis        Michaell    son   Burgis        John          Mary 1624 Jun   6                                   
2063 Shattocke Daniell                                              Eyllene      1624 Jun   13                                 
2064 Cowcrome John son   Cowcrome Roger                  Mary 1624 Jun   20                                 
2065 Hunt Grace         daughter   Hunt Smarte                Katherine  1624 Jun   20                            
2066 Hobbs        Susan        daughter   Hobbs        Phillipe                An     1624 Jun          24              
2067 Zeale         John son   Zeale         John          Katherine  1624 July  25                                 
2068 Gould         Katherine  daughter   Gould         William                Elizabeth          1624 Aug   1      
2069 Burgis        English      son   Burgis        John          Johan        1624 Aug   22                            
2070 Sanacot alias Vicarye William son Sanacot alias Vicary Charles          Katherine  1624 Aug   22
2071 Dew alias Pedrieke    Joan daughter   Dew alias Pedrieke    Richard Wilmote 1624 Sep       3
2072 Tapp John son   Tapp Roger                  Margarett  1624 Sep   5                                             
2073 Vicarye alias Pulham John son   Vicarye alias Pulham John          Elizabeth          1624 Sep   5
2074 Thorne       William       son   Thorne       John          Beaton       1624 Sep   26                            
2075 Radlye       George      son   Radlye       Richard               Elizabeth   1624 Sep          26              
2076 Braye         John son   Braye         John          Em    1624 Oct   24                                           
2077 Doly  William       base son                       Doly  Ellin  1624 Nov   12                                           
2078 Thorne       Michaell    son   Thorne       John          Grace         1624 Dec   15                            
2079 Whiller       John son   Whiller       Richard               Joane        1624 Dec   21                            
2080 Cotthie      Katherin    daughter   Cotthie      William                Darithie          1624 Dec   25    
2081 Dee   Richard      son   Dee   John          Elizabeth   1624 Jan   1                          
2082 Harris         Ellyn daughter   Harris         John          Beaton       1624 Jan   7         
2083 Goer William       son   Goer John          Temperance      1624 Jan   13              
2084 Pasmore    Henrie        son   Pasmore    Henrie                 Jackett     1624 Jan          13              
2085 Kingdon     John son   Kingdon     Phillipe                Siblye        1624 Jan   24                            
2086 Fisher        Samuell     son   Fisher        Hugh          Grace         1624 Jan   27                            
2087 Lawdye     John son   Lawdye     John          Marie         1624 Jan   29                                 
2088 Mole William       son   Mole Anthonye            Files 1624 Feb   10                                           
2089 Zeale         Ellin  daughter   Zeale         Michaell              Elizabeth   1624 Feb          17              
2090 Harbert      Marie         daughter   Harbert      Edmonde            Margarett          1624 Feb   18    
2091 Thorne       An     daughter   Thorne       John          Joan 1624 Feb   27                                 
2092 Davye        Michaell    son   Davye        George                Marie         1624 Mar          9                
2093 Chaunter   Hugh son   Chaunter   Hugh          Luce 1624 Mar   13                                           
2094 Shapland   Francis      daughter   Shapland   Christopher                  Marian          1624 Mar   20
2095 Huxstable Richard      son   Huxstable John                    1624 Mar   21                                 
2096 Tape Michaell    son   Tape Michaell              Prissilla     1625 Apr    3                
2097 Jacob        Dorithie     daughter   Jacob        John          Joan 1625 May  1         
2098 Dee   Richard      son   Dee   John          Joan 1625 May  8                                    
2099 Hobbs        Elizabeth   daughter   Hobbs        Andrew               Joan 1625 May          15              
2100 Balmood    William       son   Balmood    Charles               Margarett  1625 Jun          17              
2101 Zeal  e       Elizabeth   daughter   Zeale         Michaell              Elizabeth          1625 July  17    
2102 Reed John son   Reed Robert                 Marye        1625 July  23                                           
2103 Dee   James       son   Dee   John          Elizabeth   1625 July  23                                           
2104 Widlake     Gartred      daughter   Widlake     John          Barbara     1625 Aug          21              
2105 Basse        Anthonie   son   Basse        George                          1625 Aug   28                            
2106 Westcott   Henrie        son   Westcott   Hugh          Katherine  1625 Sep   9                            
2107 Kingdon     John son   Kingdon     Samuell               Katherine  1625 Sep   11                            
2108 Morrishe    John son   Morrishe    John          Katherine  1625 Sep   18                                 
2109 Smyth        Joan daughter   Smyth        Thomas               Joan 1625 Sep   18                            
2110 Smyth        Elizabeth   daughter   Smyth        Thomas               Joan 1625 Sep          18              
2111 Balmand    Marie         daughter   Balmand    John          Faith 1625 Sep   25                            
2112 Shatticke  Temperance      base daughter                       Shatticke  Elizabeth          1625 Oct  
2113 Shustor     An     daughter   Shustor     Christopher                  Margerie          1625 Oct   9      
2114 Vicarie       Wilmott      daughter   Vicarie       Englishe              Erith 1625 Nov          4                
2115 Gune Susan        daughter   Gune Thomas               Ereth 1625 Nov   23                                 
2116 Shapland   Jone daughter   Shapland   William                Jone 1625 Dec   2                            
2117 Heatyen    Jone daughter   Heatyen    Walter                 Ellinor        1625 Dec          7                
2118 Vicarie       John son   Vicarie       John          Em    1625 Dec   11                        
2119 Fisher        Marie         daughter   Fisher        Hugh          Grace         1625 Jan          1      
2120 Mole John son   Mole Anthonye            Fillies         1625 Feb   11                                           
2121 Hobbs        Jone base daughter                       Hobbs        Jone 1625 Feb   23                            
2122 Huxstable Phillipe      son   Huxstable John          Emott         1625 Feb   26                            
2123 Tucker       Joane        daughter   Tucker       William                Joan 1625 Mar          3                
2124 Blake         An     daughter   Blake         William                Agnis         1625 Mar          5                
2125 Reed John son   Reed William                Christian   1626 Mar   26                                           
2126 Thorne       John son   Thorne       Thomas               Alice 1626 Mar   26                                 
2127 Elson         William       son   Elson         Richard               Anne 1626 Apr    16         
2128 Muxworthie        Joan daughter   Muxworthie        John          Alice 1626 Apr          14    
2129 Rooke        Uraleth      son   Rooke        Henrie                 Christian   1626 May          18              
2130 Buckingham       John son   Buckingham       William                Anne 1626 May          28              
2131 Kingdon     John son   Kingdon     Richard               Elizabeth   1626 Jun   2                            
2132 Gould         John son   Gould         Robert                 Katheryne 1626 Jun   11                            
2133 Shapland   Elizabeth   base daughter                       Shapland   Marie          1626 Jun   17    
2134 Vicarie       Agnes        daughter   Vicarie       Englishe              Treth 1626          July  18              
2135 Abbott       Jonathan  son   Abbott       Richard               Joan 1626 July  23                            
2136 Cotthie      Joan daughter   Cotthie      William                Darithie     1626          July  25              
2137 Thorne       Thomas     son   Thorne       John          Emott         1626 July  25         
2138 Zeale         John son   Zeale         Gregorie              Jane 1626 Sep   6                                   
2139 Tape Agnes        daughter   Tape Roger                  Margarett  1626 Sep   23                            
2140 Thorne       Thomas     son   Thorne       John          Grace         1626 Oct   1                            
2141 Burgis        Elizabeth   daughter   Burgis        John          Margerie    1626 Oct          11              
2142 Shapland   Joan daughter   Shapland   George                Elizabeth   1626 Oct          15              
2143 Treble        Anthonye  son   Treble        Thomas               Jane 1626 Oct   15                            
2144 Westcott   William       son   Westcott   Hugh          Katheryne 1626 Oct   22                            
2145 Kingsland  Charles      son   Kingsland  Charles               Marie         1626 Oct          28              
2146 Crampe      John son   Crampe      John          Anne 1626 Oct   29                        
2147 Lange        Ellyn daughter   Lange        Christopher                  Joan 1626 Nov          5                
2148 Myles         Ann   daughter   Myles         Thomas               Joan 1626 Nov   19                            
2149 Myles         Syslye        daughter   Myles         Thomas               Joan 1626 Nov          19              
2150 _eter John son   _eter Henrie                 Nell   1626 Nov   28     Row 3 Print 4                            
2151 Pulham      Henrie        son   Pulham      John          Elizabeth   1626 Nov   30                            
2152 Locke        John son   Locke        George                Joan 1626 Dec   6                                   
2153 Shatticke  Christian   daughter   Shatticke  John          Elizabeth   1626 Dec          10              
2154 Goold         Joan daughter   Goold         Robert                 Katherine  1626 Dec          16    
2155 Gould         Phillipe      son   Gould         John          Agnis         1626 Dec   17         
2156 Hopper      Marie         daughter   Hopper      Michaell              Agnes          1626 Dec   21     Agnes now wife of John Blackmore but married earlier to Michaell Hopper,                           
2157 Eames       Elizabeth   daughter   Eames       John          Amye         1626 Dec          26              
2158 Vicarie       Henrie        son   Vicarie       John          Emott         1626 Jan   5                            
2159 Braye         Nicholas    son   Braye         John          Em    1626 Jan   14                                 
2160 Shapland   John son   Shapland   Christopher                  Marian       1626 Jan          14    
2161 Morrishe    John son   Morrishe    John          Katherin    1626 Jan   21                                 
2162 N_____         John son   N______       Robert                 Katherine  1626 Jan   28                            
2163 Thorne       Luce daughter   Thorne       John          Joan 1626 Jan   28                                 
2164 Hayman alias Hooper Robert       son   Hayman alias Hooper Robert          Joan 1626 Feb   7
2165 Radlye       Samuell     son   Radlye       John          Jane 1626 Feb   25                                 
2166 Greenslad Joan daughter   Greenslad Christopher                  Rose 1626 Mar          4      
2167 Davye        Christian   daughter   Davye        Robert                 Elnor 1626 Mar          11    
2168 Goold         Richard      son   Goold         William                Elizabeth   1627 Mar          25              
2169 Thorne       William       son   Thorne       Thomas               Alice 1627 Mar   31                            
2170 Heathson  Agnes        daughter   Heathson  Walter                 Ellin  1627 Apr          1                
2171 Jacobbe    Emott         daughter   Jacobbe    John          Joan 1627 Apr    20                            
2172 Tape Thomas     son   Tape Michaell              Prisilla       1627 May  1                                   
2173 Burgis        Ann   daughter   Burgis        John          Joan 1627 May  6                                   
2174 Grove         John son   Grove         Edward               Joan 1627 May  13                                 
2175 Locke        Agnes        daughter   Locke        Trustram             Elizabeth          1627 May  20    
2176 Cawcrome Roger         son   Cawcrome Roger                  Marye        1627 Jun          10              
2177 Furse         Joan daughter   Furse         Henrie                 Joan 1627 July  5                            
2178 Burgis        Marie         daughter   Burgis        John          Joane        1627 Aug          5                
2179 Thorne       William       son   Thorne       William                Tamasyn   1627 Sep          12              
2180 Shapland   Christopher        son   Shapland   Phillipe                Anstice          1627 Oct   7      
2181 Foster        Deborah    base daughter                       Foster        Joan 1627 Oct          26              
2182 Pedricke   Englishe    son   Pedricke   Richard               Wilmot       1627 Nov          1                
2183 Kingdon     William       son   Kingdon     Phillipe                Siblye        1627 Nov          14              
2184 Stote Darithie     daughter   Stote Abraham                       1627 Nov   16                                 
2185 Reed William       son   Reed William                Christian   1628 Apr    15                                 
2186 Handcocke         Joan daughter   Handcocke         George                Margarett  1628 Apr    27
2187 Blake         William       son   Blake         William                Agnis         1628 Apr          27              
2188 Widlake     Joan daughter   Widlake     John          Barbara     1628 May  7                            
2189 Mole William       son   Mole William                Nell   1628 May  11                                           
2190 Shapland   Margarett  daughter   Shapland   Christopher                  Marian          1628 May  18
2191 Vicarye Susan daughter Vicarye Michaell    Margarett 628 Jun   8      
2192 Dee   Joan daughter   Dee   John     Joan 1628 Jun  15                         
2193 Shapland   Elizabeth   daughter   Shapland   William  Joan 1628 Aug          17              
2194 Tape Phillipe      son   Tape Michaell      Prissilla     1628 Aug   23                                 
2195 Balmond    Em    daughter   Balmond    Charles       28 Aug   31 
2196 Chaunter   Joan daughter   Chaunter   Hugh  Luce 1628 Sep   12    
2197 Moxorthe  Ellen daughter   Moxorthe  John     Alice 1628 Oct   12   
2198 Vicarie  John son   Vicarie   Englesh    Youreth  1628 Oct 26  
Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st December 2018) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 15th of November 2018 and can be sent to:
Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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