Wednesday, January 30, 2019

And the cold and snow continues

Lane way all dug out and we have a snowblower as well but some digging is needed, walks cleared and a run for the dog. We can now relax for the day and do our jigsaw puzzle. My it is cold out there but we are used to having this cold for a few weeks every winter. I just hibernate!

Just finished the H11 Newsletter. I am somewhat surprised that I am now into Volume 3 of this Newsletter. It was started on a whim and I have found, for the most part, something to put into it the last two years. I find it a good venue for any thoughts I have or any journal articles passed to me or that I have found.

It is an interesting subclade of H in that it is so small compared to the real giants in this subclade H1 and H2. However H is still 30% of the world's mitochondrial subclades which is a very large number perhaps as many as 2 billion people are H haplogroup or more. H11 is about 1% of that so 20 million people have that haplogroup. There are two major subclades for H11 - H11a and H11b and I have seen 70% H11a and 30% H11b so we are looking at 14 million H11a and 6 million H11b. I have not seen any actual further divisions percentage wise but I estimate there are at least 500,000 to 1,000,000 people who carry my particular subclade of H11a2a1.

After FT DNA published their new mitochondrial tree, I realized that as large as my study is I am looking at only about 20 to 25% of the results actually tested at FT DNA. Although I enjoy publishing what I find it does not really reflect a true picture of the subclades of H11 I rather suspect.

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