Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Working on phasing my grandparents

Day 5  of isolation and I am working on phasing my grandparents. COVID-19 is definitely occupying our thoughts at the moment. The number of cases is slowly climbing; we are not yet at a thousand but sadly eight have died (seven were in one nursing home and the other in a hospital). All were over 70 years of age. It reminds me of my youth when I visited Nursing Homes with my grandmother. Most of the people were in their late 60s and early 70s and the average age of death was in that age range. The person we visited was 101 years old actually. She and her daughter were both in the home; her daughter had multiple sclerosis. I can not remember how my grandmother knew them but she visited them every week and I would meet her there after school and then walk her part way back home to her house before I then headed home on my bicycle. Some how, I wasn't settling into phasing.

I decided to do a walk in the backyard and it is sufficiently long that I could do 12 full circles and add 1600 steps to my FitBit in just 17 minutes. Sunny and about 5 degrees celsius here today. I am not seeing much melting; we need 10 degrees celsius before much melting really occurs. Perhaps that is in the cards for us in the next couple of weeks. It is still technically winter so I do not hold out a lot of hope for melting and warmer weather yet. Instead it was a nice refreshing walk. Not many cars around so the air is quite fresh. I actually think I can smell the Ottawa River (not because it has a dreadful odour; it just smells like there is running water nearby). Our planet will do well with everything shutting down. One wonders if everyone will start thinking that it is so much nicer to have fresh clean air (ours is usually pretty good here as other than the large city that we live in we are surrounded by woods for quite a few miles).

Now that I have done that perhaps I will get back to phasing. I am working on Chromosome 3. I need several more known matches on that chromosome to really positively decided on my maternal grandparents. All of the matches are on my paternal grandparents' sides. Two of them are good substantial matches which have made it easy to do the phasing. I need to sit and concentrate on the matches in common which will let me look at the unknown matches and place them.

I have started to use milk powder now making up my oatmeal porridge (my husband can have the fresh milk then to make it a longer period before we need to stock up again). I think there is enough food for a month but I am sure my husband feels strongly that we need to get more fresh fruit, fresh meat and fresh milk. I am not a great lover of a lot of fruit (being allergic to strawberries taints that somewhat for me and I avoid some fruits because of that). I probably could make it to the month with the food on hand but I expect we will be purchasing some more food in a couple of days.  Not being a meat eater (love fish though and we have quite a bit of frozen) I can manage long periods without fresh meat as well.

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