Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Grocery Shopping

For the most part our neighbours have taken our shopping list and picked up groceries for us since the start of the shutdown. We did one day of major shopping two weeks ago just to augment our last big shopping trip. Today we will go early again and pick up another load of groceries although we are actually in good shape grocery wise. It is just to keep it that way so that we are not having to ask anyone to rush out and get us anything. Neither of our children live close by and our one daughter is pretty busy with her small town hospital so do not like to ask her to do anything. However, she has made us masks. I gave her my sewing machine about ten years ago when I discovered that my hands just do not want to sew any longer. It was mostly arthritis in my fingers but I think that sixty years of sewing left me with a lack of desire to sew any longer and I was busy with genealogy.

My husband also needs to have blood work done as he is on a special medication that needs monthly monitoring. We will try to do both things today. Then back to our isolation so that we do not become seniors needing hospital care although I still think that I would be fine but you do see perfectly healthy people end up with COVID-19 and complications so do not like to push my luck too far.

We will do the usual. Buy our groceries and clean them all off with our lysol wipes or wash them. Then spray down the area where we did all of that and wash all of our clothes. We were lucky to find a spray bottle of lysol. One always wonders if this will be the time that God sees fit to call us home and so my mind is at peace. I still have lots to do with the genealogy of my family and my one-name studies but one can never know the time or the place.

There is talk again of COVID-19 and its origins. Only Mother Nature can create life and this is a living organism although always needs a host to survive. Life will return to normal much faster if we respect Mother Nature (Are God and Mother Nature one in the same?) and try to live with her and not constantly be in abrasion with her. In some ways it seems hard to believe that Mother Nature would create an organism that attacks mammalia because there are so many creatures on earth that could be injured besides ourselves but so far the crossover to other members of our species does not appear to have occurred in any great numbers and does not appear to be detrimental when it does cross. Although I have not heard anything further on the one zoo animal that was affected thus far.

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