Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Our renovation is moving ahead slowly. Today our renovator is coming to relook at what needs to be done given the change in Ed's health. Hoping that he can get started soon as the handrail is especially needed.

Busy moving earth yesterday and a myriad of other items. Edward wanted to look for more herb plants and that entailed three different stores with my daughter taking him to the fourth store in the afternoon. I was shopped out for sure. I am not much into shopping anyway and an entire morning of shopping is enough to last me for a bit. Although we will likely go to the grocery store today for a few items.

Just half of a bag of earth to move now. My daughter and I will finish that off perhaps tomorrow as today is meant to be a scorcher. With Ed's poor health and my age we move somewhat slower these days.

I realized the other day that I do try very hard not to let my autism run my life. It is actually a good thing probably as autism leaves you less able to determine what people mean when they are saying things to you. I tend to see it all very literally and am shocked sometimes at the things that people say. However, I do not make excuses for people and simply avoid them in the future. It does make for a solitary existence but I am actually happier that way. The 20 plus days in isolation were most welcomed at the beginning of COVID-19 and returning to that state I find to be quite attractive. We have built up a good supply of items now and except for perishable probably can manage six weeks of a lock-down if another one comes. We replenish from the stock but the stock will remain at that level or perhaps even eight weeks would be desirable and will work away at calculating the products needed to reach that point of readiness.

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