Saturday, September 26, 2020

Another beautiful fall day

 Another beautiful fall day and the colours are getting richer and richer across the landscape that spreads itself in front of me out of my workroom window. What a glorious sight it is to behold. My service bulletin for tomorrow's Church Service at Christ Church Cathedral has arrived in my mailbox and I am ready for another weekend. With the increase in COVID-19 cases we will stay home on the weekends away from the malls and stores and leave that to the working people these days. We can go during the week when it is less busy. 

I did install the COVID-19 app so it is at the ready in case, in my travels about doing the errands, I encounter someone with an active case. We now have our winter tires on so I am ready to take on winter driving once again. I use to drive most every day back and forth to work when I was doing copyediting and proofreading at home plus some inhouse for one of the local printers. I would drop my youngest off at school and then head for work. Those years there was a lot of ice as I recall but these days I will be able to pick and choose my days whilst I become more accustomed to driving in snow/ice conditions. 

Today I need to work on the Blake Newsletter.

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