Thursday, September 10, 2020

Basement Cleaned

 The basement is finally all organized again. More items to sit out and see if any one wants them. New washer and dryer to replace the dryer that no longer functioned and just in time for the unpredictable fall season coming when it is difficult to hang clothes out. But most of all one can actually move around the basement easily once again. It is becoming easier to sift through all the items down there and eliminate what is no longer useful or needed. Throughout it all our exercise room has remained intact though and useable thank goodness. 

Next week the main floor and top floor cleaning and looking again to see what can be thrown or given away. It used to be easier with Diabetes doing pickups and that will return one day but I am not saving anything for them at the moment in particular but some things are going to stay until they do do pickups. 

Just cleaning yesterday was the accomplishment of the day. Today is a quieter day. We are now one third of the way through September.

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