Saturday, November 7, 2020

Covid-19 globally

Now that the yard work is done and we are ready for winter, my thoughts go back to COVID-19. Today we go back into Level 3 following our return to Level 2 modified four weeks ago. We are doing better it is said and certainly the number of cases have definitely declined. 

But how is the rest of the world doing. Shockingly the United States now has more than 120,000 cases per day. We are just going into winter and that is certainly not a good thing to have so many cases. The border between Canada and the United States remains closed except for trade back and forth although Canadians can return to Canada and Americans to the United States so long as they quarantine for two weeks. 

Nationally here in Canada we had 4,461 new cases yesterday, 55 deaths and 3,239 recovered. Globally there were 553,272 new cases, 8,111 deaths and 246,378 recovered. The numbers worldwide are at 49,382,879 worldwide, 1,243,789 deaths worldwide and 32,518,778 recovered worldwide. In the United States there are 9,830,895 cases (increase of 131,473 over yesterday), 239,354 deaths (increase of 838 over yesterday) and 5,694,744 recovered (increase of 22,741 over yesterday). I do always comment on our dear neighbours to the south. We have been friends, neighbours and business colleagues for over two hundred years. It is hard to watch them suffer through this and equally hard to watch ourselves do so. 

I was listening to the presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden and he is certainly doing what he said he would do and that is get right in there and work on the pandemic along with his presumptive Vice President Kamala Harris. God Bless America and help her through these times. God Bless Canada too.

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