Saturday, February 27, 2021

Personal Support Workers (PSW)

 It is a great idea to have Personal Support Workers (PSW) and Edward has now had three weeks of such support. At first they came at a known time to me but lately that has varied somewhat. I generally have it in mind that they will save me a number of times that I need to lift Ed so that brings me to exercise periods where he is on the couch and then walks around for five to ten minutes; there is his biking daily (would like to expand to two times a day and maybe in a bit) and that again involves coming off the couch and bathroom breaks are also a good break for me as again I need to lift him when I do that. Our last PSW was a woman though and it was a combined effort to move him. We have a new chair coming though that can be used to help him to get to his feet. That will be a lifesaver for me as I am slowly losing weight looking after him. I can only eat so much and I do not eat much in the way of desserts; nor do I use sugar in anything much. It is a challenge looking after someone who outweighs you by fourty pounds that is for sure.

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