Monday, March 8, 2021

Family comments

I did find the family comments that Prince Harry and Meghan shared to be rather common within a family unit and perhaps a little unfair to share them with the world. Taken out of context they sound absolutely terrible but occur I suspect quite often within families that suddenly step outside of their usual marriage partners. It isn't easy to listen to family prater on about such things but the nuclear family should be strong enough to withstand the reactions of family members. I do not see it as racist particularly but rather curiosity. One does have to be dreadfully careful in family situations not to read too much into what is being said. But I must admit when you are suffering from a nervous strain it is a problem because items tend to dwell in your brain for a longer time and can have catastrophic results unfortunately but they are your problem really and you have to resolve them. Possibly unkind not to have provided psychiatric/psychological support but I am not sure that people in England are so into that type of support. No ideas on that except when I was very ill with my nervous disorder I am not at all sure that my parents or family really understood what was happening to me and as it turned out I did not really wish to share the depth of my thoughts with them at that time or really now in actual fact. Occasionally, I have made a statement about that time in my life when with my family but it is pretty rare. 

I do hope that Prince Harry and Meghan can move beyond all of this and enjoy their lives. At the moment they are doing irreparable damage to the Royal Family for what may well have been an innocent comment. I do feel sorry for Prince William and Kate especially in all of this happening. Their children are losing that wonderful relationship that first cousins do have and one hopes that that will change in the future. Not having had any first cousins I feel sad for those young children. They will have and do have lots of second cousins within the Royal Family but first cousins are extra special since you share grandparents and your parents are siblings. 

On my 23 and Me account I now have a few 3rd British cousins who are definitely of African descent. I think it is rather exciting actually. Since I have not really corresponded with any of my matches in a number of years other than my second cousins I haven't written but I would love to hear from any of my cousins and share what I know of our mutual family history.

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