Saturday, July 17, 2021

Another load to Salvation Army

 A floor lamp that my husband was very very fond of but I consider it a wiring hazard these days and I was not prepared to rewire it or have it done. An antique person will enjoy that lamp. Probably thirty old cameras that he had bought at Salvation Army and other places through the years to add to his collection. Now another collector will enjoy them. There was even a Brownie camera in an original box with all the attachments. Slowly gradually we can see the walls of the basement once again. He did enjoy all of his hobbies which was good to see and he was downsizing them himself so we have just carried on with his thoughts with regard to many of these items. The house is too big and gradually it seems to be getting even larger as we reduce the amount of material in each room. But we are still just scratching the surface in some ways. We need to do a lot more to reduce the accumulation of nearly 55 years of marriage. But we are getting there. 

Another project is putting the Hope Chest that belonged to Edward's mother back together and give it to her oldest grand daughter who would like to have it. We have all the pieces organized and once we have brought the chest back upstairs into the room where all of Ed's research will be stored as I work my way through it then we can reload it. It is possible that one of Ed'\s cousins may come this way and take the chest back to his niece so will wait for that but in the meantime we do have a spot for that item waiting to transfer it. 

The telescope that we are donating has been accepted as a donation and we will get that put together soon. I could not find the original manual from 54 years ago (that actually surprised me as Ed has kept so much material). But looking forward to that being picked up once we have it altogether. 

All in all a very successful day.

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