Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday and the cleaning week begins once again

Today is the top floor cleaning. The routine is working very well for me. I do not spend several hours cleaning anymore but rather it is setting up the I-Robot and letting it do the work and then going in and dusting when it is finished. Gradually the rooms have less in them and are easier to clean. 

My purpose has become clearer to me that I need to get back into doing my one name studies now that my newsletters are all caught up. Is it genealogy? Not really I do put trees together on occasion but mostly I am looking at the deep ancestry of the Blake and Pincombe families so more of an historical survey than genealogy. Genealogy never did interest me from a purely family tree aspect; my younger sister working with her mother in law has done a marvelous job on the family tree for her husband and herself. 

I also think analyzing the H11 Haplogroup has become quite fascinating and being a smaller part of H has served me well in that it is localized back into the earlier centuries. These days it is all over the world. That is my other focus of attention and has been for over ten years now. 

Of course the third arm of my research will be to get Edward's research published on his blog. I have not really looked at that yet. I am somewhat daunted by the 28 research boxes plus archival boxes (six). Now that that isn't 60 boxes though I have more of a feeling that I can get through all of this material. Giving away parts of his research to people who are working on particular names has worked very well (four boxes). Plus there were 16 boxes that were runs of journals. Four  of the boxes had material from the Ottawa Ham Radio Club, the Royal Astronomical Society, Ottawa Field Naturalist and a couple of other groups of which he was a member or we were members jointly. I may still be able to give away the Allen material I need to contact his cousins to see if they would like to have all of it. There may be four or five boxes of Allen. Then there is the Kipp material and that is original pictures of the pioneers who went west to British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. I have contacted Library and Archives Canada and now I need to fill in their sheets. I think that may be two or three boxes.  Some of the boxes were not full so we were able to combine a few of them.

I have a few more pieces of furniture than I planned on retaining but time may let me downsize them as well. I would like the house to be fairly sparse as it is easier to maintain. Finally got play sand and setting sand to fill the spaces between the bricks of the patio and laneway. That will be a chore to complete in August. Already I can feel the thought of getting ready for winter and welcome it enthusiastically. The spare time will be wonderful.

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