Friday, November 19, 2021

Chromosome 16 and an interesting difference

 I always had a little difficulty with Chromosome 16 in the past as my one sibling did not seem to fit in so I went right back to the actual numerical values and worked with that. I will continue with it when I have time next week. The next couple of days will be really busy with a couple of other items. 

I need now to verify that everything works with the slight change. I now need to compare the set of unknown matches which number around 42 and I have 7 known matches but again the lengths are somewhat short to really let me use them to create the layout for myself and my siblings. 

Cleaning day yesterday and vacuuming day before yesterday really improved that for me. I was finished earlier and less tired at the end of the day. 

In Orleans today and then off to the cottage.

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