Thursday, December 23, 2021

Wow Booster is booked

 I kept at it all day checking every hour for a vaccine spot and suddenly in the evening at the dinner hour there it was and we booked it. My daughter is much quicker than I am. I was starting to realize it was there and she said book it and it was done. It is actually just ten days earlier than she was due to have a booster under the old scheme of six months. I received mine just after the six months. For me, the heart rate is still up a little and I am at day 11 of receiving the booster (58 beats per minute) but that is actually a really good heart rate for an old person anyway but it will likely drop to 50 plus or minus two over the next week or so. The slight headache has disappeared or maybe it is just that I am cleaning and not as much time on the computer!

Getting ready for Christmas and I accidentally bought some clear cellophane with snowmen on it so decorated the doors. Did not put up the Christmas Tree after all; that would have been Edward's thing he always liked the Christmas Tree up and all the decorations. I like a few decorations and they are up; next year I will try to get out all the china ornaments and decorate the room but we are still somewhat cluttered and that would just increase the amount of stuff. Downsizing will continue but at a much slower pace. 

All in all the year is coming to an end and this has been an extremely sad year for us but the world is gradually moving forward with vaccination and perhaps omicron will be the last big mutation of COVID-19 and we will move on to a better place like the world did after the Spanish Flu did its damage in the late 1910s into the early 1920s. No vaccine then and the death rate likely four times higher or more. We will see. The lesson is there though and the repeat of one hundred years ago is somewhat scary one would say.

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