Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What is Freedom?

As far as I can see this idea that freedom includes defying public health needs is absolutely ludicrous. Since when do people have the right to endanger the people around them because they can not be bothered getting vaccinated. We have health rules to protect the majority of the people and hopefully all the people but for some their health is on the edge and that is life when you are old or compromised by health problems. It is a sad thing but reality. 

These truckers should not be permitted to form a long convoy and block the highways; they are violating the freedom of all the people who have taken the time to get vaccinated. They are violating the freedom of people to go out and about once that is permitted again. They are ticking time bombs waiting for the virus to strike at them with no immunity and then carry on the infection a hundredfold; at least with the vaccine we have some and are less likely to clutter up the hospitals. 

Do not blame our health care system. It is meant for ordinary times; this is catastrophic times and the best service that we can provide to protect our health care is getting vaccinated so that we do not clutter up the hospitals and especially the ICUs. The man/woman power to run those ICUs is large and what right do people have to purposely leave themselves open to infection for themselves and all of us?  The staff at the hospital has put in two long years in this fight and it isn't over. You can not fix a system that was never meant to handle a pandemic. For that we must prepare. One of the carry-aways from the pandemic has to be the means to quickly build temporary pandemic hospitals and isolate these people from the general population. Train people to help in hospitals so there is an army of people out there who can come in and take over from exhausted personnel. We must be much more ready for the next pandemic. To the government don't throw out medical supplies that are coming to their best before date; send them to the hospitals to be used and buy more for storage. 

Those are some of our freedoms; protect ourselves from the possible dangers in life. Don't block up our highways across the country to make a senseless protest on Parliament Hill. Get vaccinated and stop violating the freedoms of people who did do so.

We have a lot of freedoms; so many rights but health care should always be able to enforce necessary items during morbid times in order to protect the many. 

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