Monday, March 21, 2022

Church on YouTube today

Missed Church yesterday; we were in a hurry to get back from the cottage and we were traveling. It is so wonderful to have the YouTube service. Praying for the people of Ukraine and that the war will soon stop. 

Also working on the Blake Newsletter today. I shall probably spend most of the week on that although will also do some more on the Third Generation of the Siderfin family. I should be able to finish that generation this week. I have all the material just getting it into an orderly fashion. Then on to the Fourth Generation which is quite large. They are still living at Luxborough and the register will likely be a little easier to read as not chewed up. 

First day of spring and it is a lovely sunny day although we are still surrounded by snow but it is melting. Not likely green grass though before the first of April but spring does fill your heart with the promise of warmer weather to come eventually. There will still be cold days and snowy days; that is life in Canada. 

Cleaning from Wednesday to Friday as usual. Keeps the dust down. Thinking about the garden in the summer and will likely be the same as last year - cherry tomatoes, green onions, lettuce and peppers but we are also going to plant spinach. Spinach is my favourite year round vegetable but by spring the imported is not quite as nice. 

Finally got all my matches entered into my chart at Ancestry. A few interesting ones and I have so many that I can mostly fit all the fourth cousins into one of the four grandparents lines as they match a known one most of the time. Heard from a new cousin and they are in New Zealand. I do have a lot of cousins in Australia and New Zealand as well as a few in South Africa and a number in the United States but mostly distant. The largest number of my cousin matches though outside of Canada are in England/Scotland (likely because my father was born there and three of my grandparents were all born there as well). In my father's Blake family just his father and his brother came to Canada with the rest remaining in England.  My grandmother Blake's family mostly remained in England although they are half-siblings. My maternal grandmother's siblings all came to Canada (some went to the United States) so my second cousin and third cousin numbers in England are quite large. My maternal grandfather was born in Canada as was his mother but all the rest are from England and matches with further distanced cousins on these lines come in regularly. I have matches in every known line now back to my 3x great grandparents.

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