Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sunday and youtube brings me Church once again

 The miracle of YouTube for me and having Church on Sunday right in my living room. The wonder of it all and it is Whitsunday. I loved this Sunday as a child and our priest could tell the Bible Story of Whitsunday in such a wonderful way that if I close my eyes I can still hear his booming voice telling us the Good News. He was an amazing priest and sometimes exchanged pulpits with the local Roman Catholic priest so we experienced Roman Catholicism sometimes in our lives. As a child I also went to the United Church with my grandmother, aunt and uncle so my religious circle was wide. When I turned eight I started to go to a Pentecostal Bible Study on Wednesday afternoons. At first my parents objected but they asked the priest and he said let her go (he was perhaps secretly proud of my ability to quickly scan the Bible and find any verse no ideas on that but his support was wonderful and I loved that Bible Study). My father had a Jewish friend so also knew about Judaism as a child and of course saw all those Newsreels as a young child about the Concentration Camps that the Nazis ran in Europe where they murdered men, women and children in gas chambers. Religion was the cornerstone of our lives as children - we went every Sunday even at the cottage. Church in the morning and Sunday School in the afternoon. I loved Sundays and still do. The peace that passeth all understanding was so much a part of my life. 

Yesterday was cleanup day and we emptied the shed finally - completely and now there is a stack of metal to go to the dump. I will never use seven foot steel poles - Edward put up snow fences with all those metal posts. There is so much wood and two saw horses. We put the three bookcases from the garage into the shed and still to go in is the work bench and all those tools which we will eventually give to the Tool Library. It looks so neat and tidy now and in the winter the summer table, chairs and other items will go in as well leaving the garage completely empty. The canoe is the next big item to go. I bought the canoe when I was first working. It is a lovely cedar strip cargo canoe and I have tried to donate it to the museums since it is Canadian made and in good shape but have not heard back from any of them. I just had a thought I wonder if the Aboriginal group that took all the national geographic books and the massive bookcases would like a canoe. I shall mention that to my daughter. It isn't something you can just put on the front lawn and get rid of it for sure. It really should go to a home where it will be as loved as it has been these fifty five years. It has been in so many places although it has never left Canada. It has been paddled in northern lakes (by Edward and I) and taken on portages from lake to lake with everything that we needed for such a trip. I love canoeing but I am older now and it is a big canoe to handle. Once it is gone from the garage it will be more or less empty on the main level. There is still so much wood in the loft. Edward saved all the wood that he did not use. It is a good habit for sure but it needs to go eventually as well. We will paint the garage floor again as we did when we first moved here and Ed painted it again maybe twenty years ago now. 

Putin has bombed Kyiv once again  yelling at the west for helping Ukraine to survive this illegal war against them. It is disgusting really; there have been so many times when Russia could have made a graceful exit and we would not have to continue this ridiculous war in this century. It is like 1945 all over again as a vengeful Russia lashed out at all the countries that lay between her and the Nazis in Germany except Ukraine is holding them at bay - they are dying to do this; to help the world stay away from a Third World War. The world owes a debt to Ukraine because they are containing Russia - three times their size. It is a sin what Russia is doing - stealing land; murdering and terrorizing civilians who just want to live their lives on the lands they have lived on for thousands of years. I still agree with Macron that we should not humiliate the Russian people just the new Nazis (Putin and his enablers) who are running this war of aggression and greed. Greed for land and the value in the land and for that they would risk destroying our world. The "friends" of Putin should get him to stop. He is like the two years old screaming I want it! I want it! Russian soldiers who are murdering civilians and pillaging and stealing to send the possessions of the captured Ukrainian civilians back to their families are war criminals. It is disgusting. Prayers for Ukraine as always.

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