Saturday, July 16, 2022

No new accomplishment yesterday on the extraction of Pincombe material

 Yesterday was a really busy day and I did not really get into any work on the Pincombe material. I did glance at it and I think I will chart all of the results that I have thus far. I do have the 16 charts produced by the earlier researchers and I have entered a few of them into Excel so now the logical process is perhaps to revise them and move forward with that project which was in the works years ago but got set aside due to lack of time. 

Another beautiful sunny day and we are promised a heat wave for a few days. I watered last evening just to help the garden along but the peppers have finally realized it is summer I guess as they have doubled in size the last week or so. A few peppers set on the plants so we may have peppers yet this summer from our own plants. The raspberries are pretty much finished up although the ever bearing bushes will have some raspberries for the rest of the summer likely. The sunflowers are also reaching up high now and we should see flowers on them towards the end of August. 

I am looking forward to a quiet three weeks now as we complete our preparations for Edward's Celebration of Life. I am pretty much ready with just one more picture to put together once I have it printed. It was his favourite picture that he used pretty much everywhere that he put his picture up. I preferred the picture of the two of us on my webpage which was just a casual shot he took as a selfie one day on our travels. He looks so happy and carefree and I am remembering those days rather more often now and not so much his ill days of the last couple of years before he passed away. 

I still can not really imagine life without Edward being alive although I have been living that life for the last fifteen months; he remains in my thoughts daily and likely will to the end of my days especially when I am working on publishing his research.  I think at 76 one just moves forward in time as the days pass doing what one was doing but not living the joint life that one did when one's spouse was still alive. Our work life was quite separate, Edward and I. I found it just too heavy to continue being involved in Edward's research after the Pacemaker was inserted. I was taking on a lot of the care of the property and he liked it that I was able to do that. The amount of time left I devoted to my own research on the ancient material of my parent's families - Blake and Pincombe - my one-name studies at the Guild of one-name studies. It also included my H11 study of our mitochondrial DNA line. My newsletters for Pincombe and Blake are a summary of my thoughts and transcriptions through the years.

I continue to look at my H11 study but will not publish the Newsletter again until the illegal war against Ukraine ends. Sadly more children (and adults) have died in purely civilian areas that are being bombed from afar from uncaring Russians who are too far away to visually see the damage the are creating with their what appears to be a deliberate aim at civilian areas. Having offered Russian citizenship (as if it is a precious jewel) to the Ukrainian people they are now trying to frighten them into accepting that by bombing them. Prayers for Ukraine as always.

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