Sunday, October 9, 2022

More work on DNA matches

Continuing with my work on the accumulated DNA matches from the different testing companies - 23 and Me, My Heritage, Ancestry and FT DNA. Living DNA does not yet, at least last time I looked, do actual chromosome matching. Surprisingly all of the matches thus far have been in my Blake family. Some of them are quite large considering that they are fourth cousin or greater. But I do have collapsing pedigree (and huge families) with my Knight family (my great grandmother Blake was a Knight).  

Exercises all completed yesterday and 15 thousand steps. It has been wet so not outside walking which eliminates perhaps 3000 steps or more. Gives my foot a rest though which isn't a bad thing probably. I will soon be out there walking about again. 

I think that Russia is starting to come apart a little and the damage to the Kerch Bridge is coming from within. Getting out of Ukraine would be their best plan; it is cruel what the Russian army is doing there - murdering and raping Ukrainian children, women and men; committing genocide daily. Regroup Russian people and think about all the Russian peoples and how they can best revive the real country of Russia which is an ancient country and should be one of the leaders in terms of scientific and educational advances and not war mongering in Ukraine - their cousins. The present Russian leadership is destroying the country of Peter the Great who wanted Russia to become like the rest of Europe and especially France which he loved and respected.

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