Thursday, December 15, 2022

Phasing begins once again

 Worked on Chromosome 23 yesterday. I am beginning to clearly see My Gray-Routledge line in the Pincombe section so will continue checking that out and see if I can break the Pincombe on the 23rd Chromosome into Pincombe and Gray to mark my great grandparents. The Buller looks like it could be broken down into Buller and Taylor and that will capture my attention today. I am still ambivalent about the breakdown for Rawlings as that leads me into my paternal grandmother's father's line. Perhaps Cotterill (one of her middle names is Cotterill) and only one family of that name in Kimpton. Still though lots of people in England with that name so I remain ambivalent waiting for a good second to third cousin match to really verify. But looking at the matches there may just be a real break between them and I need to be able to attach some of the X chromosome to a known Rawlings descendant so a lot more work on that chromosome but it will probably wait into the future. 

Will move to Chromosome 22 at some point in the day and it is exciting to be back once again to looking at great grandparents. This is also using the power of the AutoClusters at My Heritage which may be a really good tool to let one look at great grandparent phasing. Individuals are brought together in a cluster that match each other but do not always appear to be matching the five siblings in a way that is a sort of 1:1 look. The matches between other members of the cluster are hidden by the system. Fascinating really and a step forward in matching. 

A whole day to work though and that will be nice - cleaning all done; grocery shopping all done and hermit time beginning! Although still a little christmas shopping to do. 

On to breakfast. God's gift to us in Jesus Christ ever on my mind at Christmas time. One wonders what does God think of humankind now? Certainly our parents thought Armageddon was coming during the Second World War and perhaps it was our ingenuity that actually prevented it. As Nuclear Fission takes off we may yet solve the problem of pollution for our children and grandchildren. Then just have to solve the problems of asteroid strikes to protect our world.

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