Saturday, January 28, 2023

Another good day on research

Yesterday completed my review of the subsidies of 1641 and 1642 for Somerset. It was a long somewhat eye straining exercise but I am satisfied with the results. Interesting I am noting that James Sanders was born in the same year as one of my great grandfathers so in 1912 when he published the book he was 67 years of age. Although that seems a young age to me now he probably was not as mobile as we are these days. I have never really looked at his family but he married Anne Mountjoy June quarter 1867 at South Molton and they had seven children (three sons and four daughters with the youngest son named Harry Siderfin Sanders - interesting it was at this later date that he named a son with his mother's surname. The third daughter also received Siderfin as her middle surname and the youngest his mother's forename as her middle name. His accumulation of material was perhaps inquisitiveness as he says in his preface he was looking at a book written by James Savage and published at Bristol by William Strong, Clare Street but also in London by Longman et al in 1830. The book by Savage is indexed but does not contain any indexing for the Siderfin surname. Perhaps I should actually read it and may think about doing that. I did find mention of  Robert Siderfin of Croydon who created a memorial for his wife in the local Church in Luxborough. Perhaps it was the lack of information about the Siderfin family that set him on his quest. He mentions that his mother having been a Siderfin does leave one with the impression that he is looking at this book after the death of his mother (1882) although she could have brought it to his attention at some point mentioning her own maiden surname perhaps around the time of the birth of his third daughter since she carries the surname (1877). I found it curious that it was the surname that interested him which is the same in my case. One does wonder where one's surnames come from I suspect and we are all born with two in actual fact from both of our parents and my mother was very conscious of her need to talk about her family line which she did and my father perhaps as well although I learned more from my grandfather (his father) than from him but he was a very busy man running his own business. I worked for him in the summers from the time I was 12 until I turned 15 at which point he suggested that I should perhaps also work for other people and I did although did find it quite intimidating to do so initially perhaps because some people are very curious and I was always a rather withdrawn person. 

However, my quest to find more information on Robert the second son of Robert has been fruitful and I can now clearly say that James Sanders was partially correct in his descent as John was one of his children but there were two other children missing on the chart. I am only going to think of one generation at a time as I work my way forward to the present. That is perhaps the difference between a one-namer and a family genealogist. I am not really that interested in just looking at all the ancestors of my lines or the cousins and resultant descendants of all those lines. My interests lie mainly with the Blake surname and the Pincombe surname although I acquired an interest in the Siderfin surname about the same time as I had found it looking for the details of a Profile of the Pincombe family for my cousin's books that he was editing - The Westminster and Delaware History Books (this being two of the Townships in the County of Middlesex in the Province of Ontario, Canada). Fortunately my younger sister has taken up the mantle of genealogist for the family and pursues all of those cousins and descendants as well as ancestors in her own study which includes both her line and that of her husband. 

Today the quest will continue partially as my eyes can use a rest for a bit. I have extracted all the Siderfin information from the Index to the Minehead Parish Registers and will now look at the original parish registers which I also have on fiche. As time permits I will also look at some of the surrounding parishes as I have fiche in some cases and access to Ancestry, Find My Past, My Heritage to look at original registers online as they exist. Pulling together the Fourth Generation as completely as I am able is the task at hand. 

I did get rather distracted by the meteorite that flew by so close to us yesterday. I find such things to be utterly fascinating and do get carried away in my thoughts to be sure. I found Yuri Gagarin's space ride equally fascinating as a child. The desire to be out there was strong in me for quite a while but I did not pursue it. 

A bit of snow clearing to do today although we will probably get quite a bit enough for the company to come and clear it away tomorrow but I like to keep it cleared so that it doesn't create ice on the walks and steps. 

Glory to Ukraine and one hopes that the tanks will help to send the Russians back to their own borders - they can not just randomly claim land as their own with a fake referendum that was not overseen by the United Nations. Once again Putin makes his claim against Ukraine of Nazism when it is  the psychopathic Putin and his enablers that are the Nazis trying to steal land and riches from the people of Ukraine. Death to the invaders and glory to Ukraine. I think it is pretty clear that the Ukrainians have a right to their land they have also lived on for thousands of years; tanks are simply a means to stop the bloodshed and drive the invaders from their land. Why the Russian people would allow the Nazi Putin and his enablers to treat them as serfs is beyond me for sure. Absolutely no one is going to invade Russia now or ever (at least not the so-called West; likely we will want to have as little to do with Russia as possible although it is nice to let them take part in international events just to let them see how the real world lives). The Nazi Putin and his enablers have destroyed Peter the Great's Russia. He had such hopes for the future of Russia and all taken away by the Nazi psychopathic Putin and his enablers who let the youth of Russia die on the battlefields of Ukraine as cannon fodder. Russia created those battle fields but the sons of  the Nazi Putin and his enablers are not dying in this war just the sons of the Russian people that they have turned back into serfs.

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