Monday, January 23, 2023

Cleaning Day and the Protestation Returns of Somerset

One always seems to be constantly returning to the same datasets as I look once again at the Somerset Protestation Returns in between cleaning bouts today. I do not remember now if I ever sought out the Siderfin family in the Protestation Returns. I indexed my blog with a purpose as far as my one-name studies were concerned and back on the 16th July 2009 I did look at that. However I can not trust that I have actually located all of them and so I will repeat the survey of the Protestation returns and Subsidy 1641-42 as the idea of really different spellings of surnames but still foreign to me in 2009 - slowly seeping in but I know that I did not do a thorough enough job of seeking them out. 

Protestation Returns - 1641-42
Sidderfin Thomas gent Carhampton 1.
Sidderfin Robert Luxborough 2.
Sidderfin Thomas Luxborough 3.
Siderfin William overseer Luxborough 4.
Sidderfin Robert Minehead 5.
Sidderfin John Selworthy 6.

Subsidy 1641-42

Surname Forename Suffix s d Parish
Syderfyn Thos gent 5 6 Carhampton 7.
Syderfyn Thomas 11 Cutcombe 8.
Syderfin Cristian 6 8 Luxborow Everard 9.
Syderfin William 4 8 Luxborow Everard 10.
Syderfyn Thomas 4 6 Minehead 11.
Syderfyn Robert rater 4 7 Minehead 12.
Syderfyn Robert sen 4 Timberscombe 13.
Syderfyn Robert jun 3 Timberscombe 14.
Syderfyn Wm rater 8 1 Treborough Browne 15.
Syderfyn Robert 13 6 Wotton Courtney 16.

At this time I did know about James Sanders book and did have an electronic copy. Reading though my blog of the 16th July 2009 I am looking at the age of Robert (will probated 1627/8) and when he was born. I query whether in 1568 when William Sidervin's will was probated Robert and his sister Jone (married to William Westerne (Westeron in 1602)) were still young. One thought that has come to me is the date of the marriage of William Sidervin and Wilmot Foster. The creation of the indenture in 1534-35 does not necessarily mean that William and Wilmot married at that time. They could have both been young and that could well move the date of Robert's and Jone's birth on and I must learn more about the Muster Rolls and how young an individual might be on those rolls. After all the children of Kings of England went off to sea as midshipman at the age of twelve years even in the 1900s. Each year gained makes this will by Robert in 1627/28 all the more plausible and if he was but 12 years of age in 1569 then we are looking at a date of birth in 1557 which would make him an even more reasonable age to be married and baptizing children in the 1580s and 1590s and even up to 1602. One must be a history sleuth as well in order to make sense of one's family. At that point, when I wrote that blog in 2009,  I had not located the Somerset Muster Rolls naming a Robert Siderfin in 1569. Interesting my thoughts and it is not long after this that I gave the Siderfin study away to my cousin and I only just realized in the past year that my cousin was no longer doing a one-name study on Siderfin! Life does move and change for sure. 

I like to be logical and that shows up in these files - I have no idea why I numbered each of these lines and the remainder of the blog text that day does not elucidate that reasoning either. But I shall leave them in in case they bring back a memory!

Speaking of logic; one wonders why would a country invade another country on a trumped up charge of Nazism when that country (namely Russia) has only shown Nazi tendencies themselves as they ruthlessly invade the countries on their borders stealing land and riches. Is it because they want to kill off the young men in their country who might have thoughts of separating from Russia itself? (These Nazis Putins and his enablers well know that the rest of the world does not want a Third World War and they hold us ransom threatening us again and again with a nuclear war hoping to get us to back off helping Ukraine.) One wonders - what is their logic? After all the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan for land and wealth but ended up retreating back having lost a lot of young men and causing the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union and its breakup. Putin considers this to be a travesty that the Soviet Union is gone but we see it as freedom for millions of people held captive by the Soviet Union for over 50 years (and those people will fight for their freedom; Russia should never think anything else; no one wants to be part of the Soviet Union except Russia herself and Belarus it appears). Is there any logic that fits sending the youth of their country to die on the battlefields of Ukraine in the thousands by the way - it is believed that thousands and thousands of young Russian men have died on these battlefields without proper equipment to aid them (the sons of the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers are enjoying life in Moscow they are not dying on the battlefields of Ukraine). These young men of Russia dying in Ukraine have basically been used as cannon fodder and to what end? In the long run, it is a false idea because these young men who have been called up and have actually reported for duty are the least likely to rock the boat and create a revolution but the way that they are being used is giving them the incentive to refuse to follow orders. Russia will create her own revolution once again within her own borders because she invaded a free country namely Ukraine and has been spilling the blood of children, women and men of Ukraine ever since. The land is soaked in their blood; they will fight Russia until Russia leaves, Poland has been given permission to send their tanks to Ukraine by Germany. Russians go home; women of Russia call your men home before they are all dead on the battlefields of Ukraine where they have no right to be anyway - Ukraine is a free country. Russia should be a free country but the Nazis Putin and his enablers along with Patriarch Kirill are lying to you and they have made Russia a land of serfs and Nazis overlords. The Nazis are Russians trying to steal land and riches from Ukraine. Throw away your uniforms and go home to your aging fathers and mothers, go home to your wives and families - Russia is using you as cannon fodder. Glory to Ukraine. Death to the invaders.

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