Monday, January 23, 2023

Picture of the King and Prince Harry

There is a picture of the King and Prince Harry (and the Prime Minister of the UK) on the newsfeed today. Wow, does Harry ever look like his father! I still find it amazing and dreadful actually the things he has, according to the various newsfeeds, said about his family in a book just for money. Poor Charlotte; a small child should not have had such a dreadful experience as a dress for an event that was so important I am sure to her. A dress that was so baggy and large she noticed it; she was just a little girl. Her tears were certainly a real happening of which we were not aware before the book - poor Kate with all that was going on at the time; new baby and a wedding that would place her right in the world spotlight should not have had to deal with so much difficulty at the last minute - her cup was really very full for a new mother and really everyone should have helped her as much as possible; that is what friends and family do. I did find that newsfeed to be pretty disgusting to be honest. Amazing we never heard a word about it until now - an earlier newsfeed painted a rather different picture. I know when I was breastfeeding my children it did not take a lot to upset me in those early weeks - one is really living for two plus she already had two other children. I know she has help but still she takes on a lot of responsibility herself for her children. But of course, in defense Harry and Meghan knew nothing about children presumably since neither had any so would not realize that a small child simply can not envision that everything can be fixed in just a couple of hours or so and ready to go. It was just too close to the date that poor little Charlotte was getting ready to take part in. Two and three year olds are so sweet really and very aware of time and such but lack some knowledge of things like just how long it takes to fix something. But it did surprise me after Harry making his statements about being worried about William's and Kate's children - not to have understood why Charlotte would be so very upset. But none of my business really; it is the sort of thing you keep within a family not on the front page of newspapers or a headline on the newsfeed. How ghastly it really is to live in that Fishbowl but King Charles and Prince William do it very very well.

William looks like King George VI more and more every time that I see him in a picture. William is coming to the age that I do remember the King (he was 50 when I first recall his picture (we had a picture of the King in our house and the picture of the Queen after he died was in the living room). Well another decade before William is 50 but the similarity is wonderful - King George VI was a great and wonderful King - he died so young. 

On to the cleaning. Breakfast completed. Continuing using up leftovers from Christmas parties so haven't been out for groceries for a while - one of these days when the milk runs out probably.  We bought six litres but the date was good although now approaching the date with the last 2 litres - macaroni and cheese tonight and with four or five breakfasts the milk will soon be gone.

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