Monday, March 27, 2023

The Snow is melting; the sunrise is golden

The last week of March and the snow is now into its melting cycle. The leaves of the crocuses and snowdrops are through the ground and growing rapidly. The snow still around them but a little bare earth here and there  where the green growth is coming. Spring is coming and with it the hope that Jesus brought to us over two thousand years ago. That we can be a God-loving people; respecting all mankind and wanting to live in peace and charity. The bare branches of the deciduous trees reach high into the sky; their winter sleep is over and the maple sap is running. Truly it is magic and yet we understand it very well but to a child it is magic when spring comes. Soon the buds on the trees and the flowers on the crocus and snowdrop will welcome us each day. The squirrels are already busy and more birds have come home for the summer. 

Yesterday I worked on the Ancestry matches looking at the new process where matches are assigned to Maternal, Paternal or Unassigned. I have looked at the first 100 of my matches and now working on one of my brothers because each of us (the four of us on Ancestry) have different amounts of shared chromosome with others and different matches. I like to work on the Ancestry matches every couple of months just to see what is there. The database is so very large and very few of my family lines are missed going back into time. I can perhaps start to look at my paternal grandmother to see if I can see anything constructive there. I have a lot of Rawlings matches (we all do but me especially). I inherited more from Rawlings than I did from Blake in that cross. My paternal grandmother loved being part of her family but then I would imagine it was partly because her mother was her natural mother but I have known adopted children who are really quite content with their adopted parents and I rather think she was one of those with a great love for her step-father. There are hints way back in my mind about the father of my paternal grandmother - he was a bailiff on a farm my father said. But he loved his maternal step-grandfather and not that interested in who his actual grandfather was - just a matter of fact sort of statement and not much interest. But he did enjoy talking about his maternal step-grandfather who was a gardener and very good at it apparently. He knew him well as he was nine years of age when he and his parents came to Canada. So I will watch for a hint of that person in the matches just to be complete in my researching but keep remembering that this was a family that encircled all of its members with love. The letters tell that story. 

Today is cleaning day once again. Today looks enthusiastic; the sky is bright although still minus 2 degrees celsius it will be above zero today and another day of melting snow. It enriches the earth with moisture all that slowly melting snow. It will soon be Mud Season here in Canada; it is coming quickly as it generally does. Spring is short in my part of the world; it will soon be like summer. 

The Apple CEO is in China and gave a show of support for China as a market and manufacturing base. It is good I think to see the good in countries and congratulate them. We are in the midst of a discussion on Chinese interference in our elections but personally I think we just need to know it; we are capable of deciding at the ballot box what our thoughts are. The two Michaels will be in our minds for a long time yet. It is sad that it always has to be for or against but our friendship with the United States of America is long standing and important to us and we will protect that relationship. 

Probably work on Ancestry during my rest periods from cleaning. On to Breakfast and the day.

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