Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Gospels - I love the Daily Bible Reading

 Every morning the Daily Bible Reading comes into my email box from the Canadian Bible Society. Today's reminds me that COVID's one plus was having Church on YouTube. Although through the ages missionaries have shared the message of Jesus around the world; COVID introduced the world to online Church and it is marvelous. Now the message of Jesus is truly there for all to see anywhere that YouTube reaches. Perhaps not quite as Jesus intended as community was to be very much part of His message but for me it has meant that weekly I am part of the online community and for me that is the best choice. Sometimes I think I might go back but first I must have my cataract surgery and then we will see whether my driving on the highway on my own is a particular item. Going on the train is a thought and I have often mulled that idea around in my brain but I am not sure it is the most practical one for me and I continue attending Church online. I feel as if I am there. God is in the world and He saw that it was good so many many centuries/millenias ago. We have a task to keep it good and restore it to its pristine condition prior to the Industrial age. We must follow the commandments that Jesus gave to us - love God with all our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbour as ourself.

Today the sunrise was muted as it is cloudy and just 2 degrees celsius when I started on the computer around 6:15 am. Rain has been promised most days and that is April for sure here in Canada. The rain is needed; the ground was so dry by Fall last year. The spring flowers are abundant and continue to bloom. It is daffodils now and the yellow against the slowly greening lawns is beautiful. There are also blue forget me not flowers all through the lawn. They are wild now and I will let them bloom. Each year there are more. Soon the dandelions will come and I will let them bloom as well - Edward and I used to dig them out. I wanted to embrace the dandelions but Edward did want them dug out so we did that. But now they will flourish and the yellow will be beautiful with all the bees working the flowers. I may break off the seed heads - time will tell. There is so much work though that I may not; I stopped last year when it was just too much. The raspberry canes have come to life this past week, as well as the red currants and the gooseberries. I must check on the elderberries but they generally are later as the ground at the back is the last to thaw. My raspberry transplants have taken hold and will do more of that this year. It is better than just pulling them out and putting them into the green bin. The birds also enjoy them. 

Cleaning accomplished yesterday and today the basement but I will also get more work done on the Siderfin family. I am working on FreeBMD now but a lot of them are in my file already. I will move to Ancestry to collect the BMDs/BMBs after the mid 1970s not yet in FreeBMD. 

Frank Stronach has done it again - well said for sure. Having been eliminated as a public servant in the early 1980s I have to say that it lead to an excellent job in the private sector that I held for another twelve years and it was full time work and I worked at home for most of that time. When the proofreader/copyeditor retired a few years later they offered me the job so I managed to convince them to let me work in house for four or five hours and then take the work home with me and I completed it there continuing to give me an eight hour workday (or more as there was a lot of work considering I was replacing a full time proofreader/copyeditor plus the time that I had spent doing the same at home). I had an advantage over their person though as I was fluent in the language of science, could read three languages and other items (I was always a history buff for sure and I am somewhat picky about grammar - all essentials of a proofreader/copyeditor) as their person had had just a high school education. I continued to be a contract worker until they sold to another company and I only agreed to work for them if I was an employee (just in case and in reality I was let go which I anticipated as they had a full time proofreader that they asked me to train to read the scientific material). That way I was protected as I was paying E.I. but I soon found another job. So trimming the Public Service of items that can really be done in the private sector is something I agree with and I do speak with personal experience. The private sector can be very efficient; perhaps a little more blood thirsty but very efficient and it builds up the economy as that means tax money going into the government coffers not out of it. But I actually worked the same hours for the government as I did for industry but I made more money in industry plus I continued to stay home with my children.

Russia is starting to rattle their nuclear threat and talk about a Third World War again. It is actually illogical as one thing we do not need in this world is a third world war and we (the so-called West) are not going to start one for sure. We actually never have. It was always Nazis - we are definitely not Nazis. Peter the Great would be so saddened at what is happening to Russia as he wanted Russia to be part of the world; his people enlightened and educated. Putin has been a dreadful head of state there. Letting all those young men die on the battlefields that he created. What a disaster for Russia he is but his enablers sound the same. The blood of Russia is crying out for a Russian hero to save them from these Psychopathic Nazis (Putin and his enablers). We can hear it; why can't they? Do they care so little for the youth of their country? Russia get out of Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine. Prayers for Ukraine where a Museum was bombed today - uncalled for destruction by the Russians and the loss of one Ukrainian life thus far plus whatever ancient treasures were destroyed by their bombing.

Breakfast awaits and then the cleaning day but also some research.

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