Saturday, May 27, 2023

Rex Murphy

Although I do find Rex Murphy''s comments very interesting I do not agree that public inquiries really solve problems - they simply cost a lot of money that could be used to better arm the military, make government functions more efficient (efficiency is definitely lacking and I do realize this is a hangover from the COVID era). The idea that any government business can be conducted on cell phone that are not inside a protected system is ludicrous. I enjoyed staying home with my girls when they were young and can understand that desire but I had a job that suited stay at home work but you have to make a choice  - we are back in the real world; if a job can not function properly at home then it needs to be in a protected workplace. That to me is so much more important than foreign influence being exerted in our country at election time or others (look at all the fraud that is happening). Just make us aware of  foreign influence and we are not stupid, Canadians know how to deal with interference I do believe. A public inquiry is just a waste of money and fills in those outside of our country on details best kept to ourselves. I do not believe social media on electioneering is of much value and I do not read it anyway. I have far too much to read to spend time on those particular items. There are newspapers and of course 24 hours news (with which I do disagree on occasion). All I watch actually is the weather and the news and movies sometimes on Netflix.

As for the Emergency Act I was never so glad to see a group of people forced to leave the downtown of Ottawa. They had no right to set up camp and bring their children to an illegal demonstration. They were breaking the city bylaws, abusing children (their own) and that is unacceptable. No public inquiry needed for that for sure. I have never been in favour of the printed constitution as it limits our rights to that very paper - we should never have had to put up with people camping on the hill; abusing passer-bys and blocking government.  

Other than my disagreement with him on those two issues; I do find a lot of what he says interesting. The best way to get more efficiency in the government is at the ballot box but we need a real Progressive Conservative party to be in opposition; the Progressive Conservative party of Brian Mulroney was excellent (they could win in Ontario (I live in Ontario) and Canada) - the quagmire which Prime Minister Harper created with the last Conservative government by reducing the GST; under-funding the military to balance the budget; and selling/destroying public libraries was unacceptable. 

Now I really do need to get back to work on my books. Maybe we will soon have that better Progressive Conservative Party and life can go back to normal; we know the Liberals are in power more than the Conservatives but the Conservatives traditionally kept them in line and efficient. I will never vote for the NDP; their time in Ontario will be forever remembered as ridiculous - they actually tried to have Rae days at hospitals. I am not against providing proper care for people who are in need although even during the worst bankruptcy days we managed in my childhood but times have changed and life is just a little more difficult. Besides I do not like to see children needing medical treatment; especially the First Nations children. I do have my preferences.

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