Friday, June 23, 2023

Strange how time away makes the mind more receptive

Finding William (and the proof is excellent) yesterday and placing him in the William-Line was such an excellent happening. I did work on the Thomas-Line but still nothing on either of the two male children mentioned in James Sander's text but not in the Pedigree Chart. The names interesting - Walter and Robert - mostly because Walter was on the chart but in a different place; lots of Robert though. Shifted text here and there and did a lot of thinking but I would like to complete the Fifth Generation today and move on. Complications do ensue in the next generations but nothing like the Fourth and Fifth Generations. 

Constructed the hanger for the new bird feeder yesterday and will complete the hanging of that today. Will do a little weeding as it is collection day and I have half of a bag and might as well be full. 

We made sweet potato gnochi last night and it was very good along with a butter lemon sauce full of herbs, garlic and peppers. The result was quite delicious and really enjoyed. Then off for a kayaking hour and I walked this time. I decided that kayaking every day takes away from my walking and I find I am really exhausted at night so decided to try every other day - I am after all nearly 78. 

Today research, weeding and thinking about downsizing as we want to do more of that this summer. We have already completed two tasks which is great in our list of 11 items that we hope to complete this summer. 

Breakfast awaits and the world's news continues to tell of an imperialism that still has not stopped and retreated back to their own country namely Russia. It is like they have never woken up to the twenty first century and Peter the Great would be so disappointed to see how the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers have ruined his Russia and all for their own greed and nothing to benefit the people of Russia. But first and foremost in our minds should be the need to properly supply our military and our support for our allies. We should be there when there is a major NATO exercise like in Germany at the moment but soon to end. There shouldn't be a need to cut corners in the military to get a major enlistment program going; take the money out of general recruitment funds used in the Public Service. Forest fires are raging and who do we call upon - our military. Equip them properly; get our navy equipped - we have three oceans to manage around our country. Our air force needs support as well. It will be money well spent in the care and nurturing of our country.

Always sad when things go wrong and so the loss of lives on board the submersible will enter into the history books for people to think about and examine in the future. On to the day. 

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