Saturday, June 24, 2023

Still on the Fifth Generation

 Although I started out thinking I might just finish the Fifth Generation and in essence all of the people in the fifth generation can now be accounted for I did not finish. I decided to divide my book file into two files with the "completed" portion as one unit and the material that I have collected and added to the original book in a separate file. It lets me move things about easier. I have more or less completed but now need to add in some of the material that I collected in my searches at the various archives. I will work at that today if the time becomes available. Luckily it is raining and may rain all day on and off so no gardening today. I am working on the Sixth Generation though but still have some insertions for the Fifth Generation; it may be that that will be the methodology now for working on the book; just to keep everything straight I probably need to be thinking about the three generations at all time so that means the bits of extra for the Fifth, the actual work on the Sixth Generation and making sure the Seventh Generation works for the Fifth and Sixth conclusions that I make.

Yesterday we vacuumed the car and washed it all out and did a better job with the coverings that we are using to protect the rug with the transport of the kayaks back and forth to the wetlands. Surprisingly it was not really very grassy or messy but it was good to do a full preparation as the remainder of the summer is with us and a lot more kayaking days for sure. Does one ever get used to not having a partner in life? Edward did a lot of items by himself and I am still finding some of them; knew about them but just didn't have to do those particular items before since I came from my parent's home to life with my husband without living alone. As I was kayaking yesterday I was remembering the many years that Edward and I and before the girls were grown, the four of us, canoeing in the wetlands. It does still seem strange that he is not with us anymore. The girls still miss him very much and perhaps that is just the way of life; I missed my grandparents very much when they passed on and do miss my parents. It is a normal passage of time and one doesn't dwell on it but you always do miss that familial relationship when it is missing. But you move on with the living because that is what everyone of them would have wanted for you; but when you thought that you would be the first to go it is a lot of reorganizing of the mind for sure. 

Today we are doing a special dinner - subs with cold cuts (I prefer jellied meats but hard to find now), potato salad with fresh radishes and green onions from our garden. It will be a lovely reminder of many years past both in marriage and before marriage. In the summer we would have cold cuts some of the days - although not a real fan of meat I did love the jellied meats and my grandfather used to make head cheese of which I was very fond. So some preparation to the trimmings of spinach, leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, thin pepper slices, grated carrot, and grated cheese (sharp cheddar is my favourite) and mustard is my favourite. Usually we would have chili sauce but I have not made chili sauce for about four years now. Perhaps a small batch at the end of the summer to store in the refrigerator instead of canning it in a large batch. Then sit and watch a favourite show on the television and that is remembrances of when the children were young and we used to do a feast with small, medium and large pitas to suit everyone's tastes with all the trimmings that one could imagine especially from our garden. 

So on to breakfast and then research for a bit intermingled with exercises - jumping jacks, weight lifting and yoga/calisthenics with a set of jumping jacks. Kayaking changes my exercise schedule somewhat as I do less walking and running so I have taken that to every other day and returned to walking and running. Kayaking is fun but it is a sitting exercise just for the arms really and the core; does nothing for the feet and legs except the little pushing that you do with you feet as you paddle along keeping the kayak in a straight line.

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