Thursday, July 6, 2023

Gardening and once again the weeds!

Gardening once again today and it will be cleaning up the bricks around the laneway. I did the front porch, front patio and cleaned up the front garden. I still need to trim the globe cedar but that will be a project for a cooler day, perhaps September. The lawn is actually not too bad. I do need to get the laneway repaved one of these days but not in a rush for that. There is a little parging to do on one side of the garage but again it is not a big problem. But cleaning up around the bricks of the laneway is about the right time. I have done it now for maybe ten or twelve years and generally wait for the growth of May and June to happen as the growth now to the end of the summer will be light given the dry days generally. I need to put in the hardening sand one of these days on the porch, patio and brickwork. That will be a two person job for sure!

No work on Siderfin yesterday, I spent a little time on the Ancestry matches. I just have about 28 to look at and place into my chart and then that project is complete. The second test is very like the first (mine) but the changes that did occur are rather small and insignificant. No real change in terms of matching just a slightly smaller or slightly larger number but pretty rare. Contemplated the next newsletter which will be Kipp and that is pretty much the results of the Y-700 test that was done on Edward's DNA sample at FT DNA. He is the only one who has tested at this level but you do not really need a lot of people to do that when they are matching already to a high level. The Kipp family in America (United States) is quite interesting. The Kipp family here in Canada is primarily descendant of the Kip family of New Amsterdam as far as I can tell from his work on the Canadian Census. It is a small number compared to the descendants of the Kip family of New Amsterdam still living in the United States. But there were several Kipp families who came to the United States in the 1740s which are descendant of the Kipp families in Germany rather than the Netherlands and they do not match the Kip family of New Amsterdam. It is actually a German surname as far as I can tell but acquired by the Kip family of New Amsterdam as a second surname due to the large number of individuals living in the New Amsterdam colony with the surname of Hendricksen which was the surname of the founder of this New Amsterdam line. So very interesting and I am still not sure how long I will keep the Kip-Kipp Newsletter  going. But for the moment I will do that. 

Kayaking last evening was quite lovely. A lot of people out in the wetlands at Petrie Island. Just about anything that will float is seen in the wetlands with people greatly enjoying being on the water. It is nice to have a place closeby where we can boat for sure. The parking pass lets us have up to five hours although we would never use so much time. But it does mean that it is easy to just park there and be on the water in a few minutes.

Other than that the summer moves forward and we are in a heat wave at the moment. No smoke warning at the moment and it is a beautiful sunny day already. Raspberries are ripening and soon will be ready - a little late perhaps because of the lack of sun. 

The birds are busy teaching their young to eat at a feeder and flying lessons for their long trip south - there is an urgency about them actually I hadn't noticed before but then I am less busy and notice more. 

Ground sirloin for dinner last evening with lots of vegetable; small amount of sirloin - large amount of vegetable including asparagus, carrot, peppers, and zucchini along with rice this time. All done in the steamer for the vegetables first and then into the wok after cooking up the meat, onions, garlic and ginger and add the vegetables at the end.  We do not have beef very often but the ground sirloin looked lovely and it was. Enough for tonight and then no beef again for a while likely. I do not eat a lot of meat; not really that fond of meat still in my old age and now on my own I only eat enough to give me adequate protein over a period of time. I prefer legumes, cheese and milk for my protein for sure. 

On to the day and lots to do for sure; must get the weeding done early.

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