Friday, August 11, 2023

Eleventh generation of Siderfin nearly formatted

Probably another day or two and the eleventh generation of Siderfin will be formatted. Then just the 12th generation to format and by then the copy of the answer to the complaint will be available for download. I had not expected to be this far along by nearly mid August. Once I have completed the formatting I will send off the portions to cousins who are willing to check and see that I have not misinterpreted the data. There is really just one section likely the descendants of Thomas the youngest brother of my 3x great grandmother Elizabeth (Betty) Siderfin who married John Rew. I have a number of DNA matches which I shall also mention in a chapter although will not name the matches other than the most recent common ancestor.  

Heavy rain in Ottawa yesterday although I was pretty busy working away on filing and just really didn't glance out the windows very much. I was accumulating piles of paper in my inbox so needed to resolve that problem. That keeps me on track. 

Today I will work on some of the older material that we separated out just to resolve it and decide what to do with it. Mostly it is just recyclable and will likely do that but give it one last look before I do that. That is one nice thing about modern times there is a lot less paper used. I mostly put everything on the computer and work on the computer without printing. Printing by me is generally a rare event. 

Lovely walk on the beach in the early evening yesterday. The rain had left a lot of puddles on the beach but the walk was fairly clear and we did four circuits which is around 4 km so a very pleasant end to the day. One of my pet peeves is people driving after they can not see well and we encountered an individual driving on the wrong side of the road coming out of the park (our side). We slowed down and finally they saw us. Really people do need their eyes checked regularly when they are elderly. Especially as there was a second car coming along almost beside the one that was in our lane!

Breakfast is waiting my favourite meal of the day for sure.

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