Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Cleaning accomplished for the first day; second day of cleaning today

 Cleaning days at the beginning of the week works well for me. I have a break from the computer which is always good for the eyes and gives me time to think about the work that I have been doing. It has always been a problem for me that I could not find the abstract/will of Thomasin Siderfin. Was it something that his mother had; one wonders. As we move back in time in James Sanders family his mother was Elizabeth (Siderfin) Sanders and like my Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe both were born in the West Somerset area - Elizabeth (Siderfin) Sanders was born in Watchet which is down the coast from Minehead and cross country to the east of Timberscombe (about 5 miles to the east of Dunster). My Siderfin ancestor (mother of Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe) was born at Selworthy (1759)  but that was fifty eight years earlier than Elizabeth at Watchet (1817). But the big issue both were born long after Thomasin's will was probated in 1709. There is another will which James Sanders introduces that was probated in 1784 - the will of Grace (Trill) Escott of Dunster. 

I have a fuller transcript of this will than what appears in James Sanders will (not done by me however) but have not yet located from whence I obtained it because it was at the beginning of my research days and I did not record the source on the document although suspect it was our trip to the Allen County Public Library or our trip to Salt Lake City; I will continue searching out my source but the full will reads (as I have it):


In the Name of God Amen  I Grace Escott of Dunster in the County of Somerset, Widow, being of sound and perfect Mind memory and Intellects ………to Almighty God for the same do make ordain and appoint this to be my last and legal Will and Testement, as followeth (that is to say) first and principally I recommend my Soul into the Hands of the Almighty God who gave it me and my Body to decent and Christian burial.  And for such Worldly Goods as it hath pleased Almighty God to give me  I give and Bequeath the same as followeth (to wit)  Whereas in and by virtue of a certain Deed of Settlement made on my intermarriage with my late husband Thomas Escott of Withycombe in the County of Somerset ……. Deceased  twas therein and thereby authorized and impressed by any Deed or Deeds Writing or Writings or by my last Will and Testement to direct limit give or devise all that messuages and Garden with the Appurtenances called the Middle House and the pieces and parcels of lands meadows and pasture ground hereafter particularly mentioned and expressed (that is to say) Great Langland Meadows, one piece called Hurtstone, two rights in the New Marsh, one acre in the Upper Langford and one piece called the Drang all which said  …….. with the appurtunances were late parts ad parcels or reputed so to be part of the Manor of Alcombe in the said County of Somerset.   And also all that cottage or dwellinghouse, garden and orchard with the appurtunances containing by estimation one yard or thereabouts to the same more or less situate lying in Alcombe aforesaid and late was part and parcel of the said Manor and heretofore were in the possession of Elizabeth Crookford her Assigns or Assigner and now are in the possession of William Edmund and William Clarke as Tenants thereof together with all and singular, the house (part of which has been burnt down), outhouses, edifices, buildings, barns, stables, stalls, gardens, orchards, commons and common of pasture, ways, paths, passages, water, water courses, eavements, profits, commodities, hereditaments, advantages and appurtunances whatsoever to the said premises or any part or parcel thereof belonging or appertaining on therewith used or enjoyed or accepted reputed taken or known as part parcel or (member?) thereof.  Now the said Grace Escott do in ……. and full execution of the power arising either from the letter or construction of the said Deed of Settlement or by implication of Law and of all other Powers whatsoever either expressed or implied wherewith ……… either in Law or Equity invested by this my last Will and Testement in writing duly executed and credibly attested direct limit give and devise the said messuage and garden with the appurtenances called The Middle House and the said pieces and parcels of land, meadow and pasture ground herein before and herein after particularly mentioned (that is to say) Great Langland Meadows, one piece called Hurtstone, two rights in New Marsh, one acre in the Upper Langford and one piece called the Drang and also the said cottage or dwellinghouse (…….) garden with the appurtenances containing by estimation one yard or thereabouts (be the same more or less) situated lying and being in Alcombe aforesaid and all other land and premises herein before mentioned …… and every part and parcel thereof respectively with their respective rights ……….  hereditaments  ………. appurtenances unto John Siderfin, son of Robert Siderfin of the Parish of Selworthy in the said County of Somerset, Yeoman and the Heirs of his body lawfully to be gotten subject to the provisos and conditions hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, provided always and it is my true Intent and Meaning and I do hereby declare my Will to be that in case the John Siderfin shall happen to die without heirs of his body lawfully begotten then and in such case I do hereby direct limit give and devise the said messuages and garden called the Middle House and the lands and premises herein before part mentioned and also the said cottage or dwellinghouse (on the soile thereof) garden and orchard and all other hands an premises herein before mentioned and (visited?) and every part and parcel thereof respectively with their respective rights members hereditaments and appurtunances unto Mary Siderfin, Betty Siderfin, Grace Long and Joanna Siderfin (sisters of the said John Siderfin) their heirs and assigns for ever to hold to them the said Mary Siderfin, Betty Siderfin, Grace Long and Joanna Siderfin their heirs and assigns for ever as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants.  Also I give and bequeath unto my cousin Jane Clarke the Dwellinghouse at Tivington wherein Francis Edwards now lives with garden and orchard thereunto belonging during the form of her natural life free and clear of all Rates Taxes and Repairs for or in respect of the same which said Rates and Taxes thereby direct my Executor hereinafter named to pay and discharge and also to keep the said House and Orchard in good and sufficient repair during the said form out of the Residum of my Estate and Effects, it being my Will that the said Jane Clark should hold and enjoy the same during her life free and clear of all outgoings whatsoever and from and after the decease of the said Jane Clark, I give and devise the said House Garden and Orchard unto the herein before mentioned John Siderfin his Executor Administration and Assigner for and during all the then Residue and remainder of my Term Estate and Interest therein.  Also I give unto the said Jane Clarke a feather bed and bolster which I lent her and which she has now in her keeping and also four ponds yearly and every year of lawful Money of England during her natural life by my Executor herein after named.  Also I give and devise all that my reversionary term Estate and Interest to commence on the Death of Joseph Kent and in all that my leasehold messuages or tenement with its appurtenances commonly called or known by the name of Kents situate lying and being in Selworthy of ……. and being part of the Manor of Blackford and now in the possession of Robert Sage, Yeoman and Thomas Giles of Selworthy aforesaid Yeoman his Executors and Administration upon Trust and to and for the  Ends intents and Purposes hereinafter mentioned and declared concerning the same (that is to say) upon trust that he the said Thomas Giles his Executor or Administration do and shall yearly and every year from and after the commencement of the said term and during the natural life of Ann Sage Wife of the said Robert Sage (my term and interest therein so long continuing) may apply and dispose of all the clear ……… rents House and Profits of the said messuages or tenement and premises unto such person or persons and in such parts proportions manner and form as she the said Ann Sage shall from time to time (notwithstanding her …….) by any memorandum in writing under her hand alone direct and appoint or otherwise do and shall permit and suffer her the said Ann Sage to receive and take such Rents House and Profits of the said premises to her own sole and separate ……. Benefit and disposal whose receipt alone shall be a sufficient discharge for the same to his intent the same may not be in the power or disposal or subject or liable to the House debts or engagements of the said Robert Sage her husband or any future husband if she should happen to have any, but entirely at her own vote and separate ….. and disposal and from and after the death of the said Ann Sage then upon Trust to permit and suffer the said Robert Sage his Executors, Administration and Assigner peaceably and quietly to have hold occupy possess and enjoy and to receive take and apply all the Rents House and Profits of the said messuage or tenement called ……… for and during all the then residue and remainder of my Term Estate and Interest therein he she or they keeping the said premises in good and sufficient repair and discharging all Rates Tax and Imposition in respect hereof and observing doing and performing all the covenants in the leave of said premises.  Also I give and bequeath unto Mary the daughter of the said Robert and Ann Sage six silver team spoons marked with letters GE, my silver tea tongs, best set of china, my china milk jug, my stand tea table and one of my Hand Waiters made of Oak.  Also I give and bequeath unto Ann the wife of Giles Bryant of Dunster aforesaid Butcher the sum of fifty pounds of lawful Money of England also my silver butter dish marked with TT and 1753 also one elbow mahogany chair and two single mahogany chairs with Horsehair bottoms.  Also I give and bequeath unto my cousin Grace Bishop (widow) of the Parish of (Stogurney?) ten pounds of lawful Money of England.  Also I give unto my cousin Mary Harris wife of John Harris of Lyddard Ten Pounds of lawful Money of England.  Also I give unto my cousin John Trill Servant to Alexander Fowles Luttrell, Clerk Ten Pounds of lawful Money of England.  Also I give unto Ann the daughter of Robert Siderfin herein before mentioned or unto Samuel Lovelace of the Parish of Minehead in the said County of Somerset, Yeoman, in Trust to and for the only proper use benefit and behalf of her the said Ann Siderfin her Executors, Administration and Assigns during her natural life all that Meadows situate called or known by the name of Witch Meadows situate lying and being in the Parish of Selworthy aforesaid and the part or parcel of the said Manor of Blackford.  That he the said Samuel Lovelace his Executor Administration and Assigns shall permit and suffer the said Ann Siderfin her Executor Administration and Assigns to receive and take all the rents and the profits of the said Meadows called Witch Meadows during her and their natural lives if my Estate and Interest therein shall so long continue and her and their receipts shall be proper and lawful discharged for the same she and they paying and discharging all Rates Taxes and Impositions which shall or may be laid charged or imposed on the said Meadows or Premises during all the said term of the lease belonging to the (tear in paper) or Premises.  Also I give and bequeath unto the said Ann Siderfin my blue bed with the curtains and valence and pillow thereun belonging one quilt, a pair of sheets, a pair of blankets and damask tablecloth marked with the letter T, six blue and white china plates, my large common prayer book and one other book entitled the Christian Defence by Charles Drelincourt, one little bible with a gilt ……., one small trunk covered with flowered silk, and one green bed rug and two silver tablespoons, one marked with the letter T and the other with the letter TT and GT and 1724 and one silver hilt case knife and fork.  Also I give and bequeath unto Mary the daughter of the aforesaid Robert Siderfin all those my several leasehold messuages or tenements with their apportunances commonly called or known by the names of Ham Mead, Pound Meadows and Oxenlears situate and being in Selworthy aforesaid and part and parcel of the Manor of Blackford aforesaid for and during her natural life her Executor Administration and Assigns if my Estate and Interest shall therein so long continue she and they paying and discharging all high rents rates taxes and impositions which shall be laid or charged on the said premises during the Term provided always and my true Intent and Meaning is and I do hereby declare my Will to be that in case the said Mary Siderfin shall happen to die having no child or children of her body lawfully begotten living at her death that then and in such case immediately from and after the death of the said Mary Siderfin I give and devise the said several messuages and tenements with their appurtenances called Pound Meadows, Oxenlears and Ham Mead unto Thomas Siderfin the youngest son of Robert Siderfin aforesaid (or unto the said Robert Siderfin in Trust to and for the only use benefit and ……… of his said son Thomas his Executive Administration and Assigns during all the then residue and remainder of several Term Estates and Interests therein respectively).  Also I give unto the said Mary Siderfin my silver pint cup marked with TT and 1753 and all the rest of my silver spoons not herein before given and all the rest of my books not herein before given.  Also I give Ann the wife of Giles Bryant of Dunster aforesaid Butcher my flowered silk damask pint coloured gown and one yellow with quilted petticoat.  Also I give unto Mary the wife of John Staddon of Dunster aforesaid Yeoman my most fashionable green silk gown which has been tuned and one black with quilted petticoat.  Also I give unto Ann the wife of Robert Sage of Selworthy aforesaid Yeoman my grey second mourning silk gown and one blue with quilted petticoat and also two pairs of stays.  Also I give unto the above Mary Siderfin my other green silk gown and one shaded silk quilted petticoat.  Also I give unto Elizabeth the daughter of Giles Bryant aforesaid one silver brooch marked with TTG 1684 and one spruce chest and my light coloured silk gown and two silver hilt case knives and forks and my striped silk quilted petticoat and my silver buckles.  Also I give unto Izoll Wybourn and Joan Wybourn of the Parish of Selworthy, Spinsters, the sum of Twenty Shillings each.  Also I give unto the said Mary Siderfin fifty pounds of lawful money of England and all the rest of my household goods and furniture and clothing now in Dunster not herein before given (except one silver tankard marked with the letters TTT and 1746 and one long tablecloth marked with the letters GT which I hereby give and bequeath unto my said Brother John Siderfin).  All the rest and residue of my Goods Chattels Lands and temporal Estate and Effects ready money and securities for money Rights and Credits whatsoever and wheresoever my Debts legacies and funeral expenses being first duly paid and discharged and wherewith those charges and ……… the same accordingly.  I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid John Siderfin his Executor Administration and Assigner and I do hereby make constitute and appoint the said John Siderfin to be the whole and sole and residuary legatee and Executor of this my last and legal Will and Testement and I do revoke all other and former Wills by me made and make and appoint this only to be my last Will and Testement and I do hereby order and direct all the legacies herein mentioned to be paid on one year next after my decease.  In witness thereof I the said Grace Escott to this my last Will and Testement contained in four sheets of paper to the first four sheets only subscribing my name and to the last sheet subscribing my name and affixing my seal on the sixth day of August in the Twenty Fourth year of the reign of King George the Third and in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Four.

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Grace Escott the
Testatrix to be her last and legal Will and Testement in the presence of
us and by us subscribed as Witness as thereto in her presence and at
her request and in the presence of each other all the interlinings and erasures
therein being first made.

Thos Escott
Hugh Matthews
Thos Markham

This is before the marriage of my Elizabeth Siderfin to John Rew (1792). Today I shall spend my not cleaning time looking for the source of this will copy. 

The Trill family lived close to Augustine Siderfin in Tivington near Selworthy. The families were well known to each other as the will of Thomas Trill was witnessed by John Siderfin. 

The day begins; tea is next.

I did find an item on the Somerset Archives. It refers to "Deeds and associated paper relating to land on Bircham Road, Alcombe, upon which the property of Briar Rose was built. 1701-1994. A/ECA/1" and under that set of documents there is a set referred to as "Also includes: 

Covenant between Grace Escott of Dunster, widow, and Thomas Escott of Sandhill, Withycombe, gent, concerning the leasing of two marshes (Pound Marsh and Lower Marsh) comprising 24a. in the parish of Dunster by Grace Escott to Thomas Escott for a term of 14 years, 21 Apr 1768

Release of a legacy left by the late Grace Escott of Dunster, widow, between John Siderfin, sole executor of Grace Escott, and Giles Bryant of Dunster, butcher, and Ann Bryant his wife, 24 Feb 1786.

Certified copy of a certificate of a contract for the redemption of Land Tax issued to John Siderfin of Selworthy, gent., in connection with Alcombe Overland (comprising 8a. and occupied by John Siderfin and Richard Parkin) in Dunster. Issued by John Francis Luttrell and John Lyddon, Esqs, two of the Commissioners of Land Tax for the hundred of Carhampton, 11 Dec 1798. Certified copy made 29 May 1925. With Land Tax Register Office certificate, 25 May 1799.

Declaration by William Stadden of Alcombe, Dunster, yeoman (age 74), regarding Robert Siderfin's estate called Turner's at Alcombe, 4 Jul 1845. Provides a history of the ownership of lands forming part of the estate, including reference to Great Langford Meadow, Hurstone, Upper Langford, the Drang and the New Marsh and reference to Grace Escott, a tenement once known as Turner's.

Legacy receipts and letters concerning two sums of £285 left by the will of the late Robert Siderfin of South Molton, Devon, (died 2 Oct 1859) to his daughters, Mary Frean and Amelia Hawks, 29 Dec 1859-5 Oct 1860. Refers also to Elizabeth Sanders, wife of James Hooper Sanders of South Molton, executor."

Elizabeth Sanders was executor of her father's will and likely had all of his papers of which it would appear the Will of Grace Escott was in his possession. These items form part of the Fonds for James Sanders Research held at the North West Devon Record Office. But at some point some one has sent me their transcription of Grace Escott's will (or I copied it when I was at Salt Lake City or the Allen County Public Library) as it is much more detailed than the will that James Sanders has placed into his published book on the Siderfin Family. I have searched all of my emails from 1995 to the present and have not located this text otherwise. Interesting really but I prefer to give credit to whomever sent me or actually did the fuller transcription. I could purchase the two wills from the Somerset Record Office but do not really have that great an interest in these two wills. What James Sanders put in his book is adequate for my uses. Since it does not give me more details on Knowle I will likely pass on this information but as James Sanders says "A curious will" and definitely it is. Why did a family that does not appear to be related to the Siderfin family pass their property onto this family. No ideas on that although they did not receive all of it; just a limited amount of the original property of Grace (Trill) Escott. Perhaps in the future someone might determine the relationship if any between the Trill family and the Siderfin family. For a short period of time I thought perhaps the Escott family was the connection as the sister of William 2 (John 1) Christian 2 Siderfin married George Escott 14 Jun 1542 at Luxborough. 

On to the cleaning with that sort of semi resolved. I will do a little more sleuthing but searching my emails is really the best that I can do to determine how I am now in possession of the fuller transcription other than copying it back in 2008/2009 when I was still too new to surname research or any research of that type and slipped up on noting the source..

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