Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Fruit of the earth

Yesterday I made macaroni and cheese for dinner but didn't have any carrots (I like to put grated carrot in as well as finely chopped peppers, onions, frozen peas and at the end spinach which I forgot to cut up a little but was still great and of course cheese!) so out to the back yard to the carrots we planted for the bunnies and I found twelve which could be grated (pretty small though) and that did it. The fruit of the earth is the best fruit of all and we are so lucky to have such a wealthy earth. 

 "A silk petticoat and two pairs of stays" published by a reporter in the West Somerset Free Press 5 Jul 2001. Just one small error the surname of Grace was Trill before her marriage to Thomas Escott not Tripp. But interesting and is it where I found the transcription. Probably not as she has just written up some of the bequests in Thomas' and Grace's wills. Basically she went through the inventory and then related how interesting items were passed to various people. I do not see a record of the name of the reporter. 

Interesting though that this couple was selected for a story line by one of the reporters for this newspaper. Still doesn't answer my question of where I obtained the transcription although I did write and did receive a number of emails from descendants of the Siderfin family when I first took on the Siderfin one-name study. That could have been the source although I have all of those emails but an attachment might not be included in the search mechanism on Pegasus as that was my earlier mail program. Although James Sanders version is just a little shorter than this other transcription some of the extras are interesting although not necessary as mentioned to the flow that I was looking for in terms of the Robert 4 Siderfin-Line (Robert 3, William 2 John 1). Will have to decide soon which copy I will include in the Revised and updated version.

Prayers for the victims of the earthquake in Morocco and the flooding in Libya. There are so many areas in the world suffering although this isn't following a military attack on these countries; it is natural disasters. Ukraine is often in my mind and the finding of parts of a downed drone inside the Romanian borders that had been used to bomb Ukraine is a serious mistake by Russia. Russia is trying to destabilize Eastern Europe. Can they not count. There are 3/4s of a billion people in Europe armed to the teeth now because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russia needs to pull back to the borders as established at the end of the Soviet Union. Russia needs to soften the anger against them; get out of Ukraine Russia. You have no right to be there. Russia has caused the re-armament of countries who need to defend themselves against the aggressive Nazis Putin and his enablers. It has been said that the Nazi Putin and his enablers have destroyed 270,000 tons of Ukrainian wheat and other produce. Who has the right to destroy the fruit of the earth? certainly not the Russians and they should be made to pay for destroying food.

Back to the Fifth Generation and make sure everything is properly footnoted and complete. I am moving steadily forward and still hope to have been all through the book by late September to early October. Then another proofreading and setting up the Creative Commons License and publication date in mid November perhaps. 

I did find a reference to an abstract for a Tamsin Siderfin widow Selworthy 1709 abstract of will and probate which was indexed by Sir Mervyn Medlycott on page 42 and it was James Sanders book! So a bit circular that research bit. But the spelling of the name was rather interesting as James Sanders spelled her name Thomasin. Curious thing that but still I can not find any reference other than those two and the one is a product of the other. The Reverend Frederick Brown does not appear to have that particular Siderfin abstract in his Abstracts of Somerset Wills but I will check again. I have both of these works on CD. 

Up at 6:00 and off to make my tea and first set of jumping jacks. Back to regular time once again; cleaning accomplished and the research and writing week begins. Must think about the Blake Newsletter; the last part of the guest article is in this issue.

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