Tuesday, September 26, 2023

I continue to be embarassed by the Conservative Party

Listening to the Leader of the Opposition speaking in the House. He has not apologized for being part of the standing ovation, did he know in advance that this individual was coming - he should have known. I would think that every party leader knows if anyone is going to be introduced at such an event. The speaker apparently is a law onto himself/herself with regard to such invitations and having them vetted. That should change; no one should be introduced in our parliament that has not been vetted by CSIS/RCMP/Provincial Police/Local police that isn't well known. Spontaneous, last of the minute, introductions are a mistake. The job of the current Prime Minister at this time is to introduce legislation to make sure there is never a repeat. I expect he is receiving calls from all over the world all day long and having to explain on behalf of all Canadians why such an event occurred. Plus our representative to the United Nations is speaking today and the Prime Minster would need to be close by in case some contact is needed there.

The Leader of the Opposition is not yet ready to be Prime Minister; he does not understand the job. It is a sad state for me as I prefer a fiscal Conservative government although I will give the Prime Minster credit. He has done a great job through COVID  and even before our recovery from a devastating term of government where the former Prime Minster, a conservative, attempted to save money by destroying our institutions. I will never vote for an economist again; should have known better. I took Economics 20 and that lecturer did not understand how to get the slope of a line (rise over the run). Mind you he was facing a room full of second and third year science and engineering students so will give him a little break. I wait for a good candidate for the Conservative Party of Canada.  

In the meantime, the economy under inflation is more a result of world conditions than anything in Canada particularly. Our GDP is huge compared to when he came into office. Would I vote for him again? I would really like a fiscal conservative to tidy up the spending but that does appear to be happening. I can not agree with his Liberal policies in general but the specific ones that concern me he is doing not too badly. So hard to believe, I will likely vote Liberal once again. 

Where are the Brian Mulroney clones when we need them. The GST was the best initiative ever presented in our parliament in terms of funding the government and making it more efficient. I still think it should go back up to 7% or even 10%. Plus the government taking it off of new rental building construction has resulted in the builders creating new building projects in Canada - another bargaining chip that works very well for us.

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